blob: 4945bb4c246282e283c75678725a4b680a1c70eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_store.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_util.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/db/util.h"
class GURL;
namespace safe_browsing {
class PrefixSet;
class SafeBrowsingDatabase;
// Factory for creating SafeBrowsingDatabase. Tests implement this factory
// to create fake Databases for testing.
class SafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory {
SafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory() { }
virtual ~SafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory() { }
virtual std::unique_ptr<SafeBrowsingDatabase> CreateSafeBrowsingDatabase(
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& db_task_runner,
bool enable_download_protection,
bool enable_client_side_whitelist,
bool enable_download_whitelist,
bool enable_extension_blacklist,
bool enable_ip_blacklist,
bool enable_unwanted_software_list) = 0;
// Encapsulates on-disk databases that for safebrowsing. There are
// four databases: browse, download, download whitelist and
// client-side detection (csd) whitelist databases. The browse database contains
// information about phishing and malware urls. The download database contains
// URLs for bad binaries (e.g: those containing virus) and hash of
// these downloaded contents. The download whitelist contains whitelisted
// download hosting sites as well as whitelisted binary signing certificates
// etc. The csd whitelist database contains URLs that will never be considered
// as phishing by the client-side phishing detection. These on-disk databases
// are shared among all profiles, as it doesn't contain user-specific data. This
// object is not thread-safe, i.e. all its methods should be used on the same
// thread that it was created on, unless specified otherwise.
class SafeBrowsingDatabase {
// Factory method for obtaining a SafeBrowsingDatabase implementation.
// It is not thread safe.
// The browse list and off-domain inclusion whitelist are always on;
// availability of other lists is controlled by the flags on this method.
static std::unique_ptr<SafeBrowsingDatabase> Create(
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& db_task_runner,
bool enable_download_protection,
bool enable_client_side_whitelist,
bool enable_download_whitelist,
bool enable_extension_blacklist,
bool enable_ip_blacklist,
bool enable_unwanted_software_list);
// Makes the passed |factory| the factory used to instantiate
// a SafeBrowsingDatabase. This is used for tests.
static void RegisterFactory(SafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory* factory) {
factory_ = factory;
virtual ~SafeBrowsingDatabase();
// Initializes the database with the given filename.
virtual void Init(const base::FilePath& filename) = 0;
// Deletes the current database and creates a new one.
virtual bool ResetDatabase() = 0;
// Returns false if |url| is not in the browse database or already was cached
// as a miss. If it returns true, |prefix_hits| contains sorted unique
// matching hash prefixes which had no cached results and |cache_hits|
// contains any matching cached gethash results. This function is safe to
// call from any thread.
virtual bool ContainsBrowseUrl(
const GURL& url,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* cache_hits) = 0;
// Returns false if none of the hashes in |full_hashes| are in the browse
// database or all were already cached as a miss. If it returns true,
// |prefix_hits| contains sorted unique matching hash prefixes which had no
// cached results and |cache_hits| contains any matching cached gethash
// results. This function is safe to call from any thread.
virtual bool ContainsBrowseHashes(
const std::vector<SBFullHash>& full_hashes,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* cache_hits) = 0;
// Returns true iff the given url is on the unwanted software blacklist.
// Returns false if |url| is not in the browse database or already was cached
// as a miss. If it returns true, |prefix_hits| contains sorted unique
// matching hash prefixes which had no cached results and |cache_hits|
// contains any matching cached gethash results. This function is safe to
// call from any thread.
virtual bool ContainsUnwantedSoftwareUrl(
const GURL& url,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* cache_hits) = 0;
// Returns true iff any of the given hashes are on the unwanted software
// blacklist.
