blob: 7ad718b63fe838b10f1a0c1cfa09e6330e77d63a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef CC_BASE_RTREE_H_
#define CC_BASE_RTREE_H_
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/numerics/clamped_math.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace cc {
// The following description and most of the implementation is borrowed from
// Skia's SkRTree implementation.
// An R-Tree implementation. In short, it is a balanced n-ary tree containing a
// hierarchy of bounding rectangles.
// It only supports bulk-loading, i.e. creation from a batch of bounding
// rectangles. This performs a bottom-up bulk load using the STR
// (sort-tile-recursive) algorithm.
// Things to do: Experiment with other bulk-load algorithms (in particular the
// Hilbert pack variant, which groups rects by position on the Hilbert curve, is
// probably worth a look). There also exist top-down bulk load variants
// (VAMSplit, TopDownGreedy, etc).
// For more details see:
// Beckmann, N.; Kriegel, H. P.; Schneider, R.; Seeger, B. (1990).
// "The R*-tree: an efficient and robust access method for points and
// rectangles"
template <typename T>
class RTree {
RTree(const RTree&) = delete;
RTree& operator=(const RTree&) = delete;
// Constructs the rtree from a given container of gfx::Rects. Queries using
// Search will then return indices into this container.
template <typename Container>
void Build(const Container& items);
// Build helper that takes a functions to provide rects and payloads.
// `bounds_getter(i)` should return the gfx::Rect representing the bounds of
// the ith item, and `payload_getter(i)` should return the payload (aka T) of
// the ith item.
template <typename BoundsFunctor, typename PayloadFunctor>
void Build(size_t item_count,
const BoundsFunctor& bounds_getter,
const PayloadFunctor& payload_getter);
// If false, this rtree does not have valid bounds and:
// - Search* will have degraded performance.
bool has_valid_bounds() const { return has_valid_bounds_; }
// Given a query rect, for each element that intersects the rect,
// result_handler is called with the payload and the rect of the element,
// in the order they appeared in the initial container.
template <typename ResultFunctor>
void Search(const gfx::Rect& query,
const ResultFunctor& result_handler) const;
// Given a query rect, returns elements that intersect the rect. Elements are
// returned in the order they appeared in the initial container.
void Search(const gfx::Rect& query,
std::vector<T>* results,
std::vector<gfx::Rect>* rects = nullptr) const;
// Given a query rect, returns non-owning pointers to elements that intersect
// the rect. Elements are returned in the order they appeared in the initial
// container.
void SearchRefs(const gfx::Rect& query, std::vector<const T*>* results) const;
// Returns the total bounds of all items in this rtree.
std::optional<gfx::Rect> bounds() const;
// Returns respective bounds of all items in this rtree in the order of items.
// Production code except tracing should not use this method.
std::map<T, gfx::Rect> GetAllBoundsForTracing() const;
void Reset();
// These values were empirically determined to produce reasonable performance
// in most cases.
static constexpr int kMinChildren = 6;
static constexpr int kMaxChildren = 11;
template <typename U>
struct Node;
template <typename U>
struct Branch {
// When the node level is 0, then the node is a leaf and the branch has a
// valid index pointing to an element in the vector that was used to build
// this rtree. When the level is not 0, it's an internal node and it has a
// valid subtree pointer.
raw_ptr<Node<U>> subtree;
U payload;
gfx::Rect bounds;
Branch() = default;
Branch(U payload, const gfx::Rect& bounds)
: payload(std::move(payload)), bounds(bounds) {}
template <typename U>
struct Node {
uint16_t num_children = 0u;
uint16_t level = 0u;
Branch<U> children[kMaxChildren];
explicit Node(uint16_t level) : level(level) {}
template <typename ResultFunctor>
void SearchRecursive(Node<T>* root,
const gfx::Rect& query,
const ResultFunctor& result_handler) const;
// The following two functions are slow fallback versions of SearchRecursive
// and SearchRefsRecursive for when !has_valid_bounds().
template <typename ResultFunctor>
void SearchRecursiveFallback(Node<T>* root,
const gfx::Rect& query,
const ResultFunctor& result_handler) const;
// Consumes the input array.
