blob: 9ac263dd13fc2a8c91c30fb8a3dc22e2de1fb858 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/capture/content/smooth_event_sampler.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
namespace media {
SmoothEventSampler::SmoothEventSampler(base::TimeDelta min_capture_period,
int redundant_capture_goal)
: redundant_capture_goal_(redundant_capture_goal),
token_bucket_(base::TimeDelta::Max()) {
void SmoothEventSampler::SetMinCapturePeriod(base::TimeDelta period) {
DCHECK_GT(period, base::TimeDelta());
min_capture_period_ = period;
token_bucket_capacity_ = period + period / 2;
token_bucket_ = std::min(token_bucket_capacity_, token_bucket_);
void SmoothEventSampler::ConsiderPresentationEvent(base::TimeTicks event_time) {
// Add tokens to the bucket based on advancement in time. Then, re-bound the
// number of tokens in the bucket. Overflow occurs when there is too much
// time between events (a common case), or when RecordSample() is not being
// called often enough (a bug). On the other hand, if RecordSample() is being
// called too often (e.g., as a reaction to IsOverdueForSamplingAt()), the
// bucket will underflow.
if (!current_event_.is_null()) {
if (current_event_ < event_time) {
token_bucket_ += event_time - current_event_;
if (token_bucket_ > token_bucket_capacity_)
token_bucket_ = token_bucket_capacity_;
TRACE_COUNTER1("gpu.capture", "MirroringTokenBucketUsec",
std::max<int64_t>(0, token_bucket_.InMicroseconds()));
current_event_ = event_time;
bool SmoothEventSampler::ShouldSample() const {
return token_bucket_ >= min_capture_period_;
void SmoothEventSampler::RecordSample() {
token_bucket_ -= min_capture_period_;
if (token_bucket_ < base::TimeDelta())
token_bucket_ = base::TimeDelta();
TRACE_COUNTER1("gpu.capture", "MirroringTokenBucketUsec",
std::max<int64_t>(0, token_bucket_.InMicroseconds()));
if (HasUnrecordedEvent()) {
last_sample_ = current_event_;
overdue_sample_count_ = 0;
} else {
bool SmoothEventSampler::IsOverdueForSamplingAt(
base::TimeTicks event_time) const {
if (!HasUnrecordedEvent() && overdue_sample_count_ >= redundant_capture_goal_)
return false; // Not dirty.
if (last_sample_.is_null())
return true;
// If we're dirty but not yet old, then we've recently gotten updates, so we
// won't request a sample just yet.
base::TimeDelta dirty_interval = event_time - last_sample_;
return dirty_interval >=
bool SmoothEventSampler::HasUnrecordedEvent() const {
return !current_event_.is_null() && current_event_ != last_sample_;
} // namespace media