blob: 90fbde1da50ae26061414c8b61ebb3d4f35d53bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/views/test/widget_test.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#if defined(USE_AURA)
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
namespace views {
namespace test {
namespace {
// Insert |widget| into |expected| and ensure it's reported by GetAllWidgets().
void ExpectAdd(Widget::Widgets* expected, Widget* widget, const char* message) {
Widget::Widgets actual = WidgetTest::GetAllWidgets();
EXPECT_EQ(expected->size(), actual.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(std::equal(expected->begin(), expected->end(), actual.begin()));
// Close |widgets[0]|, and expect all |widgets| to be removed.
void ExpectClose(Widget::Widgets* expected,
std::vector<Widget*> widgets,
const char* message) {
for (Widget* widget : widgets)
EXPECT_EQ(1u, expected->erase(widget));
Widget::Widgets actual = WidgetTest::GetAllWidgets();
EXPECT_EQ(expected->size(), actual.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(std::equal(expected->begin(), expected->end(), actual.begin()));
} // namespace
using WidgetTestTest = WidgetTest;
// Ensure that Widgets with various root windows are correctly reported by
// WidgetTest::GetAllWidgets().
TEST_F(WidgetTestTest, GetAllWidgets) {
// TODO: this test transitively uses GetContext(). That should go away for
// aura-mus client.
if (IsMus())
// Note Widget::Widgets is a std::set ordered by pointer value, so the order
// that |expected| is updated below is not important.
Widget::Widgets expected;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, GetAllWidgets());
Widget* platform = CreateTopLevelPlatformWidget();
ExpectAdd(&expected, platform, "platform");
Widget* platform_child = CreateChildPlatformWidget(platform->GetNativeView());
ExpectAdd(&expected, platform_child, "platform_child");
Widget* frameless = CreateTopLevelFramelessPlatformWidget();
ExpectAdd(&expected, frameless, "frameless");
Widget* native = CreateTopLevelNativeWidget();
ExpectAdd(&expected, native, "native");
Widget* native_child = CreateChildNativeWidgetWithParent(native);
ExpectAdd(&expected, native_child, "native_child");
Widget* desktop = CreateNativeDesktopWidget();
ExpectAdd(&expected, desktop, "desktop");
Widget* desktop_child = CreateChildNativeWidgetWithParent(desktop);
ExpectAdd(&expected, desktop_child, "desktop_child");
#if defined(USE_AURA)
// A DesktopWindowTreeHost has both a root aura::Window and a content window.
// DesktopWindowTreeHostX11::GetAllOpenWindows() returns content windows, so
// ensure that a Widget parented to the root window is also found.
Widget* desktop_cousin =
ExpectAdd(&expected, desktop_cousin, "desktop_cousin");
ExpectClose(&expected, {desktop_cousin}, "desktop_cousin");
#endif // USE_AURA
ExpectClose(&expected, {desktop, desktop_child}, "desktop");
ExpectClose(&expected, {native, native_child}, "native");
ExpectClose(&expected, {platform, platform_child}, "platform");
ExpectClose(&expected, {frameless}, "frameless");
} // namespace views
} // namespace test