blob: 8fbd4a07f4634663ae337caf114203d693b4572a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/bubble/bubble_event_filter.h"
#include "ash/bubble/bubble_utils.h"
#include "ash/shelf/shelf.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "ash/wm/container_finder.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace ash {
BubbleEventFilter::BubbleEventFilter(views::Widget* bubble_widget,
views::View* button,
base::RepeatingClosure on_click_outside)
: bubble_widget_(bubble_widget),
on_click_outside_(on_click_outside) {
BubbleEventFilter::~BubbleEventFilter() {
void BubbleEventFilter::SetButton(views::View* button) {
button_ = button;
void BubbleEventFilter::OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) {
if (event->type() == ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED) {
void BubbleEventFilter::OnTouchEvent(ui::TouchEvent* event) {
if (event->type() == ui::ET_TOUCH_PRESSED) {
bool BubbleEventFilter::ShouldRunOnClickOutsideCallback(
const ui::LocatedEvent& event) {
if (!bubble_widget_) {
return false;
// Check the general rules for closing bubbles.
if (!bubble_utils::ShouldCloseBubbleForEvent(event)) {
return false;
gfx::Point event_location =
: event.root_location();
// Ignore clicks inside the bubble widget.
if (bubble_widget_->GetWindowBoundsInScreen().Contains(event_location)) {
return false;
// Ignore clicks that hit the button (which usually spawned the widget).
// Note that we need to use `HitTestPoint()` because certain button (i.e. the
// shelf home button) have a custom view targeter that extends its hit test
// bounds beyond the button bounds, so when deciding whether or not to close
// the bubble we need to do a real hit test against the button, not just check
// if the click point is inside its bounds.
if (button_) {
gfx::Point point_in_button = event_location;
views::View::ConvertPointFromScreen(button_, &point_in_button);
if (button_->HitTestPoint(point_in_button)) {
return false;
return true;
void BubbleEventFilter::ProcessPressedEvent(const ui::LocatedEvent& event) {
if (ShouldRunOnClickOutsideCallback(event)) {
} // namespace ash