// Returns false if none of the hashes in |full_hashes| are in the browse
// database or all were already cached as a miss. If it returns true,
// |prefix_hits| contains sorted unique matching hash prefixes which had no
// cached results and |cache_hits| contains any matching cached gethash
// results. This function is safe to call from any thread.
virtual bool ContainsUnwantedSoftwareHashes(
const std::vector<SBFullHash>& full_hashes,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* cache_hits) = 0;
// Returns false if none of |prefixes| are in Download database. If it returns
// true, |prefix_hits| should contain the prefixes for the URLs that were in
// the database. This function can ONLY be accessed from creation thread.
virtual bool ContainsDownloadUrlPrefixes(
const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits) = 0;
// Returns false if |url| is not on the client-side phishing detection
// whitelist. Otherwise, this function returns true. Note: the whitelist
// only contains full-length hashes so we don't return any prefix hit. This
// function is safe to call from any thread.
virtual bool ContainsCsdWhitelistedUrl(const GURL& url) = 0;
// The download whitelist is used for two purposes: a white-domain list of
// sites that are considered to host only harmless binaries as well as a
// whitelist of arbitrary strings such as hashed certificate authorities that
// are considered to be trusted. The two methods below let you lookup the
// whitelist either for a URL or an arbitrary string. These methods will
// return false if no match is found and true otherwise. This function is safe
// to call from any thread.
virtual bool ContainsDownloadWhitelistedUrl(const GURL& url) = 0;
virtual bool ContainsDownloadWhitelistedString(const std::string& str) = 0;
// Populates |prefix_hits| with any prefixes in |prefixes| that have matches
// in the database, returning true if there were any matches.
// This function can ONLY be accessed from the creation thread.
virtual bool ContainsExtensionPrefixes(
const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits) = 0;
// Returns true iff the given IP is currently on the csd malware IP blacklist.
// This function is safe to call from any thread.
virtual bool ContainsMalwareIP(const std::string& ip_address) = 0;
// Populates |prefix_hits| with any prefixes in |prefixes| that have matches
// in the database. Returns true iff there were any matches.
// This function can ONLY by accessed from the creation thread.
virtual bool ContainsResourceUrlPrefixes(
const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits) = 0;
// A database transaction should look like:
// std::vector<SBListChunkRanges> lists;
// if (db.UpdateStarted(&lists)) {
// // Do something with |lists|.
// // Process add/sub commands.
// db.InsertChunks(list_name, chunks);
// // Process adddel/subdel commands.
// db.DeleteChunks(chunks_deletes);
// // If passed true, processes the collected chunk info and
// // rebuilds the filter. If passed false, rolls everything
// // back.
// db.UpdateFinished(success);
// }
// If UpdateStarted() returns true, the caller MUST eventually call
// UpdateFinished(). If it returns false, the caller MUST NOT call
// the other functions.
virtual bool UpdateStarted(std::vector<SBListChunkRanges>* lists) = 0;
virtual void InsertChunks(
const std::string& list_name,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SBChunkData>>& chunks) = 0;
virtual void DeleteChunks(
const std::vector<SBChunkDelete>& chunk_deletes) = 0;
virtual void UpdateFinished(bool update_succeeded) = 0;
// Store the results of a GetHash response. In the case of empty results, we
// cache the prefixes until the next update so that we don't have to issue
// further GetHash requests we know will be empty. This function is safe to
// call from any thread.
virtual void CacheHashResults(
const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes,
const std::vector<SBFullHashResult>& full_hits,
const base::TimeDelta& cache_lifetime) = 0;
// The name of the bloom-filter file for the given database file.
