blob: 0b74cf1ae5efb18726622c212928d3fb17239a81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/network/onc/onc_certificate_importer_impl.h"
#include <cert.h>
#include <keyhi.h>
#include <pk11pub.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/network/network_event_log.h"
#include "chromeos/network/onc/onc_utils.h"
#include "crypto/scoped_nss_types.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/cert/nss_cert_database.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_util_nss.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace onc {
namespace {
void CallBackOnOriginLoop(
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& origin_loop,
const CertificateImporter::DoneCallback& callback,
bool success,
net::ScopedCERTCertificateList onc_trusted_certificates) {
base::BindOnce(callback, success, std::move(onc_trusted_certificates)));
} // namespace
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& io_task_runner,
net::NSSCertDatabase* target_nssdb)
: io_task_runner_(io_task_runner),
weak_factory_(this) {
CertificateImporterImpl::~CertificateImporterImpl() = default;
void CertificateImporterImpl::ImportCertificates(
const base::ListValue& certificates,
::onc::ONCSource source,
const DoneCallback& done_callback) {
VLOG(2) << "ONC file has " << certificates.GetSize() << " certificates";
// |done_callback| must only be called as long as |this| still exists.
// Thereforce, call back to |this|. This check of |this| must happen last and
// on the origin thread.
DoneCallback callback_to_this =
// |done_callback| must be called on the origin thread.
DoneCallback callback_on_origin_loop =
// This is the actual function that imports the certificates.
base::Closure import_certs_callback =
// The NSSCertDatabase must be accessed on |io_task_runner_|
io_task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, import_certs_callback);
// static
void CertificateImporterImpl::ParseAndStoreCertificates(
::onc::ONCSource source,
const DoneCallback& done_callback,
base::ListValue* certificates,
net::NSSCertDatabase* nssdb) {
// Web trust is only granted to certificates imported by the user.
bool allow_trust_imports = source == ::onc::ONC_SOURCE_USER_IMPORT;
net::ScopedCERTCertificateList onc_trusted_certificates;
bool success = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < certificates->GetSize(); ++i) {
const base::DictionaryValue* certificate = NULL;
certificates->GetDictionary(i, &certificate);
DCHECK(certificate != NULL);
VLOG(2) << "Parsing certificate at index " << i << ": " << *certificate;
if (!ParseAndStoreCertificate(source, allow_trust_imports, *certificate,
nssdb, &onc_trusted_certificates)) {
success = false;
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot parse certificate at index " << i;
} else {
VLOG(2) << "Successfully imported certificate at index " << i;
done_callback.Run(success, std::move(onc_trusted_certificates));
void CertificateImporterImpl::RunDoneCallback(
const CertificateImporter::DoneCallback& callback,
bool success,
net::ScopedCERTCertificateList onc_trusted_certificates) {
if (!success)
NET_LOG_ERROR("ONC Certificate Import Error", "");
callback.Run(success, std::move(onc_trusted_certificates));
bool CertificateImporterImpl::ParseAndStoreCertificate(
::onc::ONCSource source,
bool allow_trust_imports,
const base::DictionaryValue& certificate,
net::NSSCertDatabase* nssdb,
net::ScopedCERTCertificateList* onc_trusted_certificates) {
std::string guid;
certificate.GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::certificate::kGUID, &guid);
std::string cert_type;
if (cert_type == ::onc::certificate::kServer ||
cert_type == ::onc::certificate::kAuthority) {
return ParseServerOrCaCertificate(source, allow_trust_imports, cert_type,
guid, certificate, nssdb,
} else if (cert_type == ::onc::certificate::kClient) {
return ParseClientCertificate(guid, certificate, nssdb);
return false;
bool CertificateImporterImpl::ParseServerOrCaCertificate(
::onc::ONCSource source,
bool allow_trust_imports,
const std::string& cert_type,
const std::string& guid,
const base::DictionaryValue& certificate,
net::NSSCertDatabase* nssdb,
net::ScopedCERTCertificateList* onc_trusted_certificates) {
// Device policy can't import certificates.
if (source == ::onc::ONC_SOURCE_DEVICE_POLICY) {
// This isn't a parsing error.
