blob: ec1b2bb69910d11e167e0945e1a8c60d0204ee8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/accessibility/accessibility_focus_ring.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/display/screen.h"
namespace ash {
// static
gfx::Rect AccessibilityFocusRing::screen_bounds_for_testing_;
// static
AccessibilityFocusRing AccessibilityFocusRing::CreateWithRect(
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
int margin) {
// Compute the height of the top and bottom cap.
int cap_height = std::min(bounds.height() / 2, margin * 2);
gfx::Rect top(bounds.x(), bounds.y(), bounds.width(), cap_height);
gfx::Rect bottom(bounds.x(), bounds.bottom() - cap_height, bounds.width(),
gfx::Rect body(bounds.x(), top.bottom(), bounds.width(),
bottom.y() - top.bottom());
return CreateWithParagraphShape(top, body, bottom, margin);
// static
AccessibilityFocusRing AccessibilityFocusRing::Interpolate(
const AccessibilityFocusRing& r1,
const AccessibilityFocusRing& r2,
double fraction) {
AccessibilityFocusRing dst;
for (int i = 0; i < 36; ++i) {
dst.points[i] = gfx::Point(
r1.points[i].x() * (1 - fraction) + r2.points[i].x() * fraction,
r1.points[i].y() * (1 - fraction) + r2.points[i].y() * fraction);
return dst;
// static
AccessibilityFocusRing AccessibilityFocusRing::CreateWithParagraphShape(
const gfx::Rect& orig_top_line,
const gfx::Rect& orig_body,
const gfx::Rect& orig_bottom_line,
int margin) {
gfx::Rect top = orig_top_line;
gfx::Rect middle = orig_body;
gfx::Rect bottom = orig_bottom_line;
gfx::Rect display = GetScreenBoundsForRect(middle);
// Because calling Intersect() on a rect with a height of 0 causes all
// dimensions to be reset, we need to adjust middle manually (all other rects
// are guaranteed nonzero height).
if (middle.x() < 0) {
middle.set_width(middle.width() + middle.x());
if (middle.y() < 0) {
middle.set_height(middle.height() + middle.y());
if (middle.width() > display.width() - middle.x()) {
middle.set_width(display.width() - middle.x());
if (middle.height() > display.height() - middle.y()) {
middle.set_height(display.height() - middle.y());
int min_height = std::min(top.height(), bottom.height());
margin = std::min(margin, min_height / 2);
if (top.x() <= middle.x() + 2 * margin) {
top.set_width(top.width() + top.x() - middle.x());
if (top.right() >= middle.right() - 2 * margin) {
top.set_width(middle.right() - top.x());
if (bottom.x() <= middle.x() + 2 * margin) {
bottom.set_width(bottom.width() + bottom.x() - middle.x());
if (bottom.right() >= middle.right() - 2 * margin) {
bottom.set_width(middle.right() - bottom.x());
AccessibilityFocusRing ring;
ring.points[0] = gfx::Point(top.x(), top.bottom() - margin);
ring.points[1] = gfx::Point(top.x(), top.y() + margin);
ring.points[2] = gfx::Point(top.x(), top.y());
ring.points[3] = gfx::Point(top.x() + margin, top.y());
ring.points[4] = gfx::Point(top.right() - margin, top.y());
ring.points[5] = gfx::Point(top.right(), top.y());
ring.points[6] = gfx::Point(top.right(), top.y() + margin);
ring.points[7] = gfx::Point(top.right(), top.bottom() - margin);
ring.points[8] = gfx::Point(top.right(), top.bottom());
if (top.right() < middle.right()) {
ring.points[9] = gfx::Point(top.right() + margin, middle.y());
ring.points[10] = gfx::Point(middle.right() - margin, middle.y());
} else {
ring.points[9] = gfx::Point(top.right(), middle.y());
ring.points[10] = gfx::Point(middle.right(), middle.y());
ring.points[11] = gfx::Point(middle.right(), middle.y());
ring.points[12] = gfx::Point(middle.right(), middle.y() + margin);
ring.points[13] = gfx::Point(middle.right(), middle.bottom() - margin);
ring.points[14] = gfx::Point(middle.right(), middle.bottom());
if (bottom.right() < middle.right()) {
ring.points[15] = gfx::Point(middle.right() - margin, bottom.y());
ring.points[16] = gfx::Point(bottom.right() + margin, bottom.y());
} else {
ring.points[15] = gfx::Point(middle.right(), bottom.y());
ring.points[16] = gfx::Point(bottom.right(), bottom.y());
ring.points[17] = gfx::Point(bottom.right(), bottom.y());
ring.points[18] = gfx::Point(bottom.right(), bottom.y() + margin);
ring.points[19] = gfx::Point(bottom.right(), bottom.bottom() - margin);
ring.points[20] = gfx::Point(bottom.right(), bottom.bottom());
ring.points[21] = gfx::Point(bottom.right() - margin, bottom.bottom());
ring.points[22] = gfx::Point(bottom.x() + margin, bottom.bottom());
ring.points[23] = gfx::Point(bottom.x(), bottom.bottom());
ring.points[24] = gfx::Point(bottom.x(), bottom.bottom() - margin);
ring.points[25] = gfx::Point(bottom.x(), bottom.y() + margin);
ring.points[26] = gfx::Point(bottom.x(), bottom.y());
if (bottom.x() > middle.x()) {
ring.points[27] = gfx::Point(bottom.x() - margin, bottom.y());
ring.points[28] = gfx::Point(middle.x() + margin, middle.bottom());
} else {
ring.points[27] = gfx::Point(bottom.x(), bottom.y());
ring.points[28] = gfx::Point(middle.x(), middle.bottom());
ring.points[29] = gfx::Point(middle.x(), middle.bottom());
ring.points[30] = gfx::Point(middle.x(), middle.bottom() - margin);
ring.points[31] = gfx::Point(middle.x(), middle.y() + margin);
ring.points[32] = gfx::Point(middle.x(), middle.y());
if (top.x() > middle.x()) {
ring.points[33] = gfx::Point(middle.x() + margin, middle.y());
ring.points[34] = gfx::Point(top.x() - margin, top.bottom());
} else {
ring.points[33] = gfx::Point(middle.x(), middle.y());
ring.points[34] = gfx::Point(top.x(), top.bottom());
ring.points[35] = gfx::Point(top.x(), top.bottom());
return ring;
gfx::Rect AccessibilityFocusRing::GetBounds() const {
gfx::Point top_left = points[0];
gfx::Point bottom_right = points[0];
for (size_t i = 1; i < 36; ++i) {
return gfx::Rect(top_left, gfx::Size(bottom_right.x() - top_left.x(),
bottom_right.y() - top_left.y()));
// static
gfx::Rect AccessibilityFocusRing::GetScreenBoundsForRect(
const gfx::Rect& rect) {
if (!screen_bounds_for_testing_.IsEmpty())
return screen_bounds_for_testing_;
return display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetDisplayMatching(rect).bounds();
} // namespace ash