blob: 5762f26381bfdfc8100583fefc81c0b7f2110842 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/shelf_types.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget_observer.h"
namespace ash {
class AppListBubbleEventFilter;
class AppListBubbleView;
class AppListControllerImpl;
// Manages the UI for the bubble launcher used in clamshell mode. Handles
// showing and hiding the UI. Only one bubble can be visible at a time, across
// all displays.
class ASH_EXPORT AppListBubblePresenter : public views::WidgetObserver {
explicit AppListBubblePresenter(AppListControllerImpl* controller);
AppListBubblePresenter(const AppListBubblePresenter&) = delete;
AppListBubblePresenter& operator=(const AppListBubblePresenter&) = delete;
~AppListBubblePresenter() override;
// Shows the bubble on the display with `display_id`.
void Show(int64_t display_id);
// Shows or hides the bubble on the display with `display_id`. Returns the
// appropriate ShelfAction to indicate whether the bubble was shown or hidden.
ShelfAction Toggle(int64_t display_id);
// Closes and destroys the bubble.
void Dismiss();
// Returns true if the bubble is showing on any display.
bool IsShowing() const;
// views::WidgetObserver:
void OnWidgetDestroying(views::Widget* widget) override;
views::Widget* bubble_widget_for_test() { return bubble_widget_; }
AppListBubbleView* bubble_view_for_test() { return bubble_view_; }
AppListControllerImpl* const controller_;
// Owned by native widget.
views::Widget* bubble_widget_ = nullptr;
// Owned by views.
AppListBubbleView* bubble_view_ = nullptr;
// Closes the widget when the user clicks outside of it.
std::unique_ptr<AppListBubbleEventFilter> bubble_event_filter_;
} // namespace ash