blob: 08a11e9049032df930d94b4288eae05a13635eb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
namespace media {
// Utility class for maintaining an exponentially-decaying average of feedback
// signal values whose updates occur at undetermined, possibly irregular time
// intervals.
// Feedback signals can be made by multiple sources. Meaning, there can be
// several values provided for the same timestamp. In this case, the greatest
// value is retained and used to re-compute the average. Therefore, the values
// provided to this class' methods should be appropriately translated with this
// in mind. For example, an "fraction available" metric should be translated
// into a "fraction utilized" one.
// Usage note: Reset() must be called at least once before the first call to
// Update().
// This template class supports data points that are timestamped using either
// |base::TimeDelta| or |base::TimeTicks|.
template <typename TimeType>
class FeedbackSignalAccumulator {
// |half_life| is the amount of time that must pass between two data points to
// move the accumulated average value halfway in-between. Example: If
// |half_life| is one second, then calling Reset(0.0, t=0s) and then
// Update(1.0, t=1s) will result in an accumulated average value of 0.5.
explicit FeedbackSignalAccumulator(base::TimeDelta half_life);
// Erase all memory of historical values, re-starting with the given
// |starting_value|.
void Reset(double starting_value, TimeType timestamp);
TimeType reset_time() const { return reset_time_; }
// Apply the given |value|, which was observed at the given |timestamp|, to
// the accumulated average. If the timestamp is in chronological order, the
// update succeeds and this method returns true. Otherwise the update has no
// effect and false is returned. If there are two or more updates at the same
// |timestamp|, only the one with the greatest value will be accounted for
// (see class comments for elaboration).
bool Update(double value, TimeType timestamp);
TimeType update_time() const { return update_time_; }
// Returns the current accumulated average value.
double current() const { return average_; }
// In conjunction with the |update_time_| and |prior_update_time_|, this is
// used to compute the weight of the current update value versus the prior
// accumulated average.
const base::TimeDelta half_life_;
TimeType reset_time_; // |timestamp| passed in last call to Reset().
double average_; // Current accumulated average.
double update_value_; // Latest |value| accepted by Update().
TimeType update_time_; // Latest |timestamp| accepted by Update().
double prior_average_; // Accumulated average before last call to Update().
TimeType prior_update_time_; // |timestamp| in prior call to Update().
} // namespace media