blob: dd653ab23b91250004d95f2094b9d4475b743bf1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "components/viz/common/frame_sinks/begin_frame_args.h"
namespace cc::slim {
// Implemented by client to respond to requests by LayerTree.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(CC_SLIM) LayerTreeClient {
virtual ~LayerTreeClient() = default;
// A new frame is about to be produced. Client can use the timestamp in
// `vz::BeginFrameArgs` to perform animation updates to layers. This
// generally happens as a result of modifying the layer tree. Client can
// also request one off frames with `LayerTree::SetNeedsAnimate` or
// `LayerTree::SetNeedsRedraw`.
virtual void BeginFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args) = 0;
// A new is submitted to GPU/viz. Note not every `BeginFrame` will
// result in submitting a new frame.
virtual void DidSubmitCompositorFrame() = 0;
// A frame submitted to GPU/viz has been processed. A frame will not begin
// until a previous one has been ack-ed. This should generally happen after
// every `DidSubmitCompositorFrame`, though there are edge cases such as
// losing the frame sink.
virtual void DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck() = 0;
// Client should respond eventually by calling `LayerTree::SetFrameSink`.
virtual void RequestNewFrameSink() = 0;
// Calling `LayerTree::SetFrameSink` should eventually result in one of
// these being called.
virtual void DidInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink() = 0;
virtual void DidFailToInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink() = 0;
// Frame sink is lost. A new frame sink will be requested if needed
// through `RequestNewFrameSink`.
virtual void DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSink() = 0;
} // namespace cc::slim