blob: 690a9e3dd332fe4958c99c179d8e9e09e2da9f81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "chromecast/public/bluetooth/gatt.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace bluetooth_v2_shlib {
class GattClient {
virtual ~GattClient() = default;
virtual bool IsSupported() = 0;
virtual void SetDelegate(Gatt::Client::Delegate* delegate) = 0;
virtual bool Connect(const Addr& addr, Gatt::Client::Transport transport) = 0;
virtual bool Disconnect(const Addr& addr) = 0;
virtual bool CreateBond(const Addr& addr) = 0;
virtual bool RemoveBond(const Addr& addr) = 0;
virtual bool ReadCharacteristic(const Addr& addr,
const Gatt::Characteristic& characteristic,
Gatt::Client::AuthReq auth_req) = 0;
virtual bool WriteCharacteristic(const Addr& addr,
const Gatt::Characteristic& characteristic,
Gatt::Client::AuthReq auth_req,
Gatt::WriteType write_type,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value) = 0;
virtual bool ReadDescriptor(const Addr& addr,
const Gatt::Descriptor& descriptor,
Gatt::Client::AuthReq auth_req) = 0;
virtual bool WriteDescriptor(const Addr& addr,
const Gatt::Descriptor& descriptor,
Gatt::Client::AuthReq auth_req,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value) = 0;
virtual bool SetCharacteristicNotification(
const Addr& addr,
const Gatt::Characteristic& characteristic,
bool enable) = 0;
virtual bool ReadRemoteRssi(const Addr& addr) = 0;
virtual bool RequestMtu(const Addr& addr, int mtu) = 0;
virtual bool ConnectionParameterUpdate(const Addr& addr,
int min_interval,
int max_interval,
int latency,
int timeout) = 0;
virtual bool GetServices(const Addr& addr) = 0;
virtual bool ClearPendingConnect(const Addr& addr) = 0;
virtual bool ClearPendingDisconnect(const Addr& addr) = 0;
} // namespace bluetooth_v2_shlib
} // namespace chromecast