blob: 202fcd39be40321baff969d4850ca487a7291456 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# GYP: //chrome/chrome.gyp:chrome_java (resources part)
android_resources("chrome_java_resources") {
resource_dirs = [
deps = [
custom_package = ""
# GYP: //chrome/chrome.gyp:chrome_strings_grd
java_strings_grd("chrome_strings_grd") {
grd_file = "java/strings/android_chrome_strings.grd"
outputs = [
# GYP: //chrome/chrome.gyp:chrome_java
android_library("chrome_java") {
deps = [
srcjar_deps = [
DEPRECATED_java_in_dir = "java/src"
# GYP: //chrome/chrome_browser.gypi:activity_type_ids_java
java_cpp_template("activity_type_ids_javagen") {
sources = [
package_name = "org/chromium/chrome/browser"
inputs = [
# GYP: //chrome/chrome_browser.gypi:app_banner_metrics_ids_java
java_cpp_template("app_banner_metrics_ids_javagen") {
sources = [
package_name = "org/chromium/chrome/browser/banners"
inputs = [
# GYP: //chrome/chrome_browser.gypi:resource_id_java
java_cpp_template("resource_id_javagen") {
sources = [
package_name = "org/chromium/chrome/browser"
inputs = [
# GYP: //chrome/chrome_browser.gypi:profile_account_management_metrics_java
java_cpp_template("profile_account_management_metrics_javagen") {
sources = [
package_name = "org/chromium/chrome/browser/profiles"
inputs = [
# GYP: //chrome/chrome_browser.gypi:profile_sync_service_model_type_selection_java
java_cpp_template("profile_sync_service_model_type_selection_javagen") {
sources = [
package_name = "org/chromium/chrome/browser/sync"
inputs = [
# GYP: //chrome/chrome_browser.gypi:toolbar_model_security_levels_java
java_cpp_template("toolbar_model_security_levels_javagen") {
sources = [
package_name = "org/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/toolbar"
inputs = [
# GYP: //chrome/chrome_browser.gypi:tab_load_status_java
java_cpp_template("tab_load_status_javagen") {
sources = [
package_name = "org/chromium/chrome/browser"
inputs = [
# GYP: //chrome/chrome_shell.gypi:libchromeshell_base
static_library("chrome_shell_base") {
sources = [
deps = [
#[ 'order_profiling!=0', {
#'conditions': [
#[ 'OS=="android"', {
#'dependencies': [ '../tools/cygprofile/cygprofile.gyp:cygprofile', ],
# TODO(GYP, cjhopman): make chrome_shell_base actually link and then move it to
# deps. Also, actually compile the main delegates at that point.
# GYP: //chrome/chrome_browser.gypi:libchromeshell
shared_library("chrome_shell") {
testonly = true
sources = [
# This file must always be included in the shared_library step to ensure
# JNI_OnLoad is exported.
deps = [
deps = [ ":chrome_java" ]
datadeps = [
# GYP: //chrome/chrome_browser.gypi:libchromesyncshell
shared_library("chrome_sync_shell") {
testonly = true
sources = [
# This file must always be included in the shared_library step to ensure
# JNI_OnLoad is exported.
deps = [
datadeps = [
# GYP: N/A
android_resources("chrome_shell_resources") {
deps = [
testonly = true
resource_dirs = [ "shell/res" ]
custom_package = ""
# GYP: N/A
android_library("chrome_shell_java") {
testonly = true
deps = [
DEPRECATED_java_in_dir = "shell/java/src"
chrome_shell_assets_dir = "$root_build_dir/chrome_shell/assets"
# GYP: N/A
copy_ex("chrome_shell_assets") {
clear_dir = true
dest = chrome_shell_assets_dir
sources = [
deps = [
if (icu_use_data_file) {
sources += [
#'variables': {
#'conditions': [
#['component != "shared_library" and target_arch != "arm64" and target_arch != "x64" and profiling_full_stack_frames != 1', {
## Only enable the chromium linker on regular builds, since the
## component build crashes on Android 4.4. See b/11379966
#'use_chromium_linker': '1',
# GYP: //chrome/chrome_browser.gypi:chrome_shell_apk
android_apk("chrome_shell_apk") {
testonly = true
deps = [
apk_name = "ChromeShell"
android_manifest = "shell/java/AndroidManifest.xml"
native_libs = [
asset_location = chrome_shell_assets_dir
# GYP: //chrome/chrome_browser.gypi:chrome_sync_shell_apk
android_apk("chrome_sync_shell_apk") {
testonly = true
deps = [
apk_name = "ChromeSyncShell"
android_manifest = "sync_shell/java/AndroidManifest.xml"
native_libs = [
asset_location = chrome_shell_assets_dir
# GYP: //chrome/chrome_android.gypi:chrome_version_java
chrome_version_java_dir = "$root_gen_dir/templates/chrome_version_java"
chrome_version_java_file = "$chrome_version_java_dir/org/chromium/chrome/browser/"
process_version("chrome_version_java") {
source = "java/"
output = chrome_version_java_file
zip("chrome_version_srcjar") {
inputs = [ chrome_version_java_file ]
output = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.srcjar"
base_dir = chrome_version_java_dir