blob: f69392da78f98b363b2246c3729bd25ea3eb9bd4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Monitor tracing events on chrome via chrome remote debugging."""
import itertools
import logging
import operator
import clovis_constants
import devtools_monitor
class TracingTrack(devtools_monitor.Track):
"""Grabs and processes trace event messages.
See for details on the protocol.
def __init__(self, connection, categories, fetch_stream=False):
"""Initialize this TracingTrack.
connection: a DevToolsConnection.
categories: ([str] or None) If set, a list of categories to enable or
disable in Chrome tracing. Categories prefixed with '-' are
fetch_stream: if true, use a websocket stream to fetch tracing data rather
than dataCollected events. It appears based on very limited testing that
a stream is slower than the default reporting as dataCollected events.
super(TracingTrack, self).__init__(connection)
if connection:
connection.RegisterListener('Tracing.dataCollected', self)
self._categories = set(categories)
params = {}
params['categories'] = ','.join(self._categories)
if fetch_stream:
params['transferMode'] = 'ReturnAsStream'
if connection:
connection.SyncRequestNoResponse('Tracing.start', params)
self._events = []
self._base_msec = None
self._interval_tree = None
self._main_frame_id = None
def Handle(self, method, event):
for e in event['params']['value']:
event = Event(e)
if self._base_msec is None or event.start_msec < self._base_msec:
self._base_msec = event.start_msec
# Invalidate our index rather than trying to be fancy and incrementally
# update.
self._interval_tree = None
def Categories(self):
"""Returns the set of categories in this trace."""
return self._categories
def GetFirstEventMillis(self):
"""Find the canonical start time for this track.
The millisecond timestamp of the first request.
return self._base_msec
def GetEvents(self):
"""Returns a list of tracing.Event. Not sorted."""
return self._events
def GetMatchingEvents(self, category, name):
"""Gets events matching |category| and |name|."""
return [e for e in self.GetEvents() if e.Matches(category, name)]
def GetMatchingMainFrameEvents(self, category, name):
"""Gets events matching |category| and |name| that occur in the main frame.
Events without a 'frame' key in their |args| are discarded.
matching_events = self.GetMatchingEvents(category, name)
return [e for e in matching_events
if 'frame' in e.args and e.args['frame'] == self.GetMainFrameID()]
def GetMainFrameRoutingID(self):
"""Returns the main frame routing ID."""
for event in self.GetMatchingEvents(
'navigation', 'RenderFrameImpl::OnNavigate'):
return event.args['id']
assert False
def GetMainFrameID(self):
"""Returns the main frame ID."""
if not self._main_frame_id:
navigation_start_events = self.GetMatchingEvents(
'blink.user_timing', 'navigationStart')
first_event = min(navigation_start_events, key=lambda e: e.start_msec)
self._main_frame_id = first_event.args['frame']
return self._main_frame_id
def SetMainFrameID(self, frame_id):
"""Set the main frame ID. Normally this is used only for testing."""
self._main_frame_id = frame_id
def EventsAt(self, msec):
"""Gets events active at a timestamp.
msec: tracing milliseconds to query. Tracing milliseconds appears to be
since chrome startup (ie, arbitrary epoch).
List of events active at that timestamp. Instantaneous (ie, instant,
sample and counter) events are never included. Event end times are
exclusive, so that an event ending at the usec parameter will not be
return self._interval_tree.EventsAt(msec)
def Filter(self, pid=None, tid=None, categories=None):
"""Returns a new TracingTrack with a subset of the events.
pid: (int or None) Selects events from this PID.
tid: (int or None) Selects events from this TID.
categories: (set([str]) or None) Selects events belonging to one of the
events = self._events
if pid is not None:
events = filter(lambda e : e.tracing_event['pid'] == pid, events)
if tid is not None:
events = filter(lambda e : e.tracing_event['tid'] == tid, events)
if categories is not None:
events = filter(
lambda e : set(e.category.split(',')).intersection(categories),
tracing_track = TracingTrack(None, clovis_constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORIES)
tracing_track._events = events
tracing_track._categories = self._categories
if categories is not None:
tracing_track._categories = self._categories.intersection(categories)
return tracing_track
def ToJsonDict(self):
return {'categories': list(self._categories),
'events': [e.ToJsonDict() for e in self._events]}
def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
if not json_dict:
return None
assert 'events' in json_dict
events = [Event(e) for e in json_dict['events']]
tracing_track = TracingTrack(None, clovis_constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORIES)
tracing_track._categories = set(json_dict.get('categories', []))
tracing_track._events = events
tracing_track._base_msec = events[0].start_msec if events else 0
for e in events[1:]:
if e.type == 'M':
continue # No timestamp for metadata events.
assert e.start_msec > 0
if e.start_msec < tracing_track._base_msec:
tracing_track._base_msec = e.start_msec
return tracing_track
def OverlappingEvents(self, start_msec, end_msec):
return self._interval_tree.OverlappingEvents(start_msec, end_msec)
def EventsEndingBetween(self, start_msec, end_msec):
"""Gets the list of events ending within an interval.
start_msec: the start of the range to query, in milliseconds, inclusive.
end_msec: the end of the range to query, in milliseconds, inclusive.
