
Contains context creation for HTML canvas element,

Class structure of Canvas-related objects

The classes on this structure are divided between all directories that are used by canvas: modules/canvas, modules/canvas2d, modules/offscreencanvas, modules/offscreencanvas2d, core/html/canvas, core/html, modules/webgl, modules/imagebitmap and modules/csspaint.

Virtual classes

CanvasRenderingContextHost : All elements that provides rendering contexts (HTMLCanvasElement and OffscreenCanvas) This is the main interface that a CanvasRenderingContext uses.

CanvasRenderingContext - Base class for everything that exposes a rendering context API. This includes 2d, webgl, webgl2, imagebitmap contexts.

BaseRenderingContext2D - Class for 2D canvas contexts. Implements most 2D rendering context API. Used by CanvasRenderingContext2D, OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D and PaintRenderingContext2D.

WebGLRenderingContextBase - Base class for webgl contexts.

Final classes

CanvasRenderingContext2D - 2D context for HTML Canvas element. [spec]

OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D - 2D context for OffscreenCanvas. [spec]

WebGLRenderingContext - WebGL context for both HTML and Offscreen canvas. [spec]

WebGL2RenderingContext - WebGL2 context for both HTML and Offscreen canvas. [spec]

ImageBitmapRenderingContext - The rendering context provided by ImageBitmap. [spec]

PaintRenderingContext2D - Rendering context for CSS Painting. [spec]