// NOTE(shess): OBSOLETE. Present for deleting stale files.
static base::FilePath BloomFilterForFilename(
const base::FilePath& db_filename);
// The name of the prefix set file for the given database file.
static base::FilePath PrefixSetForFilename(const base::FilePath& db_filename);
// Filename for malware and phishing URL database.
static base::FilePath BrowseDBFilename(
const base::FilePath& db_base_filename);
// Filename for download URL and download binary hash database.
static base::FilePath DownloadDBFilename(
const base::FilePath& db_base_filename);
// Filename for client-side phishing detection whitelist databsae.
static base::FilePath CsdWhitelistDBFilename(
const base::FilePath& csd_whitelist_base_filename);
// Filename for download whitelist databsae.
static base::FilePath DownloadWhitelistDBFilename(
const base::FilePath& download_whitelist_base_filename);
// Filename for extension blacklist database.
static base::FilePath ExtensionBlacklistDBFilename(
const base::FilePath& extension_blacklist_base_filename);
// Filename for the csd malware IP blacklist database.
static base::FilePath IpBlacklistDBFilename(
const base::FilePath& ip_blacklist_base_filename);
// Filename for the unwanted software blacklist database.
static base::FilePath UnwantedSoftwareDBFilename(
const base::FilePath& db_filename);
// Filename for the resource blacklist database.
static base::FilePath ResourceBlacklistDBFilename(
const base::FilePath& db_filename);
// Get the prefixes matching the download |urls|.
static void GetDownloadUrlPrefixes(const std::vector<GURL>& urls,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefixes);
// SafeBrowsing Database failure types for histogramming purposes. Explicitly
// label new values and do not re-use old values. Also make sure to reflect
// modifications made below in the SB2DatabaseFailure histogram enum.
enum FailureType {
// Memory space for histograms is determined by the max. ALWAYS
static void RecordFailure(FailureType failure_type);
// The factory used to instantiate a SafeBrowsingDatabase object.
// Useful for tests, so they can provide their own implementation of
// SafeBrowsingDatabase.
static SafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory* factory_;
class SafeBrowsingDatabaseNew : public SafeBrowsingDatabase {
// Create a database with the stores below. Takes ownership of all store
// objects handed to this constructor. Ignores all future operations on lists
// for which the store is initialized to NULL.
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& db_task_runner,
SafeBrowsingStore* browse_store,
SafeBrowsingStore* download_store,
SafeBrowsingStore* csd_whitelist_store,
SafeBrowsingStore* download_whitelist_store,
SafeBrowsingStore* extension_blacklist_store,
SafeBrowsingStore* ip_blacklist_store,
SafeBrowsingStore* unwanted_software_store,
SafeBrowsingStore* resource_blacklist_store);
~SafeBrowsingDatabaseNew() override;
// Implement SafeBrowsingDatabase interface.
void Init(const base::FilePath& filename) override;
bool ResetDatabase() override;
bool ContainsBrowseUrl(const GURL& url,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* cache_hits) override;
bool ContainsBrowseHashes(const std::vector<SBFullHash>& full_hashes,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* cache_hits) override;
bool ContainsUnwantedSoftwareUrl(
const GURL& url,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* cache_hits) override;
bool ContainsUnwantedSoftwareHashes(
const std::vector<SBFullHash>& full_hashes,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* cache_hits) override;
bool ContainsDownloadUrlPrefixes(const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits) override;
bool ContainsCsdWhitelistedUrl(const GURL& url) override;
bool ContainsDownloadWhitelistedUrl(const GURL& url) override;
bool ContainsDownloadWhitelistedString(const std::string& str) override;
bool ContainsExtensionPrefixes(const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits) override;
bool ContainsMalwareIP(const std::string& ip_address) override;
bool ContainsResourceUrlPrefixes(const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits) override;
bool UpdateStarted(std::vector<SBListChunkRanges>* lists) override;
void InsertChunks(
const std::string& list_name,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SBChunkData>>& chunks) override;
void DeleteChunks(const std::vector<SBChunkDelete>& chunk_deletes) override;
void UpdateFinished(bool update_succeeded) override;
void CacheHashResults(const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes,
const std::vector<SBFullHashResult>& full_hits,
const base::TimeDelta& cache_lifetime) override;
friend class SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest, HashCaching);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest, CachedFullMiss);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest, CachedPrefixHitFullMiss);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest, BrowseFullHashMatching);
// A SafeBrowsing whitelist contains a list of whitelisted full-hashes (stored
// in a sorted vector) as well as a boolean flag indicating whether all
// lookups in the whitelist should be considered matches for safety.
