blob: 03643fd11c620a09d73039f3ea4d00fa40751de7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_loader_throttle.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/resource_request.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
class TickClock;
} // namespace base
namespace subresource_filter {
class DeferCondition;
// This class delays ad requests satisfying certain conditions.
// - The ad is insecure (e.g. uses http).
// TODO(csharrison): Add delays for when the request is in a same-origin iframe.
class AdDelayThrottle : public content::URLLoaderThrottle {
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kDefaultDelay =
class MetadataProvider {
virtual ~MetadataProvider() {}
virtual bool IsAdRequest() = 0;
// Whether the request is taking place in a non-isolated (e.g. same-domain)
// iframe. Should default to false if the isolation status is unknown.
virtual bool RequestIsInNonIsolatedSubframe() = 0;
// Mainly used for caching values that we don't want to compute for every
// resource request.
class Factory {
std::unique_ptr<AdDelayThrottle> MaybeCreate(
std::unique_ptr<MetadataProvider> provider) const;
base::TimeDelta insecure_delay() const { return insecure_delay_; }
base::TimeDelta non_isolated_delay() const { return non_isolated_delay_; }
bool delay_enabled() const { return delay_enabled_; }
const bool delay_enabled_ = false;
const base::TimeDelta insecure_delay_;
const base::TimeDelta non_isolated_delay_;
// This enum backs a histogram. Make sure to only append elements, and update
// enums.xml with new values.
enum class SecureInfo {
// Ad that was loaded securely (e.g. using https).
kSecureAd = 0,
// Ad that was loaded insecurely (e.g. at least one request through http).
kInsecureAd = 1,
kSecureNonAd = 2,
kInsecureNonAd = 3,
// Add new elements above kLast.
kMaxValue = kInsecureNonAd
// This enum backs a histogram. Make sure to only append elements, and update
// enums.xml with new values.
enum class IsolatedInfo {
// Ad that was loaded isolated from the top-level page (e.g. from a
// cross-domain iframe).
kIsolatedAd = 0,
// Ad loaded from a non-isolated context.
kNonIsolatedAd = 1,
// Add new elements above kLast.
kMaxValue = kNonIsolatedAd
// The AdDelayThrottle has multiple possible conditions which can cause
// delays. These conditions will subclass DeferCondition and override
// IsConditionSatisfied.
class DeferCondition {
DeferCondition(base::TimeDelta delay,
AdDelayThrottle::MetadataProvider* provider);
virtual ~DeferCondition();
bool ShouldDefer(const GURL& url);
// The request will be deferred. Returns the amount of time to defer. Should
// be called at most once after ShouldDefer returns true.
base::TimeDelta OnReadyToDefer();
bool was_condition_ever_satisfied() const {
return was_condition_ever_satisfied_;
AdDelayThrottle::MetadataProvider* provider() { return provider_; }
virtual bool IsConditionSatisfied(const GURL& url) = 0;
base::TimeDelta delay_;
// Must outlive this object. Will always be non-nullptr.
AdDelayThrottle::MetadataProvider* provider_;
bool was_condition_applied_ = false;
bool was_condition_ever_satisfied_ = false;
~AdDelayThrottle() override;
void set_tick_clock_for_testing(const base::TickClock* tick_clock) {
tick_clock_ = tick_clock;
// content::URLLoaderThrottle:
void DetachFromCurrentSequence() override;
void WillStartRequest(network::ResourceRequest* request,
bool* defer) override;
void WillRedirectRequest(net::RedirectInfo* redirect_info,
const network::ResourceResponseHead& response_head,
bool* defer,
std::vector<std::string>* to_be_removed_headers,
net::HttpRequestHeaders* modified_headers) override;
// Returns whether the request to |url| should be deferred.
bool MaybeDefer(const GURL& url);
void Resume(base::TimeTicks defer_start);
AdDelayThrottle(std::unique_ptr<MetadataProvider> provider,
const Factory* factory);
// Will never be nullptr.
std::unique_ptr<MetadataProvider> provider_;
// Must be destroyed before |provider_|.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DeferCondition>> defer_conditions_;
// Must never be nullptr.
const base::TickClock* tick_clock_;
// Will be zero if no delay occurs.
base::TimeDelta expected_delay_;
base::TimeDelta actual_delay_;
// Whether to actually delay the request. If set to false, will operate in a
// dry-run style mode that only logs metrics.
const bool delay_enabled_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AdDelayThrottle> weak_factory_;
} // namespace subresource_filter