blob: 6b4e5b75b602365465e30d0a3b185a518f3a0f48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/base/class_property.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace ash {
// A builder to create a views::Widget for testing purpose. There are two ways
// to create a widget, 'BuildOwnedByNativeWidget()' and
// 'BuildOwnsNativeWidget()'. Please refer to the documentation of each methods
// to find out which is better for your test cases as there are subtle
// differences.
class ASH_EXPORT TestWidgetBuilder {
TestWidgetBuilder(const TestWidgetBuilder& other) = delete;
TestWidgetBuilder& operator=(const TestWidgetBuilder& other) = delete;
// Sets the property of views::Widget::InitParams to be used when creating
// a widget.
TestWidgetBuilder& SetWidgetType(views::Widget::InitParams::Type type);
TestWidgetBuilder& SetZOrderLevel(ui::ZOrderLevel z_order);
TestWidgetBuilder& SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
TestWidgetBuilder& SetParent(aura::Window* parent);
TestWidgetBuilder& SetContext(aura::Window* context);
TestWidgetBuilder& SetActivatable(bool activatable);
TestWidgetBuilder& SetShowState(ui::WindowShowState show_state);
// Sets the window property to be set on the window of a widget.
template <typename T>
TestWidgetBuilder& SetWindowProperty(const ui::ClassProperty<T>* property,
T value) {
widget_init_params_.init_properties_container.SetProperty(property, value);
return *this;
// Set the window id used on the window of a test widget.
TestWidgetBuilder& SetWindowId(int window_id);
// Having a non-empty title helps avoid accessibility paint check failures
// in tests. For instance, `WindowMiniView` gets its accessible name from
// the window title.
TestWidgetBuilder& SetWindowTitle(const std::u16string& title);
// A widget is shown when created by default. Use this if you want not
// to show when created.
TestWidgetBuilder& SetShow(bool show);
// Set the widget's delegate. It is not owned by the widget.
TestWidgetBuilder& SetDelegate(views::WidgetDelegate* delegate);
// Creates a test widget delegate that
// 1) makes the window resizable, maximizable and minimizale.
// 2) creates an ash's window frame.
TestWidgetBuilder& SetTestWidgetDelegate();
// Creates a widget owned by a native window (aura::Window on ChromeOS) and
// returns a raw pointer. Use this if you want to create a widget that
// behaves like an application. You should not delete the widget directly but
// must call 'Widget::CloseWithReason' (recommended) or 'Widget::Close'. Note
// that this is just an request, and the widget may not be closed and deleted
// if the widget implementation rejected the request. This is also
// asynchronus, and instances of the widget and its window will be deleted in
// a posted task. There is a 'Widget::CloseNow' which forcibly and
// synchronously closes and delete the widget and its window, but this should
// not be used in normal situation.
views::Widget* BuildOwnedByNativeWidget();
// Creates a widget that owns a native window (aura::Window on ChromeOS) and
// returns an unique pointer of the widget which owns a native window
// (aura::Window on ChromeOS). It will be closed and deleted immediately when
// the object exits its scope. The important difference is that a widget
// won't be deleted when the window is deleted first and
// Widget::GetNativeWindow() may return nullptr. Use this if there is a clear
// owner of the widget that controls the lifetime of the widget.
[[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr<views::Widget> BuildOwnsNativeWidget();
views::Widget::InitParams widget_init_params_;
int window_id_ = aura::Window::kInitialId;
std::u16string window_title_ = std::u16string();
bool show_ = true;
bool built_ = false;
} // namespace ash