typedef std::pair<std::vector<SBFullHash>, bool> SBWhitelist;
// This map holds a csd malware IP blacklist which maps a prefix mask
// to a set of hashed blacklisted IP prefixes. Each IP prefix is a hashed
// IPv6 IP prefix using SHA-1.
typedef std::map<std::string, base::hash_set<std::string> > IPBlacklist;
typedef std::map<SBPrefix, SBCachedFullHashResult> PrefixGetHashCache;
// The ThreadSafeStateManager holds the SafeBrowsingDatabase's state which
// must be accessed in a thread-safe fashion. It must be constructed on the
// SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager's main thread. The main thread will then be the
// only thread on which this state can be modified; allowing for unlocked
// reads on the main thread and thus avoiding contention while performing
// intensive operations such as writing that state to disk. The state can only
// be accessed via (Read|Write)Transactions obtained through this class which
// will automatically handle thread-safety.
class ThreadSafeStateManager {
// Identifiers for stores held by the ThreadSafeStateManager. Allows helper
// methods to start a transaction themselves and keep it as short as
// possible rather than force callers to start the transaction early to pass
// a store pointer to the said helper methods.
enum class SBWhitelistId {
enum class PrefixSetId {
// Obtained through BeginReadTransaction(NoLockOnMainTaskRunner)?(): a
// ReadTransaction allows read-only observations of the
// ThreadSafeStateManager's state. The |prefix_gethash_cache_| has a special
// allowance to be writable from a ReadTransaction but can't benefit from
// unlocked ReadTransactions. ReadTransaction should be held for the
// shortest amount of time possible (e.g., release it before computing final
// results if possible).
class ReadTransaction;
// Obtained through BeginWriteTransaction(): a WriteTransaction allows
// modification of the ThreadSafeStateManager's state. It should be used for
// the shortest amount of time possible (e.g., pre-compute the new state
// before grabbing a WriteTransaction to swap it in atomically).
class WriteTransaction;
explicit ThreadSafeStateManager(
const scoped_refptr<const base::SequencedTaskRunner>& db_task_runner);
std::unique_ptr<ReadTransaction> BeginReadTransaction();
std::unique_ptr<WriteTransaction> BeginWriteTransaction();
// The sequenced task runner for this object, used to verify that its state
// is only ever accessed from the runner.
scoped_refptr<const base::SequencedTaskRunner> db_task_runner_;
// Lock for protecting access to this class' state.
mutable base::Lock lock_;
SBWhitelist csd_whitelist_;
SBWhitelist download_whitelist_;
SBWhitelist inclusion_whitelist_;
// The IP blacklist should be small. At most a couple hundred IPs.
IPBlacklist ip_blacklist_;
// PrefixSets to speed up lookups for particularly large lists. The
// PrefixSet themselves are never modified, instead a new one is swapped in
// on update.
std::unique_ptr<const PrefixSet> browse_prefix_set_;
std::unique_ptr<const PrefixSet> unwanted_software_prefix_set_;
// Cache of gethash results for prefix stores. Entries should not be used if
// they are older than their expire_after field. Cached misses will have
// empty full_hashes field. Cleared on each update. The cache is "mutable"
// as it can be written to from any transaction holding the lock, including
// ReadTransactions.
mutable PrefixGetHashCache prefix_gethash_cache_;
// Forward the above inner-definitions to alleviate some verbosity in the
// impl.
using SBWhitelistId = ThreadSafeStateManager::SBWhitelistId;
using PrefixSetId = ThreadSafeStateManager::PrefixSetId;
using ReadTransaction = ThreadSafeStateManager::ReadTransaction;
using WriteTransaction = ThreadSafeStateManager::WriteTransaction;
// Manages the non-thread safe (i.e. only to be accessed to the database's
// main thread) state of this class.