See OverlappingEvents() above.
overlapping_events = self.OverlappingEvents(start_msec, end_msec)
return [e for e in overlapping_events
if start_msec <= e.end_msec <= end_msec]
def EventFromStep(self, step_event):
"""Returns the Event associated with a step event, or None.
step_event: (Event) Step event.
an Event that matches the step event, or None.
assert 'step' in step_event.args and step_event.tracing_event['ph'] == 'T'
candidates = self._interval_tree.EventsAt(step_event.start_msec)
for event in candidates:
# IDs are only unique within a process (often they are pointers).
if ( == and event.tracing_event['ph'] != 'T'
and == and ==
return event
return None
def _IndexEvents(self, strict=False):
if self._interval_tree:
complete_events = []
spanning_events = self._SpanningEvents()
for event in self._events:
if not event.IsIndexable():
if event.IsComplete():
matched_event = spanning_events.Match(event, strict)
if matched_event is not None:
self._interval_tree = _IntervalTree.FromEvents(complete_events)
if strict and spanning_events.HasPending():
raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
'Pending spanning events: %s' %
'\n'.join([str(e) for e in spanning_events.PendingEvents()]))
def _GetEvents(self):
return self._interval_tree.GetEvents()
def HasLoadingSucceeded(self):
"""Returns whether the loading has succeed at recording time."""
main_frame_id = self.GetMainFrameRoutingID()
for event in self.GetMatchingEvents(
'navigation', 'RenderFrameImpl::didFailProvisionalLoad'):
if event.args['id'] == main_frame_id:
return False
for event in self.GetMatchingEvents(
'navigation', 'RenderFrameImpl::didFailLoad'):
if event.args['id'] == main_frame_id:
return False
return True
class _SpanningEvents(object):
def __init__(self):
self._duration_stack = []
self._async_stacks = {}
self._objects = {}
'B': self._DurationBegin,
'E': self._DurationEnd,
'b': self._AsyncStart,
'e': self._AsyncEnd,
'S': self._AsyncStart,
'F': self._AsyncEnd,
'N': self._ObjectCreated,
'D': self._ObjectDestroyed,
'M': self._Ignore,
'X': self._Ignore,
'R': self._Ignore,
'p': self._Ignore,
'(': self._Ignore, # Context events.
')': self._Ignore, # Ditto.
None: self._Ignore,
def Match(self, event, strict=False):
return self._MATCH_HANDLER.get(
event.type, self._Unsupported)(event, strict)
def HasPending(self):
return (self._duration_stack or
self._async_stacks or
def PendingEvents(self):
return itertools.chain(
(e for e in self._duration_stack),
(o for o in self._objects),
(e for e in s) for s in self._async_stacks.itervalues())))
def _AsyncKey(self, event, _):
return (event.tracing_event['cat'],
def _Ignore(self, _event, _):
return None
def _Unsupported(self, event, _):
raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
'Unsupported spanning event type: %s' % event)
def _DurationBegin(self, event, _):
return None
def _DurationEnd(self, event, _):
if not self._duration_stack:
raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
'Unmatched duration end: %s' % event)
start = self._duration_stack.pop()
return start
def _AsyncStart(self, event, strict):
key = self._AsyncKey(event, strict)
self._async_stacks.setdefault(key, []).append(event)
return None
def _AsyncEnd(self, event, strict):
key = self._AsyncKey(event, strict)
if key not in self._async_stacks:
message = 'Unmatched async end %s: %s' % (key, event)
if strict:
raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(message)
return None
stack = self._async_stacks[key]
start = stack.pop()
if not stack:
del self._async_stacks[key]
return start
def _ObjectCreated(self, event, _):
# The tracing event format has object deletion timestamps being exclusive,
# that is the timestamp for a deletion my equal that of the next create at
# the same address. This asserts that does not happen in practice as it is
# inconvenient to handle that correctly here.
if in self._objects:
raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
'Multiple objects at same address: %s, %s' %
(event, self._objects[]))
self._objects[] = event
return None
def _ObjectDestroyed(self, event, _):
if not in self._objects:
raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
'Missing object creation for %s' % event)
start = self._objects[]
del self._objects[]
return start
class Event(object):
"""Wraps a tracing event."""
'e': 'b',
'F': 'S',
'D': 'N'}
__slots__ = ('_tracing_event', 'start_msec', 'end_msec', '_synthetic')
def __init__(self, tracing_event, synthetic=False):
"""Creates Event.