Branch<T> BuildRecursive(std::vector<Branch<T>>* branches, int level);
Node<T>* AllocateNodeAtLevel(int level);
void GetAllBoundsRecursive(Node<T>* root,
std::map<T, gfx::Rect>* results) const;
// This is the count of data elements (rather than total nodes in the tree)
size_t num_data_elements_ = 0u;
std::vector<Node<T>> nodes_;
Branch<T> root_;
// If false, the rtree encountered overflow does not have reliable bounds.
bool has_valid_bounds_ = true;
template <typename T>
RTree<T>::RTree() = default;
template <typename T>
RTree<T>::~RTree() = default;
template <typename T>
template <typename Container>
void RTree<T>::Build(const Container& items) {
items.size(), [&items](size_t index) { return items[index]; },
[](size_t index) { return index; });
template <typename T>
template <typename BoundsFunctor, typename PayloadFunctor>
void RTree<T>::Build(size_t item_count,
const BoundsFunctor& bounds_getter,
const PayloadFunctor& payload_getter) {
DCHECK_EQ(0u, num_data_elements_);
std::vector<Branch<T>> branches;
for (size_t i = 0; i < item_count; i++) {
const gfx::Rect& bounds = bounds_getter(i);
if (bounds.IsEmpty())
branches.emplace_back(payload_getter(i), bounds);
num_data_elements_ = branches.size();
if (num_data_elements_ == 1u) {
Node<T>* node = AllocateNodeAtLevel(0);
root_.subtree = node;
root_.bounds = branches[0].bounds;
node->num_children = 1;
node->children[0] = std::move(branches[0]);
} else if (num_data_elements_ > 1u) {
// Determine a reasonable upper bound on the number of nodes to prevent
// reallocations. This is basically (n**d - 1) / (n - 1), which is the
// number of nodes in a complete tree with n branches at each node. In the
// code n = |branch_count|, d = |depth|. However, we normally would have
// kMaxChildren branch factor, but that can be broken if some children
// don't have enough nodes. That can happen for at most kMinChildren nodes
// (since otherwise, we'd create a new node).
size_t branch_count = kMaxChildren;
double depth = log(branches.size()) / log(branch_count);
size_t node_count =
static_cast<size_t>((std::pow(branch_count, depth) - 1) /
(branch_count - 1)) +
root_ = BuildRecursive(&branches, 0);
// We should've wasted at most kMinChildren nodes.
DCHECK_LE(nodes_.capacity() - nodes_.size(),
template <typename T>
auto RTree<T>::AllocateNodeAtLevel(int level) -> Node<T>* {
// We don't allow reallocations, since that would invalidate references to
// existing nodes, so verify that capacity > size.
DCHECK_GT(nodes_.capacity(), nodes_.size());
return &nodes_.back();
template <typename T>
auto RTree<T>::BuildRecursive(std::vector<Branch<T>>* branches, int level)
-> Branch<T> {
// Only one branch. It will be the root.
if (branches->size() == 1)
return std::move((*branches)[0]);
// TODO(vmpstr): Investigate if branches should be sorted in y.
// The comment from Skia reads:
// We might sort our branches here, but we expect Blink gives us a reasonable
// x,y order. Skipping a call to sort (in Y) here resulted in a 17% win for
// recording with negligible difference in playback speed.
int remainder = static_cast<int>(branches->size() % kMaxChildren);
if (remainder > 0) {
// If the remainder isn't enough to fill a node, we'll add fewer nodes to
// other branches.
if (remainder >= kMinChildren)
remainder = 0;
remainder = kMinChildren - remainder;
size_t current_branch = 0;
size_t new_branch_index = 0;
while (current_branch < branches->size()) {
int increment_by = kMaxChildren;
if (remainder != 0) {
// if need be, omit some nodes to make up for remainder
if (remainder <= kMaxChildren - kMinChildren) {
increment_by -= remainder;
remainder = 0;
} else {
increment_by = kMinChildren;
remainder -= kMaxChildren - kMinChildren;
Node<T>* node = AllocateNodeAtLevel(level);
node->num_children = 1;
node->children[0] = (*branches)[current_branch];
Branch<T> branch;
branch.bounds = (*branches)[current_branch].bounds;
branch.subtree = node;
int x = branch.bounds.x();
int y = branch.bounds.y();
int right = branch.bounds.right();
int bottom = branch.bounds.bottom();
for (int k = 1; k < increment_by && current_branch < branches->size();
++k) {
// We use a custom union instead of gfx::Rect::Union here, since this
// bypasses some empty checks and extra setters, which improves
// performance.
