The project_simon resources cannot be made public until after the feature has been launched. Thus, they are currently hosted in CIPD and downloaded to this directory only if an internal chrome-branded checkout is being used. To update the assets in cipd:

  • cd to this directory in your local checkout
  • Update the project_simon_strings/ directory locally with desired changes.
  • Rebuild and test it.
  • cipd auth-login
  • cipd create -pkg-def=cipd_project_simon_strings.yaml.
    • That outputs something like this:

Instance: chromeos_internal/ash/peripherals-and-serviceability/shimless_rma_project_simon_strings:<version_id> • Instance chromeos_internal/ash/peripherals-and-serviceability/shimless_rma_project_simon_strings:<version_id> was successfully registered

  • Open chromium/src/DEPS and find “src/ash/webui/shimless_rma/resources”. Update the “version” field to the <version_id> printed above.