blob: ba0e08e9b1d2e0dae77ad485df1683a71f36a8a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/capture/content/feedback_signal_accumulator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
namespace media {
template <typename TimeType>
base::TimeDelta half_life)
: half_life_(half_life), average_(NAN) {
DCHECK(half_life_ > base::TimeDelta());
template <typename TimeType>
void FeedbackSignalAccumulator<TimeType>::Reset(double starting_value,
TimeType timestamp) {
average_ = update_value_ = prior_average_ = starting_value;
reset_time_ = update_time_ = prior_update_time_ = timestamp;
template <typename TimeType>
bool FeedbackSignalAccumulator<TimeType>::Update(double value,
TimeType timestamp) {
DCHECK(!std::isnan(average_)) << "Reset() must be called once.";
if (timestamp < update_time_) {
return false; // Not in chronological order.
} else if (timestamp == update_time_) {
if (timestamp == reset_time_) {
// Edge case: Multiple updates at reset timestamp.
average_ = update_value_ = prior_average_ =
std::max(value, update_value_);
return true;
if (value <= update_value_)
return true;
update_value_ = value;
} else {
prior_average_ = average_;
prior_update_time_ = update_time_;
update_value_ = value;
update_time_ = timestamp;
const double elapsed_us =
static_cast<double>((update_time_ - prior_update_time_).InMicroseconds());
const double weight = elapsed_us / (elapsed_us + half_life_.InMicroseconds());
average_ = weight * update_value_ + (1.0 - weight) * prior_average_;
return true;
template class MEDIA_EXPORT FeedbackSignalAccumulator<base::TimeDelta>;
template class MEDIA_EXPORT FeedbackSignalAccumulator<base::TimeTicks>;
} // namespace media