blob: d477cc0f4cd44df09d7a43277c73d354c2bde6a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/shared_memory.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "content/renderer/render_view_observer.h"
#include "content/renderer/render_view_observer_tracker.h"
#include "printing/metafile.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrameClient.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebViewClient.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
class DictionaryValue;
struct PrintMsg_Print_Params;
struct PrintMsg_PrintPage_Params;
struct PrintMsg_PrintPages_Params;
// Class that calls the Begin and End print functions on the frame and changes
// the size of the view temporarily to support full page printing..
// Do not serve any events in the time between construction and destruction of
// this class because it will cause flicker.
class PrepareFrameAndViewForPrint {
// Prints |frame|. If |node| is not NULL, then only that node will be
// printed.
PrepareFrameAndViewForPrint(const PrintMsg_Print_Params& print_params,
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
WebKit::WebNode* node,
WebKit::WebView* web_view);
int GetExpectedPageCount() const {
return expected_pages_count_;
bool ShouldUseBrowserOverlays() const {
return use_browser_overlays_;
const gfx::Size& GetPrintCanvasSize() const {
return print_canvas_size_;
void FinishPrinting();
WebKit::WebFrame* frame_;
WebKit::WebView* web_view_;
gfx::Size print_canvas_size_;
gfx::Size prev_view_size_;
gfx::Size prev_scroll_offset_;
int expected_pages_count_;
bool use_browser_overlays_;
bool finished_;
// PrintWebViewHelper handles most of the printing grunt work for RenderView.
// We plan on making print asynchronous and that will require copying the DOM
// of the document and creating a new WebView with the contents.
class PrintWebViewHelper : public RenderViewObserver,
public RenderViewObserverTracker<PrintWebViewHelper>,
public WebKit::WebViewClient,
public WebKit::WebFrameClient {
explicit PrintWebViewHelper(RenderView* render_view);
virtual ~PrintWebViewHelper();
// WebKit::WebViewClient override:
virtual void didStopLoading();
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PrintWebViewHelperTest, OnPrintPages);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PrintWebViewHelperPreviewTest, OnPrintPreview);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PrintWebViewHelperPreviewTest, OnPrintPreviewFail);
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX)
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PrintWebViewHelperTest, PrintLayoutTest);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PrintWebViewHelperTest, PrintWithIframe);
#endif // defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX)
// RenderViewObserver implementation.
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message);
virtual void PrintPage(WebKit::WebFrame* frame);
// Message handlers ---------------------------------------------------------
// Print the document.
void OnPrintPages();
// Initiate print preview.
void OnInitiatePrintPreview();
// Generate a print preview using |settings|.
void OnPrintPreview(const DictionaryValue& settings);
// Print / preview the node under the context menu.
void OnPrintNodeUnderContextMenu();
// Print the pages for print preview. Do not display the native print dialog
// for user settings. |job_settings| has new print job settings values.
void OnPrintForPrintPreview(const DictionaryValue& job_settings);
void OnPrintingDone(bool success);
// Main printing code -------------------------------------------------------
void Print(WebKit::WebFrame* frame, WebKit::WebNode* node);
void PrintPreview(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
WebKit::WebNode* node,
const DictionaryValue& settings);
enum PrintingResult {
// Notification when printing is done - signal tear-down/free resources.
void DidFinishPrinting(PrintingResult result);
// Print Settings -----------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize print page settings with default settings.
bool InitPrintSettings(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
WebKit::WebNode* node);
// Update the current print settings with new |job_settings|. |job_settings|
// dictionary contains print job details such as printer name, number of
// copies, page range, etc.
bool UpdatePrintSettings(const DictionaryValue& job_settings);
// Get final print settings from the user.
// Return false if the user cancels or on error.
bool GetPrintSettingsFromUser(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
int expected_pages_count,
bool use_browser_overlays);
// Page Printing / Rendering ------------------------------------------------
// Prints all the pages listed in |params|.
// It will implicitly revert the document to display CSS media type.
bool PrintPages(const PrintMsg_PrintPages_Params& params,
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
WebKit::WebNode* node);
// Prints the page listed in |params|.
