blob: 0337d2b0f9557521358b3f14a93ae9918d4ba8b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/session/session_observer.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
class AccountId;
class PrefChangeRegistrar;
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
namespace ash {
// Different sources for requested touchscreen/touchpad enabled/disabled state.
enum class TouchDeviceEnabledSource {
// User-requested state set via a debug accelerator and stored in a pref.
// Transient global state used to disable touchscreen via power button.
// Controls the enabled state of touchpad and touchscreen. Must be initialized
// after Shell and SessionController.
class ASH_EXPORT TouchDevicesController : public SessionObserver {
TouchDevicesController(const TouchDevicesController&) = delete;
TouchDevicesController& operator=(const TouchDevicesController&) = delete;
~TouchDevicesController() override;
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry, bool for_test);
// Toggles the status of touchpad between enabled and disabled.
void ToggleTouchpad();
// Returns the current touchpad enabled status as specified by |source|.
bool GetTouchpadEnabled(TouchDeviceEnabledSource source) const;
// Updates the current touchpad status for |source| to |enabled|.
void SetTouchpadEnabled(bool enabled, TouchDeviceEnabledSource source);
// Returns the current touchscreen enabled status as specified by |source|.
// Note that the actual state of the touchscreen device is automatically
// determined based on the requests of multiple sources.
bool GetTouchscreenEnabled(TouchDeviceEnabledSource source) const;
// Sets |source|'s requested touchscreen enabled status to |enabled|. Note
// that the actual state of the touchscreen device is automatically determined
// based on the requests of multiple sources.
void SetTouchscreenEnabled(bool enabled, TouchDeviceEnabledSource source);
bool tap_dragging_enabled_for_test() { return tap_dragging_enabled_; }
// Overridden from SessionObserver:
void OnUserSessionAdded(const AccountId& account_id) override;
void OnSigninScreenPrefServiceInitialized(PrefService* prefs) override;
void OnActiveUserPrefServiceChanged(PrefService* prefs) override;
// Observes either the signin screen prefs or active user prefs and loads
// initial state.
void ObservePrefs(PrefService* prefs);
// Updates tap dragging enabled state from prefs.
void UpdateTapDraggingEnabled();
// Updates the actual enabled/disabled status of the touchpad.
void UpdateTouchpadEnabled();
// Updates the actual enabled/disabled status of the touchscreen. Touchscreen
// is enabled if all the touchscreen enabled sources are enabled.
void UpdateTouchscreenEnabled();
// The internal touchpad state which is associated with the global touch
// device enabled source.
bool global_touchpad_enabled_ = true;
// Saves the tap dragging enabled state from prefs.
bool tap_dragging_enabled_ = false;
// The touchscreen state which is associated with the global touch device
// enabled source.
bool global_touchscreen_enabled_ = true;
// Observes user profile prefs for touch devices.
std::unique_ptr<PrefChangeRegistrar> pref_change_registrar_;
// Used to record pref started UMA, bound on user session added and run on
// active user pref service changed. The goal is to record the initial state
// of the feature.
base::OnceCallback<void(PrefService* prefs)> uma_record_callback_;
} // namespace ash