auto& bounds = (*branches)[current_branch].bounds;
x = std::min(x, bounds.x());
y = std::min(y, bounds.y());
right = std::max(right, bounds.right());
bottom = std::max(bottom, bounds.bottom());
node->children[k] = (*branches)[current_branch];
branch.bounds.SetRect(x, y, base::ClampSub(right, x),
base::ClampSub(bottom, y));
// If we had to clamp right/bottom values, we've overflowed.
bool overflow =
branch.bounds.right() != right || branch.bounds.bottom() != bottom;
has_valid_bounds_ &= !overflow;
DCHECK_LT(new_branch_index, current_branch);
(*branches)[new_branch_index] = std::move(branch);
return BuildRecursive(branches, level + 1);
template <typename T>
template <typename ResultFunctor>
void RTree<T>::Search(const gfx::Rect& query,
const ResultFunctor& result_handler) const {
if (num_data_elements_ == 0) {
if (!has_valid_bounds_) {
SearchRecursiveFallback(root_.subtree.get(), query, result_handler);
} else if (query.Intersects(root_.bounds)) {
SearchRecursive(root_.subtree.get(), query, result_handler);
template <typename T>
void RTree<T>::Search(const gfx::Rect& query,
std::vector<T>* results,
std::vector<gfx::Rect>* rects) const {
if (rects) {
Search(query, [results, rects](const T& payload, const gfx::Rect& rect) {
if (rects) {
template <typename T>
void RTree<T>::SearchRefs(const gfx::Rect& query,
std::vector<const T*>* results) const {
Search(query, [results](const T& payload, const gfx::Rect&) {
template <typename T>
template <typename ResultFunctor>
void RTree<T>::SearchRecursive(Node<T>* node,
const gfx::Rect& query,
const ResultFunctor& result_handler) const {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < node->num_children; ++i) {
if (query.Intersects(node->children[i].bounds)) {
if (node->level == 0) {
result_handler(node->children[i].payload, node->children[i].bounds);
} else {
SearchRecursive(node->children[i].subtree.get(), query, result_handler);
// When !has_valid_bounds(), any non-leaf bounds may have overflowed and be
// invalid. Iterate over the entire tree, checking bounds at each leaf.
template <typename T>
template <typename ResultFunctor>
void RTree<T>::SearchRecursiveFallback(
Node<T>* node,
const gfx::Rect& query,
const ResultFunctor& result_handler) const {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < node->num_children; ++i) {
if (node->level == 0) {
if (query.Intersects(node->children[i].bounds)) {
result_handler(node->children[i].payload, node->children[i].bounds);
} else {
SearchRecursive(node->children[i].subtree.get(), query, result_handler);
template <typename T>
std::optional<gfx::Rect> RTree<T>::bounds() const {
if (has_valid_bounds_) {
return root_.bounds;
return std::nullopt;
template <typename T>
std::map<T, gfx::Rect> RTree<T>::GetAllBoundsForTracing() const {
std::map<T, gfx::Rect> results;
if (num_data_elements_ > 0)
GetAllBoundsRecursive(root_.subtree.get(), &results);
return results;
template <typename T>
void RTree<T>::GetAllBoundsRecursive(Node<T>* node,
std::map<T, gfx::Rect>* results) const {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < node->num_children; ++i) {
if (node->level == 0)
(*results)[node->children[i].payload] = node->children[i].bounds;
GetAllBoundsRecursive(node->children[i].subtree.get(), results);
template <typename T>
void RTree<T>::Reset() {
num_data_elements_ = 0;
root_.subtree = nullptr;
root_.bounds = gfx::Rect();
has_valid_bounds_ = true;
} // namespace cc
#endif // CC_BASE_RTREE_H_