blob: 50388ac8b21cd2ae55eb97459355d711de188799 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/webgpu_decoder.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/webgpu_cmd_format.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/webgpu_cmd_ids.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/command_buffer_service.h"
namespace gpu {
namespace webgpu {
class WebGPUDecoderImpl final : public WebGPUDecoder {
WebGPUDecoderImpl(DecoderClient* client,
CommandBufferServiceBase* command_buffer_service,
gles2::Outputter* outputter);
~WebGPUDecoderImpl() override;
// DecoderContext implementation.
base::WeakPtr<DecoderContext> AsWeakPtr() override {
return nullptr;
ContextResult Initialize(
const scoped_refptr<gl::GLSurface>& surface,
const scoped_refptr<gl::GLContext>& context,
bool offscreen,
const gles2::DisallowedFeatures& disallowed_features,
const ContextCreationAttribs& attrib_helper) override {
return ContextResult::kSuccess;
const gles2::ContextState* GetContextState() override {
return nullptr;
void Destroy(bool have_context) override {}
bool MakeCurrent() override { return true; }
gl::GLContext* GetGLContext() override { return nullptr; }
gl::GLSurface* GetGLSurface() override {
return nullptr;
const gles2::FeatureInfo* GetFeatureInfo() const override {
return nullptr;
Capabilities GetCapabilities() override { return {}; }
void RestoreGlobalState() const override { NOTREACHED(); }
void ClearAllAttributes() const override { NOTREACHED(); }
void RestoreAllAttributes() const override { NOTREACHED(); }
void RestoreState(const gles2::ContextState* prev_state) override {
void RestoreActiveTexture() const override { NOTREACHED(); }
void RestoreAllTextureUnitAndSamplerBindings(
const gles2::ContextState* prev_state) const override {
void RestoreActiveTextureUnitBinding(unsigned int target) const override {
void RestoreBufferBinding(unsigned int target) override { NOTREACHED(); }
void RestoreBufferBindings() const override { NOTREACHED(); }
void RestoreFramebufferBindings() const override { NOTREACHED(); }
void RestoreRenderbufferBindings() override { NOTREACHED(); }
void RestoreProgramBindings() const override { NOTREACHED(); }
void RestoreTextureState(unsigned service_id) const override { NOTREACHED(); }
void RestoreTextureUnitBindings(unsigned unit) const override {
void RestoreVertexAttribArray(unsigned index) override { NOTREACHED(); }
void RestoreAllExternalTextureBindingsIfNeeded() override { NOTREACHED(); }
QueryManager* GetQueryManager() override {
return nullptr;
void SetQueryCallback(unsigned int query_client_id,
base::OnceClosure callback) override {
gles2::GpuFenceManager* GetGpuFenceManager() override {
return nullptr;
bool HasPendingQueries() const override { return false; }
void ProcessPendingQueries(bool did_finish) override {}
bool HasMoreIdleWork() const override { return false; }
void PerformIdleWork() override { NOTREACHED(); }
bool HasPollingWork() const override { return false; }
void PerformPollingWork() override { NOTREACHED(); }
TextureBase* GetTextureBase(uint32_t client_id) override {
return nullptr;
void SetLevelInfo(uint32_t client_id,
int level,
unsigned internal_format,
unsigned width,
unsigned height,
unsigned depth,
unsigned format,
unsigned type,
const gfx::Rect& cleared_rect) override {
bool WasContextLost() const override {
return false;
bool WasContextLostByRobustnessExtension() const override {
return false;
void MarkContextLost(error::ContextLostReason reason) override {
bool CheckResetStatus() override {
return false;
void BeginDecoding() override {}
void EndDecoding() override {}
const char* GetCommandName(unsigned int command_id) const;
error::Error DoCommands(unsigned int num_commands,
const volatile void* buffer,
int num_entries,
int* entries_processed) override;
base::StringPiece GetLogPrefix() override {
return "";
void BindImage(uint32_t client_texture_id,
uint32_t texture_target,
gl::GLImage* image,
bool can_bind_to_sampler) override {
gles2::ContextGroup* GetContextGroup() override {
return nullptr;
gles2::ErrorState* GetErrorState() override {
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<gles2::AbstractTexture> CreateAbstractTexture(
GLenum target,
GLenum internal_format,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLsizei depth,
GLint border,
GLenum format,
GLenum type) override {
return nullptr;
bool IsCompressedTextureFormat(unsigned format) override {
return false;
bool ClearLevel(gles2::Texture* texture,
unsigned target,
int level,
unsigned format,
unsigned type,
int xoffset,
int yoffset,
int width,
int height) override {
return false;
bool ClearCompressedTextureLevel(gles2::Texture* texture,
unsigned target,
int level,
unsigned format,
int width,
int height) override {
return false;
bool ClearLevel3D(gles2::Texture* texture,
unsigned target,
int level,
unsigned format,
unsigned type,
int width,
int height,
int depth) override {
return false;
bool initialized() const override { return true; }
void SetLogCommands(bool log_commands) override { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); }
gles2::Outputter* outputter() const override {
return nullptr;
typedef error::Error (WebGPUDecoderImpl::*CmdHandler)(
uint32_t immediate_data_size,
const volatile void* data);
// A struct to hold info about each command.
struct CommandInfo {
CmdHandler cmd_handler;
uint8_t arg_flags; // How to handle the arguments for this command
uint8_t cmd_flags; // How to handle this command
uint16_t arg_count; // How many arguments are expected for this command.
