blob: 29688fbbf9570fa36d1d9c4ab1370636199a8aa5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "crypto/crypto_export.h"
#include "crypto/signature_verifier.h"
namespace crypto {
// The type of the identifiers for user-verifying keys depends on the
// underlying platform API.
typedef std::string UserVerifyingKeyLabel;
typedef int UserVerifyingKeyLabel; // Unused.
// UserVerifyingSigningKey is a hardware-backed key that triggers a user
// verification by the platform before a signature will be provided.
// Notes:
// - This is currently only supported on Windows.
// - This does not export a wrapped key because it uses the WinRT
// KeyCredentialManager which addresses stored keys by name.
// - The interface for this class will likely need to be generalized as support
// for other platforms is added.
class CRYPTO_EXPORT UserVerifyingSigningKey {
virtual ~UserVerifyingSigningKey();
// Sign invokes |callback| to provide a signature of |data|, or |nullopt| if
// an error occurs during signing.
virtual void Sign(
base::span<const uint8_t> data,
callback) = 0;
// Provides the SPKI public key.
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> GetPublicKey() const = 0;
// Get a reference to the label used to create or retrieve this key.
virtual const UserVerifyingKeyLabel& GetKeyLabel() const = 0;
// UserVerifyingKeyProvider creates |UserVerifyingSigningKey|s.
// Only one call to |GenerateUserVerifyingSigningKey| or
// |GetUserVerifyingSigningKey| can be outstanding at one time for a single
// provider, but multiple providers can be used. Destroying a provider will
// cancel an outstanding key generation or retrieval and delete the callback
// without running it.
class CRYPTO_EXPORT UserVerifyingKeyProvider {
virtual ~UserVerifyingKeyProvider();
// Similar to |GenerateSigningKeySlowly| but the resulting signing key can
// only be used with a local user authentication by the platform. This can be
// called from any thread as the work is done asynchronously on a
// low-priority thread.
// Invokes |callback| with the resulting key, or nullptr on error.
// This is currently only supported on Windows.
virtual void GenerateUserVerifyingSigningKey(
UserVerifyingKeyLabel key_label,
base::span<const SignatureVerifier::SignatureAlgorithm>
callback) = 0;
// Similar to |FromWrappedSigningKey| but uses a wrapped key that was
// generated from |GenerateUserVerifyingSigningKey|. This can be called from
// any thread as the work is done asynchronously on a low-priority thread.
// Invokes |callback| with the resulting key, or nullptr on error.
// This is currently only supported on Windows.
virtual void GetUserVerifyingSigningKey(
UserVerifyingKeyLabel key_label,
callback) = 0;
// GetUserVerifyingKeyProvider returns |UserVerifyingKeyProvider| for the
// current platform, or nullptr if this is not implemented on the current
// platform.
CRYPTO_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<UserVerifyingKeyProvider>
} // namespace crypto