#if defined(USE_X11)
void PrintPageInternal(const PrintMsg_PrintPage_Params& params,
const gfx::Size& canvas_size,
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
printing::Metafile* metafile);
void PrintPageInternal(const PrintMsg_PrintPage_Params& params,
const gfx::Size& canvas_size,
WebKit::WebFrame* frame);
// Render the frame for printing.
bool RenderPagesForPrint(WebKit::WebFrame* frame, WebKit::WebNode* node);
// Render the frame for preview.
bool RenderPagesForPreview(WebKit::WebFrame* frame, WebKit::WebNode* node);
// Renders all the pages listed in |params| for preview.
// On success, Send PrintHostMsg_PagesReadyForPreview message with a
// valid metafile data handle.
bool CreatePreviewDocument(const PrintMsg_PrintPages_Params& params,
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
WebKit::WebNode* node);
// Platform specific helper function for rendering page(s) to |metafile|.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
void RenderPage(const PrintMsg_Print_Params& params, float* scale_factor,
int page_number, bool is_preview, WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
scoped_ptr<printing::Metafile>* metafile);
#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
void RenderPage(const gfx::Size& page_size, const gfx::Rect& content_area,
const float& scale_factor, int page_number,
WebKit::WebFrame* frame, printing::Metafile* metafile);
#elif defined(OS_POSIX)
bool RenderPages(const PrintMsg_PrintPages_Params& params,
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
WebKit::WebNode* node,
bool send_expected_page_count,
int* page_count,
printing::Metafile* metafile,
bool is_preview);
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
// Helper methods -----------------------------------------------------------
bool CopyAndPrint(WebKit::WebFrame* web_frame);
bool CopyMetafileDataToSharedMem(printing::Metafile* metafile,
base::SharedMemoryHandle* shared_mem_handle);
void GetPageSizeAndMarginsInPoints(
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
int page_index,
const PrintMsg_Print_Params& default_params,
double* content_width_in_points,
double* content_height_in_points,
double* margin_top_in_points,
double* margin_right_in_points,
double* margin_bottom_in_points,
double* margin_left_in_points);
bool IsModifiable(WebKit::WebFrame* frame, WebKit::WebNode* node);
void UpdatePrintableSizeInPrintParameters(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
WebKit::WebNode* node,
PrintMsg_Print_Params* params);
bool GetPrintFrame(WebKit::WebFrame** frame);
// This reports the current time - |start_time| as the time to render
// a page and returns the current time.
base::TimeTicks ReportPreviewPageRenderTime(base::TimeTicks start_time);
void ReportTotalPreviewGenerationTime(int selected_pages_length,
int total_pages,
base::TimeDelta render_time,
base::TimeDelta total_time);
// Script Initiated Printing ------------------------------------------------
// Returns true if script initiated printing occurs too often.
bool IsScriptInitiatedPrintTooFrequent(WebKit::WebFrame* frame);
// Reset the counter for script initiated printing.
// Scripted printing will be allowed to continue.
void ResetScriptedPrintCount();
// Increment the counter for script initiated printing.
// Scripted printing will be blocked for a limited amount of time.
void IncrementScriptedPrintCount();
// Displays the print job error message to the user.
void DisplayPrintJobError();
void RequestPrintPreview();
WebKit::WebView* print_web_view_;
// The frame to print for script initiated print preview.
WebKit::WebFrame* script_initiated_preview_frame_;
// The node under the context menu to print preview.
scoped_ptr<WebKit::WebNode> context_menu_preview_node_;
scoped_ptr<PrintMsg_PrintPages_Params> print_pages_params_;
bool is_preview_;
// Used for scripted initiated printing blocking.
base::Time last_cancelled_script_print_;
int user_cancelled_scripted_print_count_;
// Let the browser process know of a printing failure. Only set to false when
// the failure came from the browser in the first place.
bool notify_browser_of_print_failure_;
int preview_page_count_;
scoped_ptr<PrintMsg_PrintPages_Params> old_print_pages_params_;