Intended to be created only by TracingTrack.
tracing_event: JSON tracing event, as defined in
synthetic: True if the event is synthetic. This is only used for indexing
internal to TracingTrack.
if not synthetic and tracing_event['ph'] in ['s', 't', 'f']:
raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
'Unsupported event: %s' % tracing_event)
self._tracing_event = tracing_event
# Note tracing event times are in microseconds.
self.start_msec = tracing_event['ts'] / 1000.0
self.end_msec = None
self._synthetic = synthetic
if self.type == 'X':
# Some events don't have a duration.
duration = (tracing_event['dur']
if 'dur' in tracing_event else tracing_event['tdur'])
self.end_msec = self.start_msec + duration / 1000.0
def type(self):
if self._synthetic:
return None
return self._tracing_event['ph']
def category(self):
return self._tracing_event['cat']
def pid(self):
return self._tracing_event['pid']
def args(self):
return self._tracing_event.get('args', {})
def id(self):
return self._tracing_event.get('id')
def name(self):
return self._tracing_event['name']
def tracing_event(self):
return self._tracing_event
def synthetic(self):
return self._synthetic
def __str__(self):
return ''.join([str(self._tracing_event),
'[%s,%s]' % (self.start_msec, self.end_msec)])
def Matches(self, category, name):
"""Match tracing events.
category: a tracing category (event['cat']).
name: the tracing event name (event['name']).
True if the event matches and False otherwise.
if name !=
return False
categories = self.category.split(',')
return category in categories
def IsIndexable(self):
"""True iff the event can be indexed by time."""
return self._synthetic or self.type not in [
'I', 'P', 'c', 'C',
'n', 'T', 'p', # TODO(mattcary): ?? instant types of async events.
'O', # TODO(mattcary): ?? object snapshot
'M' # Metadata
def IsComplete(self):
return self.type == 'X'
def Synthesize(self):
"""Expand into synthetic events.
A list of events, possibly some synthetic, whose start times are all
interesting for purposes of indexing. If the event is not indexable the
set may be empty.
if not self.IsIndexable():
return []
if self.IsComplete():
# Tracing event timestamps are microseconds!
return [self, Event({'ts': self.end_msec * 1000}, synthetic=True)]
return [self]
def SetClose(self, closing):
"""Close a spanning event.
closing: The closing event.
devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException if closing can't property
close this event.
if self.type != self.CLOSING_EVENTS.get(closing.type):
raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
'Bad closing: %s --> %s' % (self, closing))
if self.type in ['b', 'S'] and (
self.tracing_event['cat'] != closing.tracing_event['cat'] or !=
raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
'Bad async closing: %s --> %s' % (self, closing))
self.end_msec = closing.start_msec
if 'args' in closing.tracing_event:
'args', {}).update(closing.tracing_event['args'])
def ToJsonDict(self):
return self._tracing_event
def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
return Event(json_dict)
class _IntervalTree(object):
"""Simple interval tree. This is not an optimal one, as the split is done with
an equal number of events on each side, according to start time.
def __init__(self, start, end, events):
"""Builds an interval tree.
start: start timestamp of this node, in ms.
end: end timestamp covered by this node, in ms.
events: Iterable of objects having start_msec and end_msec fields. Has to
be sorted by start_msec.
self.start = start
self.end = end
self._events = events
self._left = self._right = None
if len(self._events) > self._TRESHOLD:
def FromEvents(cls, events):
"""Returns an IntervalTree instance from a list of events."""
filtered_events = [e for e in events
if e.start_msec is not None and e.end_msec is not None]
start = min(event.start_msec for event in filtered_events)
end = max(event.end_msec for event in filtered_events)
return _IntervalTree(start, end, filtered_events)
def OverlappingEvents(self, start, end):
"""Returns a set of events overlapping with [start, end)."""
if min(end, self.end) - max(start, self.start) <= 0:
return set()
elif self._IsLeaf():
result = set()
for event in self._events:
if self._Overlaps(event, start, end):
return result
return (self._left.OverlappingEvents(start, end)
| self._right.OverlappingEvents(start, end))
def EventsAt(self, timestamp):
result = set()
if self._IsLeaf():
for event in self._events:
if event.start_msec <= timestamp < event.end_msec:
if self._left.start <= timestamp < self._left.end:
result |= self._left.EventsAt(timestamp)
if self._right.start <= timestamp < self._right.end:
result |= self._right.EventsAt(timestamp)
return result
def GetEvents(self):
return self._events
def _Divide(self):
middle = len(self._events) / 2
left_events = self._events[:middle]
right_events = self._events[middle:]
left_end = max(e.end_msec for e in left_events)
right_start = min(e.start_msec for e in right_events)
self._left = _IntervalTree(self.start, left_end, left_events)
self._right = _IntervalTree(right_start, self.end, right_events)
def _IsLeaf(self):
return self._left is None
def _Overlaps(cls, event, start, end):
return (min(end, event.end_msec) - max(start, event.start_msec) > 0
or start <= event.start_msec < end) # For instant events.