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#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utilities for generating IDN test cases.
Either use the command-line interface (see --help) or directly call make_case
from Python shell (see make_case documentation).
import argparse
import codecs
import doctest
import sys
def str_to_c_string(string):
"""Converts a Python str (ASCII) to a C string literal.
>>> str_to_c_string('abc\x8c')
return repr(string).replace("'", '"')
def ishexdigit(c):
>>> ishexdigit('0')
>>> ishexdigit('9')
>>> ishexdigit('/')
>>> ishexdigit(':')
>>> ishexdigit('a')
>>> ishexdigit('f')
>>> ishexdigit('g')
>>> ishexdigit('A')
>>> ishexdigit('F')
>>> ishexdigit('G')
return c.isdigit() or ord('a') <= ord(c.lower()) <= ord('f')
def unicode_to_c_wstring(string):
"""Converts a Python str or unicode to a C wide-string literal.
>>> unicode_to_c_wstring(u'b\')
'L"b\\\\x00fc" L""'
result = ['L"']
for c in string:
# If the previous character was \x-escaped, and the next character is a
# hex digit, we need to end and restart the string literal. Otherwise,
# the next character will extend the \x escape sequence.
if result[-1].startswith('\\x') and ishexdigit(c):
result.append('" L"')
escaped = repr(c)[2:-1]
# Convert '\u' to '\x', and also force a minimum of 4 digits (this isn't
# necessary but is preferred style for these test cases).
if escaped[:2] in ('\\x', '\\u'):
escaped = '\\x%04x' % ord(c)
return ''.join(result)
def make_case(unicode_domain, unicode_allowed=True, case_name=None):
"""Generates a C++ test case for an IDN domain test.
This is designed specifically for the IDNTestCase struct in the file
components/url_formatter/ It generates a row of
the idn_cases array, specifying a test for a particular domain.
|unicode_domain| is a Unicode string of the domain (NOT IDNA-encoded).
|unicode_allowed| specifies whether the test case should expect the domain
to be displayed in Unicode form (True) or in IDNA/Punycode ASCII encoding
(False). |case_name| is just for the comment.
This function will automatically convert the domain to its IDNA format, and
prepare the test case in C++ syntax.
>>> make_case(u'\u5317\u4eac\u5927\', True, 'Hanzi (Chinese)')
// Hanzi (Chinese)
{"", L"\\x5317\\x4eac\\x5927\\", true},
>>> make_case(u'b\', True)
{"", L"b\\x00fc" L"", true},
This will also apply normalization to the Unicode domain, as required by the
IDNA algorithm. This example shows U+210F normalized to U+0127 (this
generates the exact same test case as u'\u0127ello'):
>>> make_case(u'\u210fello', True)
{"xn--ello-4xa", L"\\x0127" L"ello", true},
idna_input = codecs.encode(unicode_domain, 'idna')
# Round-trip to ensure normalization.
unicode_output = codecs.decode(idna_input, 'idna')
if case_name:
print(' // %s' % case_name)
print(' {%s, %s, %s},' %
(str_to_c_string(idna_input), unicode_to_c_wstring(unicode_output),
def main(args=None):
if args is None:
args = sys.argv[1:]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate an IDN test case.')
parser.add_argument('domain', metavar='DOMAIN', nargs='?',
help='the Unicode domain (not encoded)')
parser.add_argument('--name', metavar='NAME',
help='the name of the test case')
parser.add_argument('--no-unicode', action='store_false',
dest='unicode_allowed', default=True,
help='expect the domain to be Punycoded')
parser.add_argument('--test', action='store_true', dest='run_tests',
help='run unit tests')
args = parser.parse_args(args)
if args.run_tests:
import doctest
if not args.domain:
parser.error('Required argument: DOMAIN')
# Assume stdin.encoding is the encoding used for command-line arguments.
domain = args.domain.decode(sys.stdin.encoding)
make_case(domain, unicode_allowed=args.unicode_allowed,
if __name__ == '__main__':