LOG(WARNING) << "Refusing to import certificate from device policy:"
<< guid;
return true;
bool web_trust_flag = false;
const base::ListValue* trust_list = NULL;
if (certificate.GetListWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::certificate::kTrustBits,
&trust_list)) {
for (base::ListValue::const_iterator it = trust_list->begin();
it != trust_list->end(); ++it) {
std::string trust_type;
if (!it->GetAsString(&trust_type))
if (trust_type == ::onc::certificate::kWeb) {
// "Web" implies that the certificate is to be trusted for SSL
// identification.
web_trust_flag = true;
} else {
// Trust bits should only increase trust and never restrict. Thus,
// ignoring unknown bits should be safe.
LOG(WARNING) << "Certificate contains unknown trust type "
<< trust_type;
bool import_with_ssl_trust = false;
if (web_trust_flag) {
if (!allow_trust_imports)
LOG(WARNING) << "Web trust not granted for certificate: " << guid;
import_with_ssl_trust = true;
std::string x509_data;
if (!certificate.GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::certificate::kX509,
&x509_data) ||
x509_data.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Certificate missing appropriate certificate data for type: "
<< cert_type;
return false;
net::ScopedCERTCertificate x509_cert = DecodePEMCertificate(x509_data);
if (!x509_cert.get()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create certificate from PEM encoding, type: "
<< cert_type;
return false;
net::NSSCertDatabase::TrustBits trust = (import_with_ssl_trust ?
net::NSSCertDatabase::TRUSTED_SSL :
if (x509_cert.get()->isperm) {
net::CertType net_cert_type =
cert_type == ::onc::certificate::kServer ? net::SERVER_CERT
: net::CA_CERT;
VLOG(1) << "Certificate is already installed.";
net::NSSCertDatabase::TrustBits missing_trust_bits =
trust & ~nssdb->GetCertTrust(x509_cert.get(), net_cert_type);
if (missing_trust_bits) {
std::string error_reason;
bool success = false;
if (nssdb->IsReadOnly(x509_cert.get())) {
error_reason = " Certificate is stored read-only.";
} else {
success = nssdb->SetCertTrust(x509_cert.get(), net_cert_type, trust);
if (!success) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Certificate of type " << cert_type
<< " was already present, but trust couldn't be set."
<< error_reason;
} else {
net::ScopedCERTCertificateList cert_list;
net::NSSCertDatabase::ImportCertFailureList failures;
bool success = false;
if (cert_type == ::onc::certificate::kServer)
success = nssdb->ImportServerCert(cert_list, trust, &failures);
else // Authority cert
success = nssdb->ImportCACerts(cert_list, trust, &failures);
if (!failures.empty()) {
std::string error_string = net::ErrorToString(failures[0].net_error);
LOG(ERROR) << "Error ( " << error_string
<< " ) importing certificate of type " << cert_type;
return false;
if (!success) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown error importing " << cert_type << " certificate.";
return false;
if (web_trust_flag && onc_trusted_certificates)
return true;
bool CertificateImporterImpl::ParseClientCertificate(
const std::string& guid,
const base::DictionaryValue& certificate,
net::NSSCertDatabase* nssdb) {
std::string pkcs12_data;
if (!certificate.GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::certificate::kPKCS12,
&pkcs12_data) ||
pkcs12_data.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PKCS12 data is missing for client certificate.";
return false;
std::string decoded_pkcs12;
if (!base::Base64Decode(pkcs12_data, &decoded_pkcs12)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to base64 decode PKCS#12 data: \"" << pkcs12_data
<< "\".";
return false;
// Since this has a private key, always use the private module.
crypto::ScopedPK11Slot private_slot(nssdb->GetPrivateSlot());
if (!private_slot)
return false;
net::ScopedCERTCertificateList imported_certs;
int import_result =
nssdb->ImportFromPKCS12(private_slot.get(), decoded_pkcs12,
base::string16(), false, &imported_certs);
if (import_result != net::OK) {
std::string error_string = net::ErrorToString(import_result);
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to import client certificate, error: "
<< error_string;
return false;
if (imported_certs.size() == 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "PKCS12 data contains no importable certificates.";
return true;
if (imported_certs.size() != 1) {
LOG(WARNING) << "ONC File: PKCS12 data contains more than one certificate. "
"Only the first one will be imported.";
CERTCertificate* cert_result = imported_certs[0].get();
// Find the private key associated with this certificate, and set the
// nickname on it.
SECKEYPrivateKey* private_key = PK11_FindPrivateKeyFromCert(
cert_result->slot, cert_result, nullptr /* wincx */);
if (private_key) {
PK11_SetPrivateKeyNickname(private_key, const_cast<char*>(guid.c_str()));
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to find private key for certificate.";
return true;
} // namespace onc
} // namespace chromeos