class DatabaseStateManager {
explicit DatabaseStateManager(
const scoped_refptr<const base::SequencedTaskRunner>& db_task_runner);
void init_filename_base(const base::FilePath& filename_base) {
DCHECK(filename_base_.empty()) << "filename already initialized";
filename_base_ = filename_base;
const base::FilePath& filename_base() {
return filename_base_;
void set_corruption_detected() {
corruption_detected_ = true;
void reset_corruption_detected() {
corruption_detected_ = false;
bool corruption_detected() {
return corruption_detected_;
void set_change_detected() {
change_detected_ = true;
void reset_change_detected() {
change_detected_ = false;
bool change_detected() {
return change_detected_;
// The sequenced task runner for this object, used to verify that its state
// is only ever accessed from the runner.
scoped_refptr<const base::SequencedTaskRunner> db_task_runner_;
// The base filename passed to Init(), used to generate the store and prefix
// set filenames used to store data on disk.
base::FilePath filename_base_;
// Set if corruption is detected during the course of an update.
// Causes the update functions to fail with no side effects, until
// the next call to |UpdateStarted()|.
bool corruption_detected_;
// Set to true if any chunks are added or deleted during an update.
// Used to optimize away database update.
bool change_detected_;
bool PrefixSetContainsUrl(const GURL& url,
PrefixSetId prefix_set_id,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* cache_hits);
bool PrefixSetContainsUrlHashes(const std::vector<SBFullHash>& full_hashes,
PrefixSetId prefix_set_id,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* cache_hits);
// Returns true if the whitelist is disabled or if any of the given hashes
// matches the whitelist.
bool ContainsWhitelistedHashes(SBWhitelistId whitelist_id,
const std::vector<SBFullHash>& hashes);
// Return the store matching |list_id|.
SafeBrowsingStore* GetStore(int list_id);
// Deletes the files on disk.
bool Delete();
// Load the prefix set in "|db_filename| Prefix Set" off disk, if available,
// and stores it in the PrefixSet identified by |prefix_set_id|.
// |read_failure_type| provides a caller-specific error code to be used on
// failure. This method should only ever be called during initialization as
// it performs some disk IO while holding a transaction (for the sake of
// avoiding uncessary back-and-forth interactions with the lock during
// Init()).
void LoadPrefixSet(const base::FilePath& db_filename,
ThreadSafeStateManager::WriteTransaction* txn,
PrefixSetId prefix_set_id,
FailureType read_failure_type);
// Writes the current prefix set "|db_filename| Prefix Set" on disk.
// |write_failure_type| provides a caller-specific error code to be used on
// failure.
void WritePrefixSet(const base::FilePath& db_filename,
PrefixSetId prefix_set_id,
FailureType write_failure_type);
// Loads the given full-length hashes to the given whitelist. If the number
// of hashes is too large or if the kill switch URL is on the whitelist
// we will whitelist everything.
void LoadWhitelist(const std::vector<SBAddFullHash>& full_hashes,
SBWhitelistId whitelist_id);
// Parses the IP blacklist from the given full-length hashes.
void LoadIpBlacklist(const std::vector<SBAddFullHash>& full_hashes);
// Helpers for handling database corruption.
// |OnHandleCorruptDatabase()| runs |ResetDatabase()| and sets
// |corruption_detected_|, |HandleCorruptDatabase()| posts
// |OnHandleCorruptDatabase()| to the current thread, to be run
// after the current task completes.
