blob: 399a00534255c51e4f600d87a92da745c5339e95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
namespace views {
class View;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
enum class PingId;
// The singleton controller, owned by the `UserEducationController`, responsible
// for creation/management of pings.
class ASH_EXPORT UserEducationPingController {
// Names for ping layers so they are easy to distinguish in debugging/testing.
static constexpr char kPingParentLayerName[] = "Ping::Parent";
static constexpr char kPingChildLayerName[] = "Ping::Child";
UserEducationPingController(const UserEducationPingController&) = delete;
UserEducationPingController& operator=(const UserEducationPingController&) =
// Returns the singleton instance owned by the `UserEducationController`.
// NOTE: Exists if and only if user education features are enabled.
static UserEducationPingController* Get();
// Attempts to creates a ping, identified by `ping_id`, for the specified
// `view`, returning whether a ping was in fact created. Note that a ping will
// *not* be created if:
// (a) a ping already exists for the specified `ping_id`;
// (b) a ping already exists for the specified `view`;
// (c) the specified `view` is not drawn.
bool CreatePing(PingId ping_id, views::View* view);
// Returns the unique identifier for the ping currently being shown for the
// specified `view`. If no ping is currently being shown for `view`, an absent
// value is returned.
std::optional<PingId> GetPingId(const views::View* view) const;
class Ping;
// Owns pings, mapping them to their associated IDs. Note that pings are
// removed from the map on ping animation ended/aborted.
std::map<PingId, std::unique_ptr<Ping>> pings_by_id_;
} // namespace ash