| // Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #ifndef CC_SLIM_LAYER_H_ |
| #define CC_SLIM_LAYER_H_ |
| |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include <optional> |
| #include "base/component_export.h" |
| #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" |
| #include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h" |
| #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" |
| #include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h" |
| #include "cc/paint/filter_operations.h" |
| #include "cc/slim/filter.h" |
| #include "cc/slim/frame_data.h" |
| #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/linear_gradient.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/point3_f.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rounded_corners_f.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/transform.h" |
| |
| namespace viz { |
| class CompositorRenderPass; |
| class SharedQuadState; |
| } // namespace viz |
| |
| namespace cc::slim { |
| |
| class LayerTree; |
| class LayerTreeCcWrapper; |
| class LayerTreeImpl; |
| |
| // Base class for composited layers. Special layer types are derived from |
| // this class. Each layer is an independent unit in the compositor, be that |
| // for transforming or for content. If a layer has content it can be |
| // transformed efficiently without requiring the content to be recreated. |
| // Layers form a tree, with each layer having 0 or more children, and a single |
| // parent (or none at the root). Layers within the tree, other than the root |
| // layer, are kept alive by that tree relationship, with refpointer ownership |
| // from parents to children. |
| class COMPONENT_EXPORT(CC_SLIM) Layer : public base::RefCounted<Layer> { |
| public: |
| static scoped_refptr<Layer> Create(); |
| |
| Layer(const Layer&) = delete; |
| Layer& operator=(const Layer&) = delete; |
| |
| // The list of children of this layer. |
| const std::vector<scoped_refptr<Layer>>& children() const { |
| return children_; |
| } |
| |
| // Return the parent if any. Root layer has nullptr parent. |
| Layer* parent() const { return parent_; } |
| |
| // A unique and stable id for the Layer. Ids are always positive. |
| int id() const { return id_; } |
| |
| // Returns a pointer to the highest ancestor of this layer, or itself. |
| Layer* RootLayer(); |
| |
| // Internal method called when Layer is attached to a LayerTree. |
| // This would happen when |
| // a) the Layer is added to an existing Layer tree that is attached to a |
| // LayerTreeHost. |
| // b) the Layer is made the root layer of a LayerTreeHost. |
| // c) the Layer is part of a Layer tree, and an ancestor is attached to a |
| // LayerTreeHost via a) or b). |
| // The |host| is the new LayerTreeHost which the Layer is now attached to. |
| // Subclasses may override this if they have data or resources which are |
| // specific to a LayerTreeHost that should be updated or reset. After this |
| // returns the Layer will hold a pointer to the new LayerTreeHost. |
| virtual void SetLayerTree(LayerTree* layer_tree); |
| LayerTree* layer_tree() { return layer_tree_; } |
| |
| // Appends `child` to the list of children of this layer, and maintains |
| // ownership of a reference to that `child`. |
| void AddChild(scoped_refptr<Layer> child); |
| // Inserts |child| into the list of children of this layer, before position |
| // |index| (0 based) and maintains ownership of a reference to that |child|. |
| void InsertChild(scoped_refptr<Layer> child, size_t position); |
| // Removes an existing child |reference| from this layer's list of children, |
| // and inserts |new_layer| it its place in the list. This layer maintains |
| // ownership of a reference to the |new_layer|. The |new_layer| may be null, |
| // in which case |reference| is simply removed from the list of children, |
| // which ends this layers ownership of the child. |
| void ReplaceChild(Layer* old_child, scoped_refptr<Layer> new_child); |
| // Removes this layer from the list of children in its parent, removing the |
| // parent's ownership of this layer. |
| void RemoveFromParent(); |
| // Removes all children from this layer's list of children, removing ownership |
| // of those children. |
| void RemoveAllChildren(); |
| // Returns true if |ancestor| is this layer's parent or higher ancestor. |
| bool HasAncestor(Layer* layer) const; |
| |
| // Set and get the position of this layer, relative to its parent. This is |
| // specified in layer space, which ignores transforms for this layer or |
| // ancestor layers. The root layer's position is not used as it always |
| // appears at the origin of the viewport. |
| void SetPosition(const gfx::PointF& position); |
| const gfx::PointF& position() const { return position_; } |
| |
| // Set and get the layers bounds. This is specified in layer space, which |
| // ignores transforms for this layer or ancestor layers. |
