blob: 8d4648f73c702844f5f1e3eebf4d478725473de3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package ash.help_app;
// The persistent proto for the SearchConcept class.
message SearchConceptProto {
// Versioning information of the search concept. This is used to discard
// on-disk state if an incompatible change is made to the search concept.
optional int32 version = 1;
// Keep this proto in-sync with `search.mojom` under the same folder.
message Concept {
// Unique identifier for this concept.
required bytes id = 1;
// Localized title. Displayed directly in the UI as the main result text.
// The stored data is u16string.
optional bytes title = 2;
// Localized category. Displayed directly in the UI as secondary result
// text. The stored data is u16string.
optional bytes main_category = 3;
// List of localized tags used to make the search concept searchable.
// The stored data is u16string.
repeated bytes tags = 4;
// The locale of the tags. This could be different from the locale of the
// other fields. Empty string means system locale. Same format as the locale
// field.
optional bytes tag_locale = 5;
// The URL path containing the relevant content, which may or may not
// contain URL parameters. For example, if the help content is at
// chrome://help-app/help/sub/3399763/id/1282338#install-user, then the
// field would be "help/sub/3399763/id/1282338#install-user" for this page.
optional bytes url_path_with_parameters = 6;
// Locale code. Leave unset for the system configured locale. The format is
// language[-country] (e.g., en-US) where the language is the 2 or 3 letter
// code from ISO-639.
optional bytes locale = 7;
// A collection of search concepts that is used to generate the in-memory
// caches of the help app and local search service.
repeated Concept concepts = 2;