// A table of CommandInfo for all the commands.
static const CommandInfo command_info[kNumCommands - kFirstWebGPUCommand];
// Generate a member function prototype for each command in an automated and
// typesafe way.
#define WEBGPU_CMD_OP(name) \
Error Handle##name(uint32_t immediate_data_size, const volatile void* data);
// The current decoder error communicates the decoder error through command
// processing functions that do not return the error value. Should be set
// only if not returning an error.
error::Error current_decoder_error_ = error::kNoError;
constexpr WebGPUDecoderImpl::CommandInfo WebGPUDecoderImpl::command_info[] = {
#define WEBGPU_CMD_OP(name) \
{ \
&WebGPUDecoderImpl::Handle##name, cmds::name::kArgFlags, \
cmds::name::cmd_flags, \
sizeof(cmds::name) / sizeof(CommandBufferEntry) - 1, \
}, /* NOLINT */
// static
WebGPUDecoder* WebGPUDecoder::Create(
DecoderClient* client,
CommandBufferServiceBase* command_buffer_service,
gles2::Outputter* outputter) {
return new WebGPUDecoderImpl(client, command_buffer_service, outputter);
WebGPUDecoder::WebGPUDecoder(DecoderClient* client,
CommandBufferServiceBase* command_buffer_service,
gles2::Outputter* outputter)
: CommonDecoder(command_buffer_service) {}
WebGPUDecoder::~WebGPUDecoder() {}
DecoderClient* client,
CommandBufferServiceBase* command_buffer_service,
gles2::Outputter* outputter)
: WebGPUDecoder(client, command_buffer_service, outputter) {}
WebGPUDecoderImpl::~WebGPUDecoderImpl() {}
const char* WebGPUDecoderImpl::GetCommandName(unsigned int command_id) const {
if (command_id >= kFirstWebGPUCommand && command_id < kNumCommands) {
return webgpu::GetCommandName(static_cast<CommandId>(command_id));
return GetCommonCommandName(static_cast<cmd::CommandId>(command_id));
error::Error WebGPUDecoderImpl::DoCommands(unsigned int num_commands,
const volatile void* buffer,
int num_entries,
int* entries_processed) {
int commands_to_process = num_commands;
error::Error result = error::kNoError;
const volatile CommandBufferEntry* cmd_data =
static_cast<const volatile CommandBufferEntry*>(buffer);
int process_pos = 0;
CommandId command = static_cast<CommandId>(0);
while (process_pos < num_entries && result == error::kNoError &&
commands_to_process--) {
const unsigned int size = cmd_data->value_header.size;
command = static_cast<CommandId>(cmd_data->value_header.command);
if (size == 0) {
result = error::kInvalidSize;
if (static_cast<int>(size) + process_pos > num_entries) {
result = error::kOutOfBounds;
const unsigned int arg_count = size - 1;
unsigned int command_index = command - kFirstWebGPUCommand;
if (command_index < base::size(command_info)) {
const CommandInfo& info = command_info[command_index];
unsigned int info_arg_count = static_cast<unsigned int>(info.arg_count);
if ((info.arg_flags == cmd::kFixed && arg_count == info_arg_count) ||
(info.arg_flags == cmd::kAtLeastN && arg_count >= info_arg_count)) {
uint32_t immediate_data_size = (arg_count - info_arg_count) *
sizeof(CommandBufferEntry); // NOLINT
result = (this->*info.cmd_handler)(immediate_data_size, cmd_data);
} else {
result = error::kInvalidArguments;
} else {
result = DoCommonCommand(command, arg_count, cmd_data);
if (result == error::kNoError &&
current_decoder_error_ != error::kNoError) {
result = current_decoder_error_;
current_decoder_error_ = error::kNoError;
if (result != error::kDeferCommandUntilLater) {
process_pos += size;
cmd_data += size;
*entries_processed = process_pos;
if (error::IsError(result)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error: " << result << " for Command "
<< GetCommandName(command);
return result;
error::Error WebGPUDecoderImpl::HandleDummy(uint32_t immediate_data_size,
const volatile void* cmd_data) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "WebGPUDecoderImpl::HandleDummy";
return error::kNoError;
} // namespace webgpu
} // namespace gpu