| void SetBounds(const gfx::Size& bounds); |
| const gfx::Size& bounds() const { return bounds_; } |
| |
| // Set or get the transform to be used when compositing this layer into its |
| // target. The transform is inherited by this layers children. |
| // Slim compositor implementation only supports transforms where |
| // `Is2dTransform` is true and has CHECK for it. This includes scale, |
| // translate, and shear in the x-y plane, as well as rotation about the z |
| // axis. |
| void SetTransform(const gfx::Transform& transform); |
| const gfx::Transform& transform() const { return transform_; } |
| |
| // Set or get the origin to be used when applying the transform. The value is |
| // a position in layer space, relative to the top left corner of this layer. |
| // For instance, if set to the center of the layer, with a transform to rotate |
| // 180deg around the X axis, it would flip the layer vertically around the |
| // center of the layer, leaving it occupying the same space. Whereas set to |
| // the top left of the layer, the rotation wouldoccur around the top of the |
| // layer, moving it vertically while flipping it. |
| void SetTransformOrigin(const gfx::Point3F& origin); |
| const gfx::Point3F& transform_origin() const { return transform_origin_; } |
| |
| // When true the layer may contribute to the compositor's output. When false, |
| // it does not. This property does not apply to children of the layer, they |
| // may contribute while this layer does not. The layer itself will determine |
| // if it has content to contribute, but when false, this prevents it from |
| // doing so. |
| void SetIsDrawable(bool drawable); |
| |
| // Set and get the background color for the layer. This color is used to |
| // calculate the safe opaque background color. Subclasses may also use the |
| // color for other purposes. |
| virtual void SetBackgroundColor(SkColor4f color); |
| SkColor4f background_color() const { return background_color_; } |
| |
| // Set or get an optimization hint that the contents of this layer are fully |
| // opaque or not. If true, every pixel of content inside the layer's bounds |
| // must be opaque or visual errors can occur. This applies only to this layer |
| // and not to children, and does not imply the layer should be composited |
| // opaquely, as effects may be applied such as opacity() or filters(). |
| void SetContentsOpaque(bool opaque); |
| bool contents_opaque() const { return contents_opaque_; } |
| |
| // Set or get the opacity which should be applied to the contents of the layer |
| // and its subtree (together as a single composited entity) when blending them |
| // into their target. Note that this does not speak to the contents of this |
| // layer, which may be opaque or not (see contents_opaque()). Note that the |
| // opacity is cumulative since it applies to the layer's subtree. |
| virtual void SetOpacity(float opacity); |
| float opacity() const { return opacity_; } |
| |
| // Is true if the layer will contribute content to the compositor's output. |
| // Will be false if SetIsDrawable(false) is called. But will also be false if |
| // the layer itself has no content to contribute, even though the layer was |
| // given SetIsDrawable(true). |
| bool draws_content() const { return draws_content_; } |
| |
| // Returns the number of layers in this layers subtree (excluding itself) for |
| // which DrawsContent() is true. |
| int NumDescendantsThatDrawContent() const; |
| |
| // Set or get if this layer and its subtree should be part of the compositor's |
| // output to the screen. When set to true, the layer's subtree does not appear |
| // to the user, but still remains part of the tree with all its normal drawing |
| // properties. |
| void SetHideLayerAndSubtree(bool hide); |
| bool hide_layer_and_subtree() const { return hide_layer_and_subtree_; } |
| |
| // Set or get that this layer clips its subtree to within its bounds. Content |
| // of children will be intersected with the bounds of this layer when true. |
| void SetMasksToBounds(bool masks_to_bounds); |
| bool masks_to_bounds() const { return masks_to_bounds_; } |
| |
| // Set or get the list of filter effects to be applied to the contents of the |
| // layer and its subtree (together as a single composited entity) when |
| // drawing them into their target. |
| // Note a layer with filter is more expensive than two layers layers with |
| // opacity blending, so always prefer to use additional layers if possible. |
| void SetFilters(std::vector<Filter> filters); |
| |
| // Set the rounded corner radii in layer space (same as `SetBounds`). It |
| // is applied to the layer and its subtree. Setting this to non-empty also has |
| // similar effect as `SetMasksToBounds(true)` that the subtree is clipped to |
| // its bounds (with rounded corner). |
| // This is stored in the same structure as `SetGradientMask`. It is more |
