blob: 1c6875f4bb77a4214bdae83a0b23ab46e9538b72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/picker/metrics/picker_feature_usage_metrics.h"
#include "ash/picker/views/picker_view_delegate.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/ash/ime_keyboard.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/unique_widget_ptr.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget_observer.h"
class GURL;
namespace ash {
class PickerAssetFetcher;
class PickerClient;
class PickerInsertMediaRequest;
class PickerSearchController;
class PickerSearchResult;
// Controls a Picker widget.
class ASH_EXPORT PickerController
: public PickerViewDelegate,
public ash::input_method::ImeKeyboard::Observer,
public views::WidgetObserver {
PickerController(const PickerController&) = delete;
PickerController& operator=(const PickerController&) = delete;
~PickerController() override;
// Whether the provided feature key for Picker can enable the feature.
static bool IsFeatureKeyMatched();
// Sets the `client` used by this class and the widget to communicate with the
// browser. `client` may be set to null, which will close the Widget if it's
// open. If `client` is not null, then it must remain valid for the lifetime
// of this class, or until `SetClient` is called with a different client.
void SetClient(PickerClient* client);
// Toggles the visibility of the Picker widget.
// This must only be called after `SetClient` is called with a valid client.
// `trigger_event_timestamp` is the timestamp of the event that triggered the
// Widget to be toggled. For example, if the feature was triggered by a mouse
// click, then it should be the timestamp of the click. By default, the
// timestamp is the time this function is called.
void ToggleWidget(
base::TimeTicks trigger_event_timestamp = base::TimeTicks::Now());
// Returns the Picker widget for tests.
views::Widget* widget_for_testing() { return widget_.get(); }
// PickerViewDelegate:
std::unique_ptr<AshWebView> CreateWebView(
const AshWebView::InitParams& params) override;
void GetResultsForCategory(PickerCategory category,
SearchResultsCallback callback) override;
void StartSearch(const std::u16string& query,
std::optional<PickerCategory> category,
SearchResultsCallback callback) override;
void InsertResultOnNextFocus(const PickerSearchResult& result) override;
PickerAssetFetcher* GetAssetFetcher() override;
// ash::input_method::ImeKeyboard::Observer:
void OnCapsLockChanged(bool enabled) override;
void OnLayoutChanging(const std::string& layout_name) override {}
// views:WidgetObserver:
void OnWidgetDestroying(views::Widget* widget) override;
// Disables the feature key checking. Only works in tests.
static void DisableFeatureKeyCheckForTesting();
// Downloads a gif from `url`. If the download is successful, encoded gif data
// is passed to `callback`. Otherwise, `callback` is run with an empty string.
void DownloadGifToString(
const GURL& url,
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string&)> callback);
raw_ptr<PickerClient> client_ = nullptr;
views::UniqueWidgetPtr widget_;
std::unique_ptr<PickerAssetFetcher> asset_fetcher_;
std::unique_ptr<PickerInsertMediaRequest> insert_media_request_;
std::unique_ptr<PickerSearchController> search_controller_;
// Periodically records usage metrics based on the Standard Feature Usage
// Logging (SFUL) framework.
PickerFeatureUsageMetrics feature_usage_metrics_;
base::ScopedObservation<views::Widget, views::WidgetObserver>
base::WeakPtrFactory<PickerController> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash