blob: 7738e72eb9da9f7b59c5eeeccd0196f875d425d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/curtain/security_curtain_controller.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_occlusion_tracker.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace views {
class View;
class Widget;
} // namespace views
namespace ui {
class Layer;
} // namespace ui
namespace ash::curtain {
class InputEventFilter;
// Displays a curtain widget over a single display, which will cover all other
// content, preventing local users and passerby's from observing the display.
// Owns the widget.
class ASH_EXPORT SecurityCurtainWidgetController {
SecurityCurtainWidgetController& operator=(SecurityCurtainWidgetController&&);
// Creates a new curtain overlay.
static SecurityCurtainWidgetController CreateForRootWindow(
aura::Window* curtain_container,
EventFilter event_filter,
std::unique_ptr<views::View> curtain_view);
const views::Widget& GetWidget() const;
views::Widget& GetWidget();
class WidgetMaximizer;
using Layers = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ui::Layer>>;
std::unique_ptr<views::Widget> widget,
Layers layers,
std::unique_ptr<InputEventFilter> event_filter);
Layers widget_layers_;
std::unique_ptr<views::Widget> widget_;
// The curtain widget should not occlude any other windows, otherwise they
// might not be rendered (which will be a problem when streaming the
// uncurtained desktop for example through Chrome Remote Desktop).
// Ensures the widget is always maximized, even when the display is resized.
std::unique_ptr<WidgetMaximizer> widget_maximizer_;
// Ensures local input events are filtered out.
std::unique_ptr<InputEventFilter> input_event_filter_;
} // namespace ash::curtain