| // efficient to avoid setting multiple rounded corner or linear gradient in |
| // the same subtree. |
| void SetRoundedCorner(const gfx::RoundedCornersF& corner_radii); |
| const gfx::RoundedCornersF& corner_radii() const { return rounded_corners_; } |
| |
| // Set the linear gradient mask, applied to this layer's bounds. It is applied |
| // to the layer and its subtree. Setting this to non-empty also has similar |
| // effect as `SetMasksToBounds(true)` that the subtree is clipped to its |
| // bounds. |
| // This is stored in the same structure as `SetRoundedCorner`. It is more |
| // efficient to avoid setting multiple rounded corner or linear gradient in |
| // the same subtree. |
| void SetGradientMask(const gfx::LinearGradient& gradient_mask); |
| const gfx::LinearGradient& gradient_mask() const { return gradient_mask_; } |
| |
| protected: |
| friend class LayerTreeCcWrapper; |
| friend class LayerTreeImpl; |
| FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SlimLayerTest, LayerProperties); |
| |
| Layer(); |
| virtual ~Layer(); |
| |
| // Called by LayerTree. |
| gfx::Transform ComputeTransformToParent() const; |
| std::optional<gfx::Transform> ComputeTransformFromParent() const; |
| bool HasFilters() const; |
| cc::FilterOperations GetFilters() const; |
| bool HasNonTrivialMaskFilterInfo() const; |
| // This method counts this layer, This is different from |
| // `NumDescendantsThatDrawContent` which counts descendent layers only. |
| int GetNumDrawingLayersInSubtree() const; |
| // Note these `GetAndReset` methods may be skipped by LayerTree if LayerTree |
| // skips processing an entire subtree that includes this layer. If this layer |
| // is processed for a subsequent frame, an ancestor layer must have |
| // `subtree_property_changed_` that applies to this layer. |
| bool GetAndResetPropertyChanged(); |
| bool GetAndResetSubtreePropertyChanged(); |
| |
| void UpdateDrawsContent(); |
| virtual bool HasDrawableContent() const; |
| |
| // `transform_to_target` is the transform from this layer's space to the |
| // space of target render pass this is layer is drawn to. |
| // `transform_to_root` is similar and transform to the root render pass. |
| // They are the same if this layer draws to the root render pass. |
| // `opacity` parameter cumulative opacity when drawing this layer. |
| // `SetOpacity` applies to the entire subtree, `opacity` parameter contains |
| // opacity from parents and may be different from `opacity()` method. |
| virtual void AppendQuads(viz::CompositorRenderPass& render_pass, |
| FrameData& data, |
| const gfx::Transform& transform_to_root, |
| const gfx::Transform& transform_to_target, |
| const gfx::Rect* clip_in_target, |
| const gfx::Rect& visible_rect, |
| float opacity); |
| virtual viz::SharedQuadState* CreateAndAppendSharedQuadState( |
| viz::CompositorRenderPass& render_pass, |
| FrameData& data, |
| const gfx::Transform& transform_to_target, |
| const gfx::Rect* clip_in_target, |
| const gfx::Rect& visible_rect, |
| float opacity); |
| |
| // Use `NotifyPropertyChanged` for a change that can only affect the contents |
| // of this layer, but not the contents of any layer in the parent or subtree. |
| // Otherwise use `NotifySubtreeChanged` which is applied recursively to the |
| // whole subtree at draw time. |
| void NotifySubtreeChanged(); |
| void NotifyPropertyChanged(); |
| |
| private: |
| friend class base::RefCounted<Layer>; |
| |
| void WillAddChildSlim(Layer* child); |
| void InsertChildSlim(scoped_refptr<Layer> child, size_t position); |
| void RemoveFromParentSlim(); |
| void SetParentSlim(Layer* parent); |
| void ChangeDrawableDescendantsBySlim(int num); |
| |
| const int id_; |
| raw_ptr<Layer> parent_ = nullptr; |
| std::vector<scoped_refptr<Layer>> children_; |
| |
| raw_ptr<LayerTree, DanglingUntriaged> layer_tree_ = nullptr; |
| |
| int num_descendants_that_draw_content_ = 0; |
| |
| gfx::PointF position_; |
| gfx::Size bounds_; |
| gfx::Transform transform_; |
| gfx::Point3F transform_origin_; |
| |
| std::vector<Filter> filters_; |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF rounded_corners_; |
| gfx::LinearGradient gradient_mask_; |
| |
| SkColor4f background_color_ = SkColors::kTransparent; |
| float opacity_ = 1.0f; |
| bool is_drawable_ : 1 = false; |
| bool contents_opaque_ : 1 = false; |
| bool draws_content_ : 1 = false; |
| bool hide_layer_and_subtree_ : 1 = false; |
| bool masks_to_bounds_ : 1 = false; |
| |
| // Indicates there is damage for this layer. |
| bool property_changed_ : 1 = false; |
| // Indicates there is damage for the entire subtree. This is tracked |
| // only at the root of the subtree, and is applied recursively to the entire |
| // subtree at draw time. |
| bool subtree_property_changed_ : 1 = false; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace cc::slim |
| |
| #endif // CC_SLIM_LAYER_H_ |