Life of a Navigation

Navigation is one of the main functions of a browser. It is the process through which the user loads documents. This documentation traces the life of a navigation from the time a URL is typed in the URL bar to the time the web page is completely loaded.


Once a URL is typed, the first step of a navigation is to execute the beforeunload event handler of the previous document, if a document is already loaded. This allows the previous document to prompt the user whether they want to leave, to avoid losing any unsaved data. In this case, the user can cancel the navigation and no more work will be performed.

Network Request and Response

If there is no beforeunload handler registered, or the user agrees to proceed, the next step is making a network request to the specified URL to retrieve the contents of the document to be rendered. Assuming no network error is encountered (e.g. DNS resolution error, socket connection timeout, etc.), the server will respond with data, with the response headers coming first. The parsed headers give enough information to determine what needs to be done next.

The HTTP response code allows the browser process to know whether one of the following conditions has occurred:

  • A successful response follows (2xx)
  • A redirect has been encountered (response 3xx)
  • An HTTP level error has occurred (response 4xx, 5xx)

There are two cases where a navigation network request can complete without resulting in a new document being rendered. The first one is HTTP response code 204 or 205, which tells the browser that the response was successful, but there is no content that follows, and therefore the current document must remain active. The other case is when the server responds with a header indicating that the response must be treated as a download. All the data is read by the browser and then saved to the local filesystem.

If the server responds with a redirect, the network stack makes another request based on the HTTP response code and the Location header. The browser continues following redirects until either an error or a successful response is encountered.

Once there are no more redirects, if the response is not a 204/205 or a download, the network stack reads a small chunk of the actual response data that the server has sent. By default this is used to perform MIME type sniffing, to determine what type of response the server has sent. This sniffing behavior can be suppressed by sending a “X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff” header as part of the response headers.


At this point the response is passed from the network stack to the browser process to be used for rendering a new document. The browser process selects an appropriate renderer process for the new document based on the origin and headers of the response as well as the current process model and isolation policy. It then sends the response to the chosen process, waiting for it to create the document and send an acknowledgement. This acknowledgement from the renderer process marks the commit time, when the browser process changes its security state to reflect the new document and creates a session history entry for the previous document.

As part of creating the new document, the old document needs to be unloaded. In navigations that stay in the same renderer process, the old document is unloaded by Blink before the new document is created, including running any registered unload handlers. In the case of a navigation that goes cross-process, any unload handlers are executed in the previous document’s process concurrently with the creation of the new document in the new process.

Once the creation of the new document is complete and the browser process receives the commit message from the renderer process, the navigation is complete.


Even once navigation is complete, the user doesn't actually see the new page yet. Most people use the word navigation to describe the act of moving from one page to another, but in Chromium we separate that process into two phases. So far we have described the navigation phase; once the navigation has been committed, the process moves into the loading phase. Loading consists of reading the remaining response data from the server, parsing it, rendering the document so it is visible to the user, executing any script accompanying it, and loading any subresources specified by the document.

The main reason for splitting into these two phases is that errors are treated differently before and after a navigation commits. Consider the case where the server responds with an HTTP error code. When this happens, the browser still commits a new document, but that document is an error page. The error page is either generated based on the HTTP response code or read as the response data from the server. On the other hand, if a successful navigation has committed a real document and has moved to the loading phase, it is still possible to encounter an error, for example a network connection can be terminated or times out. In that case the browser displays as much of the new document as it can, without showing an error page.


Chromium exposes the various stages of navigation and document loading through methods on the WebContentsObserver interface.


  • DidStartNavigation - invoked after executing the beforeunload event handler and before making the initial network request.
  • DidRedirectNavigation - invoked every time a server redirect is encountered.
  • ReadyToCommitNavigation - invoked at the time the browser process has determined that it will commit the navigation and has picked a renderer process for it, but before it has sent it to the renderer process. It is not invoked for same-document navigations.
  • DidFinishNavigation - invoked once the navigation has committed. The commit can be either an error page if the server responded with an error code or a successful document.


  • DidStartLoading - invoked once per WebContents, when a navigation is about to start, after executing the beforeunload handler. This is equivalent to the browser UI starting to show a spinner or other visual indicator for navigation and is invoked before the DidStartNavigation method for the navigation.
  • DOMContentLoaded - invoked per RenderFrameHost, when the document itself has completed loading, but before subresources may have completed loading.
  • DidFinishLoad - invoked per RenderFrameHost, when the document and all of its subresources have finished loading.
  • DidStopLoading - invoked once per WebContents, when the top-level document, all of its subresources, all subframes, and their subresources have completed loading. This is equivalent to the browser UI stop showing a spinner or other visual indicator for navigation and loading.
  • DidFailLoad - invoked per RenderFrameHost, when the document load failed, for example due to network connection termination before reading all of the response data.

Same-Document and Cross-Document Navigations

Chromium defines two types of navigations based on whether the navigation results in a new document or not. A cross-document navigation is one that results in creating a new document to replace an existing document. This is the type of navigation that most users are familiar with. A same-document navigation does not create a new document, but rather keeps the same document and changes state associated with it. A same-document navigation does create a new session history entry, even though the same document remains active. This can be the result of one of the following cases:

  • Navigating to a fragment within an existing document (e.g.
  • A document calling the history.pushState() or history.replaceState() APIs
  • A session history navigation, such as going back/forward, to an existing entry for the same document.

Browser-Initiated and Renderer-Initiated Navigations

Chromium also defines two types of navigations based on which process started the navigation: browser-initiated and renderer-initiated. This distinction is useful when making decisions about navigations, for example whether an ongoing navigation needs to be cancelled or not when a new navigation is starting. It is also used for some security decisions, such as whether to display the target URL of the navigation in the URL bar or not. Browser-initiated navigations are more trustworthy, as they are usually in response to a user interaction with the UI of the browser. Renderer-initiated navigations originate in the renderer process, which may be under the control of an attacker.