// TODO(shess): Wire things up to entirely abort the update
// transaction when this happens.
void HandleCorruptDatabase();
void OnHandleCorruptDatabase();
// Helpers for InsertChunks().
void InsertAddChunk(SafeBrowsingStore* store,
ListType list_id,
const SBChunkData& chunk);
void InsertSubChunk(SafeBrowsingStore* store,
ListType list_id,
const SBChunkData& chunk);
// Updates the |store| and stores the result on disk under |store_filename|.
void UpdateHashPrefixStore(const base::FilePath& store_filename,
SafeBrowsingStore* store,
FailureType failure_type);
// Updates a PrefixStore store for URLs (|url_store|) which is backed on disk
// by a "|db_filename| Prefix Set" file. Specific failure types are provided
// to highlight the specific store who made the initial request on failure.
// |store_full_hashes_in_prefix_set| dictates whether full_hashes from the
// |url_store| should be cached in the |prefix_set| as well.
void UpdatePrefixSetUrlStore(const base::FilePath& db_filename,
SafeBrowsingStore* url_store,
PrefixSetId prefix_set_id,
FailureType finish_failure_type,
FailureType write_failure_type,
bool store_full_hashes_in_prefix_set);
void UpdateUrlStore(SafeBrowsingStore* url_store,
PrefixSetId prefix_set_id,
FailureType failure_type);
void UpdateWhitelistStore(const base::FilePath& store_filename,
SafeBrowsingStore* store,
SBWhitelistId whitelist_id);
void UpdateIpBlacklistStore();
// Returns a raw pointer to ThreadSafeStateManager's PrefixGetHashCache for
// testing. This should only be used in unit tests (where multi-threading and
// synchronization are not problematic).
PrefixGetHashCache* GetUnsynchronizedPrefixGetHashCacheForTesting();
// Records a file size histogram for the database or PrefixSet backed by
// |filename|.
void RecordFileSizeHistogram(const base::FilePath& file_path);
// The sequenced task runner for this object, used to verify that its state
// is only ever accessed from the runner and post some tasks to it.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> db_task_runner_;
ThreadSafeStateManager state_manager_;
DatabaseStateManager db_state_manager_;
// Underlying persistent stores for chunk data:
// - |browse_store_|: For browsing related (phishing and malware URLs)
// chunks and prefixes.
// - |download_store_|: For download related (download URL and binary hash)
// chunks and prefixes.
// - |csd_whitelist_store_|: For the client-side phishing detection
// whitelist chunks and full-length hashes. This list only contains 256
// bit hashes.
// - |download_whitelist_store_|: For the download whitelist chunks and
// full-length hashes. This list only contains 256 bit hashes.
// - |extension_blacklist_store_|: For extension IDs.
// - |ip_blacklist_store_|: For IP blacklist.
// - |unwanted_software_store_|: For unwanted software list (format
// identical to browsing lists).
// - |resource_blacklist_store_|: For script resource list (format identical
// to browsing lists).
// The stores themselves will be modified throughout the existence of this
// database, but shouldn't ever be swapped out (hence the const
// std::unique_ptr -- which could be swapped for C++11's std::optional when
// that's available). They are NonThreadSafe and should thus only be accessed
// on the database's main thread as enforced by SafeBrowsingStoreFile's
// implementation.
const std::unique_ptr<SafeBrowsingStore> browse_store_;
const std::unique_ptr<SafeBrowsingStore> download_store_;
const std::unique_ptr<SafeBrowsingStore> csd_whitelist_store_;
const std::unique_ptr<SafeBrowsingStore> download_whitelist_store_;
const std::unique_ptr<SafeBrowsingStore> extension_blacklist_store_;
const std::unique_ptr<SafeBrowsingStore> ip_blacklist_store_;
const std::unique_ptr<SafeBrowsingStore> unwanted_software_store_;
const std::unique_ptr<SafeBrowsingStore> resource_blacklist_store_;
// Used to schedule resetting the database because of corruption. This factory
// and the WeakPtrs it issues should only be used on the database's main
// thread.
base::WeakPtrFactory<SafeBrowsingDatabaseNew> reset_factory_;
} // namespace safe_browsing