blob: 33f191cf0f483fedb60d26829542639c5ba7fe97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "courgette/image_utils.h"
namespace courgette {
using LabelVector = std::vector<Label>;
using RVAToLabel = std::map<RVA, Label*>;
// A container to store and manage Label instances, dedicated to reducing peak
// memory usage. To this end we preallocate Label instances in bulk, and
// carefully control transient memory usage when initializing Labels.
class LabelManager {
// A helper class to heuristically complete index assignment for a list of
// Labels that have partially assigned indexes.
// Goal: An address table compresses best when each index is associated with
// an address that is slightly larger than the previous index.
// For example, suppose we have RVAs
// [0x0000, 0x0070, 0x00E0, 0x0150].
// Consider candidate (RVA, index) assignments A and B:
// A: [(0x0000, 0), (0x0070, 1), (0x00E0, 2), (0x0150, 3)],
// B: [(0x0000, 2), (0x0070, 1), (0x00E0, 0), (0x0150, 3)].
// To form the address table, we first sort by indexes:
// A: [(0x0000, 0), (0x0070, 1), (0x00E0, 2), (0x0150, 3)],
// B: [(0x00E0, 0), (0x0070, 1), (0x0000, 2), (0x0150, 3)].
// Then we extract the RVAs for storage:
// A: [0x0000, 0x0070, 0x00E0, 0x0150],
// B: [0x00E0, 0x0070, 0x0000, 0x0150].
// Clearly A compresses better than B under (signed) delta encoding.
// In Courgette-gen, an assignment algorithm (subclass of AdjustmentMethod)
// creates partial and arbitrary index assignments (to attempt to match one
// file against another). So the sorted case (like A) won't happen in general.
// Our helper class fills in the missing assignments by creating runs of
// consecutive indexes, so once RVAs are sorted by these indexes we'd reduce
// distances between successive RVAs.
class SimpleIndexAssigner {
explicit SimpleIndexAssigner(LabelVector* labels);
SimpleIndexAssigner(const SimpleIndexAssigner&) = delete;
SimpleIndexAssigner& operator=(const SimpleIndexAssigner&) = delete;
// Scans forward to assign successive indexes to Labels, using existing
// indexes as start-anchors.
void DoForwardFill();
// Scans backward to assign successive indexes to Labels, using existing
// indexes as end-anchors.
void DoBackwardFill();
// Assigns all unsigned indexes using what's available, disregarding current
// Label assignment.
void DoInFill();
// The target LabelVector, owned by the caller.
raw_ptr<LabelVector> labels_;
// A bound on indexes.
int num_index_ = 0;
// Tracker for index usage to ensure uniqueness of indexes.
std::vector<bool> available_;
LabelManager(const LabelManager&) = delete;
LabelManager& operator=(const LabelManager&) = delete;
// Returns an exclusive upper bound for all assigned indexes in |labels|.
static int GetLabelIndexBound(const LabelVector& labels);
// Accessor to stored Label instances.
const LabelVector& Labels() const { return labels_; }
// Efficiently searches for a Label that targets |rva|. Returns the pointer to
// the stored Label instance if found, or null otherwise. Non-const to support
// implementations that allocate-on-read.
Label* Find(RVA rva);
// Removes Label instances whose |count_| is less than |count_threshold|.
void RemoveUnderusedLabels(int32_t count_threshold);
// Resets all indexes to an unassigned state.
void UnassignIndexes();
// Assigns indexes to successive integers from 0, ordered by RVA.
void DefaultAssignIndexes();
// Assigns indexes to any Label instances that don't have one yet.
void AssignRemainingIndexes();
// Populates |labels_| using RVAs from |rva_visitor|. Each distinct RVA from
// |rva_visitor| yields a Label with |rva_| assigned as the RVA, and |count_|
// assigned as the repeat.
void Read(RvaVisitor* rva_visitor);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(LabelManagerTest, TrivialAssign);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(LabelManagerTest, AssignRemainingIndexes);
// The main list of Label instances, sorted by the |rva_| member.
LabelVector labels_;
} // namespace courgette