blob: 0d9ffd6f17fdb46b4816ae35d7cebc933cebf5ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/common/string_ordinal.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace {
// Constants for StringOrdinal digits.
const char kZeroDigit = 'a';
const char kMinDigit = 'b';
const char kMidDigit = 'n';
const char kMaxDigit = 'z';
const int kMidDigitValue = kMidDigit - kZeroDigit;
const int kMaxDigitValue = kMaxDigit - kZeroDigit;
const int kRadix = kMaxDigitValue + 1;
COMPILE_ASSERT(kMidDigitValue == 13, kMidDigitValue_incorrect);
COMPILE_ASSERT(kMaxDigitValue == 25, kMaxDigitValue_incorrect);
COMPILE_ASSERT(kRadix == 26, kRadix_incorrect);
// Helper Functions
// Returns the length that string value.substr(0, length) would be with
// trailing zeros removed.
size_t GetLengthWithoutTrailingZeros(const std::string& value, size_t length) {
size_t end_position = value.find_last_not_of(kZeroDigit, length - 1);
// If no non kZeroDigit is found then the string is a string of all zeros
// digits so we return 0 as the correct length.
if (end_position == std::string::npos)
return 0;
return end_position + 1;
// Return the digit value at position i, padding with kZeroDigit if required.
int GetPositionValue(const std::string& str, size_t i) {
return (i < str.length()) ? (str[i] - kZeroDigit) : 0;
// Add kMidDigitValue to the value at position index. This returns false if
// adding the half results in an overflow past the first digit, otherwise it
// returns true. This is used by ComputeMidpoint.
bool AddHalf(size_t position, std::string& value) {
DCHECK_GT(position, 0U);
DCHECK_LT(position, value.length());
// We can't perform this operation directly on the string because
// overflow can occur and mess up the values.
int new_position_value = value[position] + kMidDigitValue;
if (new_position_value <= kMaxDigit) {
value[position] = new_position_value;
} else {
value[position] = new_position_value - kRadix;
++value[position - 1];
for (size_t i = position - 1; value[i] > kMaxDigit; --i) {
if (i == 0U) {
// If the first digit is too large we have no previous digit
// to increase, so we fail.
return false;
value[i] -= kRadix;
++value[i - 1];
return true;
// Drops off the last digit of value and then all trailing zeros iff that
// doesn't change its ordering as greater than |start|.
void DropUnneededDigits(const std::string& start, std::string* value) {
CHECK_GT(*value, start);
size_t drop_length = GetLengthWithoutTrailingZeros(*value, value->length());
// See if the value can have its last digit removed without affecting
// the ordering.
if (drop_length > 1) {
// We must drop the trailing zeros before comparing |shorter_value| to
// |start| because if we don't we may have |shorter_value|=|start|+|a|*
// where |shorter_value| > |start| but not when it drops the trailing |a|s
// to become a valid StringOrdinal value.
int truncated_length = GetLengthWithoutTrailingZeros(*value,
drop_length - 1);
if (truncated_length != 0 && value->compare(0, truncated_length, start) > 0)
drop_length = truncated_length;
// Compute the midpoint string that is between |start| and |end|.
std::string ComputeMidpoint(const std::string& start,
const std::string& end) {
size_t max_size = std::max(start.length(), end.length()) + 1;
std::string midpoint(max_size, kZeroDigit);
bool add_half = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_size; ++i) {
int char_value = GetPositionValue(start, i);
char_value += GetPositionValue(end, i);
midpoint[i] += (char_value / 2);
if (add_half) {
// AddHalf only returns false if (midpoint[0] > kMaxDigit), which
// implies the midpoint of two strings in (0, 1) is >= 1, which is a
// contradiction.
CHECK(AddHalf(i, midpoint));
add_half = (char_value % 2 == 1);
return midpoint;
// Create a StringOrdinal that is lexigraphically greater than |start| and
// lexigraphically less than |end|. The returned StringOrdinal will be roughly
// between |start| and |end|.
StringOrdinal CreateStringOrdinalBetween(const StringOrdinal& start,
const StringOrdinal& end) {
const std::string& start_string = start.ToString();
const std::string& end_string = end.ToString();
DCHECK_LT(start_string, end_string);
std::string midpoint = ComputeMidpoint(start_string, end_string);
DropUnneededDigits(start_string, &midpoint);
DCHECK_GT(midpoint, start_string);
DCHECK_LT(midpoint, end_string);
StringOrdinal midpoint_ordinal(midpoint);
return midpoint_ordinal;
// Returns true iff the input string matches the format [a-z]*[b-z].
bool IsValidStringOrdinal(const std::string& value) {
if (value.empty())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < value.length(); ++i) {
if (value[i] < kZeroDigit || value[i] > kMaxDigit)
return false;
return value[value.length() - 1] != kZeroDigit;
} // namespace
StringOrdinal::StringOrdinal(const std::string& string_ordinal)
: string_ordinal_(string_ordinal),
is_valid_(IsValidStringOrdinal(string_ordinal_)) {
StringOrdinal::StringOrdinal() : string_ordinal_(""),
is_valid_(false) {
StringOrdinal StringOrdinal::CreateInitialOrdinal() {
return StringOrdinal(std::string(1, kMidDigit));
bool StringOrdinal::IsValid() const {
return is_valid_;
bool StringOrdinal::LessThan(const StringOrdinal& other) const {
return string_ordinal_ < other.string_ordinal_;
bool StringOrdinal::GreaterThan(const StringOrdinal& other) const {
return string_ordinal_ > other.string_ordinal_;
bool StringOrdinal::Equal(const StringOrdinal& other) const {
return string_ordinal_ == other.string_ordinal_;
StringOrdinal StringOrdinal::CreateBetween(const StringOrdinal& other) const {
if (LessThan(other)) {
return CreateStringOrdinalBetween(*this, other);
} else {
return CreateStringOrdinalBetween(other, *this);
StringOrdinal StringOrdinal::CreateBefore() const {
// Create the smallest valid StringOrdinal of the appropriate length
// to be the minimum boundary.
const size_t length = string_ordinal_.length();
std::string start(length, kZeroDigit);
start[length - 1] = kMinDigit;
if (start == string_ordinal_) {
start[length - 1] = kZeroDigit;
start += kMinDigit;
// Even though |start| is already a valid StringOrdinal that is less
// than |*this|, we don't return it because we wouldn't have much space in
// front of it to insert potential future values.
return CreateBetween(StringOrdinal(start));
StringOrdinal StringOrdinal::CreateAfter() const {
// Create the largest valid StringOrdinal of the appropriate length to be
// the maximum boundary.
std::string end(string_ordinal_.length(), kMaxDigit);
if (end == string_ordinal_)
end += kMaxDigit;
// Even though |end| is already a valid StringOrdinal that is greater than
// |*this|, we don't return it because we wouldn't have much space after
// it to insert potential future values.
return CreateBetween(StringOrdinal(end));
std::string StringOrdinal::ToString() const {
return string_ordinal_;
bool StringOrdinalLessThan::operator() (const StringOrdinal& lhs,
const StringOrdinal& rhs) const {
return lhs.LessThan(rhs);
bool StringOrdinal::operator==(const StringOrdinal& rhs) const {
return Equal(rhs);