blob: 414250de79a841541189318ebc54085888f13fb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "fuchsia/fidl/chromium/cast/cpp/fidl.h"
#include "fuchsia/runners/cast/named_message_port_connector.h"
// Handles the injection of bindings into pages'
// scripting context, and establishes a bidirectional message pipe over
// which the two communicate.
class CastChannelBindings {
// Attaches CastChannel bindings and port to a |frame|.
// |frame|: The frame to be provided with a CastChannel.
// |connector|: The NamedMessagePortConnector to use for establishing
// transport.
// |on_error_closure|: Invoked in the event of an unrecoverable error (e.g.
// lost connection to the Agent). The callback must
// remain valid for the entire lifetime of |this|.
// |channel_consumer|: A FIDL service which receives opened Cast Channels.
// Both |frame| and |connector| must outlive |this|.
CastChannelBindings(fuchsia::web::Frame* frame,
NamedMessagePortConnector* connector,
chromium::cast::CastChannelPtr channel_consumer,
base::OnceClosure on_error_closure);
// Receives a port used for receiving new Cast Channel ports.
void OnMasterPortReceived(
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::web::MessagePort> port);
// Receives a message containing a newly opened Cast Channel from
// |master_port_|.
void OnCastChannelMessageReceived(fuchsia::web::WebMessage message);
// Indicates that |channel_consumer_| is ready to take another port.
void OnConsumerReadyForPort();
// Sends or enqueues a Cast Channel for sending to |channel_consumer_|.
void SendChannelToConsumer(fuchsia::web::MessagePortPtr channel);
// Handles error conditions on |master_port_|.
void OnMasterPortError();
fuchsia::web::Frame* const frame_;
NamedMessagePortConnector* const connector_;
// A queue of channels waiting to be sent the Cast Channel FIDL service.
base::circular_deque<fuchsia::web::MessagePortPtr> connected_channel_queue_;
// A long-lived port, used to receive new Cast Channel ports when they are
// opened. Should be automatically populated by the
// NamedMessagePortConnector whenever |frame| loads a new page.
fuchsia::web::MessagePortPtr master_port_;
fuchsia::mem::Buffer bindings_script_;
base::OnceClosure on_error_closure_;
// The service which will receive connected Cast Channels.
chromium::cast::CastChannelPtr channel_consumer_;
// If set, indicates that |channel_consumer_| is ready to accept another Cast
// Channel.
bool consumer_ready_for_port_ = true;