blob: d2505b6b8e21b914eb3b14e5e41cd739fe367d89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/base/models/image_model.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace ash {
// The base item which is stored by the birch model.
struct ASH_EXPORT BirchItem {
BirchItem(const std::u16string& title, const ui::ImageModel icon);
BirchItem(BirchItem&&) = default;
BirchItem(const BirchItem&);
BirchItem& operator=(const BirchItem&);
virtual ~BirchItem();
bool operator==(const BirchItem& rhs) const = default;
const std::u16string title;
const ui::ImageModel icon;
virtual const char* GetItemType() const = 0;
// A birch item which contains calendar event information.
struct ASH_EXPORT BirchCalendarItem : public BirchItem {
BirchCalendarItem(const std::u16string& title,
const GURL& icon_url,
const base::Time& start_time,
const base::Time& end_time);
BirchCalendarItem(BirchCalendarItem&&) = default;
BirchCalendarItem(const BirchCalendarItem&) = default;
BirchCalendarItem& operator=(const BirchCalendarItem&) = delete;
bool operator==(const BirchCalendarItem& rhs) const = default;
~BirchCalendarItem() override;
static constexpr char kItemType[] = "CalendarItem";
// BirchItem:
const char* GetItemType() const override;
// For debugging.
std::string ToString() const;
const GURL icon_url;
const base::Time start_time;
const base::Time end_time;
// A birch item which contains file path and time information.
struct ASH_EXPORT BirchFileItem : public BirchItem {
BirchFileItem(const base::FilePath& file_path,
const std::optional<base::Time>& timestamp);
BirchFileItem(BirchFileItem&&) = default;
BirchFileItem(const BirchFileItem&) = default;
BirchFileItem& operator=(const BirchFileItem&) = delete;
bool operator==(const BirchFileItem& rhs) const = default;
~BirchFileItem() override;
const base::FilePath file_path;
const std::optional<base::Time> timestamp;
static constexpr char kItemType[] = "FileItem";
const char* GetItemType() const override;
// Intended for debugging.
std::string ToString() const;
// A birch item which contains tab and session information.
struct ASH_EXPORT BirchTabItem : public BirchItem {
BirchTabItem(const std::u16string& title,
const GURL& url,
const base::Time& timestamp,
const GURL& favicon_url,
const std::string& session_name);
BirchTabItem(const BirchTabItem&);
BirchTabItem& operator=(const BirchTabItem&);
bool operator==(const BirchTabItem& rhs) const = default;
~BirchTabItem() override;
const GURL url;
const base::Time timestamp;
const GURL favicon_url;
const std::string session_name;
static constexpr char kItemType[] = "TabItem";
const char* GetItemType() const override;
// Intended for debugging.
std::string ToString() const;
struct ASH_EXPORT BirchWeatherItem : public BirchItem {
BirchWeatherItem(const std::u16string& weather_description,
const std::u16string& temperature,
ui::ImageModel icon);
BirchWeatherItem(BirchWeatherItem&&) = default;
BirchWeatherItem(const BirchWeatherItem&) = default;
BirchWeatherItem& operator=(const BirchWeatherItem&) = delete;
bool operator==(const BirchWeatherItem& rhs) const = default;
~BirchWeatherItem() override;
const std::u16string temperature;
static constexpr char kItemType[] = "WeatherItem";
const char* GetItemType() const override;
// Intended for debugging.
std::string ToString() const;
} // namespace ash