blob: 1daab9da0f866abae03ebe4dabb46de627967087 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Defines all the command-line switches used by ui/gl.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_export.h"
namespace gl {
// The GL implementation names that can be passed to --use-gl.
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationDesktopName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationAppleName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationEGLName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationANGLEName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationSwiftShaderName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationSwiftShaderForWebGLName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationMockName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationStubName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationDisabledName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationDefaultName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationD3D9Name[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationD3D11Name[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationD3D11on12Name[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationOpenGLName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationOpenGLEGLName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationOpenGLESName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationOpenGLESEGLName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationNullName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationVulkanName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationSwiftShaderName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationMetalName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationD3D11NULLName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationOpenGLNULLName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationOpenGLESNULLName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationVulkanNULLName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kANGLEImplementationMetalNULLName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kCmdDecoderValidatingName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kCmdDecoderPassthroughName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kSwapChainFormatNV12[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kSwapChainFormatYUY2[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kSwapChainFormatBGRA[];
} // namespace gl
namespace switches {
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDisableD3D11[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDisableES3GLContext[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDisableES3GLContextForTesting[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDisableGpuDriverBugWorkarounds[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDisableGpuVsync[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kEnableGPUServiceLogging[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kEnableGPUServiceTracing[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGpuNoContextLost[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kUseANGLE[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kUseCmdDecoder[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kEnableANGLEFeatures[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDisableANGLEFeatures[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kUseGL[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kTestGLLib[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kUseGpuInTests[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kEnableSgiVideoSync[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDisableGLExtensions[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kEnableSwapBuffersWithBounds[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDisableDirectComposition[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kEnableDirectCompositionVideoOverlays[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDisableDirectCompositionVideoOverlays[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kUseAdapterLuid[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDirectCompositionForceFullDamageForTesting[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDirectCompositionVideoSwapChainFormat[];
// These flags are used by the test harness code, not passed in by users.
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDisableGLDrawingForTests[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kOverrideUseSoftwareGLForTests[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char* const kGLSwitchesCopiedFromGpuProcessHost[];
GL_EXPORT extern const int kGLSwitchesCopiedFromGpuProcessHostNumSwitches;
} // namespace switches
namespace features {
GL_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDCompTripleBufferRootSwapChain;
GL_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDCompTripleBufferVideoSwapChain;
GL_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDirectCompositionForceFullDamage;
GL_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDirectCompositionGpuVSync;
GL_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDirectCompositionLowLatencyPresentation;
GL_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDirectCompositionSoftwareOverlays;
GL_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDefaultANGLEOpenGL;
GL_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDefaultANGLEMetal;
GL_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kTrackCurrentShaders;
} // namespace features
#endif // UI_GL_GL_SWITCHES_H_