blob: 6743e76f455c822ee194ecb12bf8c64ed7526bb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "google_apis/common/base_requests.h"
#include "google_apis/drive/drive_api_parser.h"
#include "google_apis/drive/drive_api_url_generator.h"
#include "google_apis/drive/drive_base_requests.h"
#include "google_apis/drive/drive_common_callbacks.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_response_head.mojom-forward.h"
namespace google_apis {
// Callback used for requests that the server returns TeamDrive data
// formatted into JSON value.
using TeamDriveListCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(ApiErrorCode error,
std::unique_ptr<TeamDriveList> entry)>;
// Callback used for requests that the server returns FileList data
// formatted into JSON value.
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(ApiErrorCode error,
std::unique_ptr<FileList> entry)>
// DEPRECATED: Please use ChangeListOnceCallback instead
// Callback used for requests that the server returns ChangeList data
// formatted into JSON value.
using ChangeListCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(ApiErrorCode error,
std::unique_ptr<ChangeList> entry)>;
using ChangeListOnceCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(ApiErrorCode error,
std::unique_ptr<ChangeList> entry)>;
// Callback used for requests that the server returns StartToken data
// formatted into JSON value.
using StartPageTokenCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(ApiErrorCode error,
std::unique_ptr<StartPageToken> entry)>;
namespace drive {
// Represents a property for a file or a directory.
class Property {
// Visibility of the property. Either limited to the same client, or to any.
// Whether the property is public or private.
Visibility visibility() const { return visibility_; }
// Name of the property.
const std::string& key() const { return key_; }
// Value of the property.
const std::string& value() const { return value_; }
void set_visibility(Visibility visibility) { visibility_ = visibility; }
void set_key(const std::string& key) { key_ = key; }
void set_value(const std::string& value) { value_ = value; }
Visibility visibility_;
std::string key_;
std::string value_;
// List of properties for a single file or a directory.
typedef std::vector<Property> Properties;
// Child response embedded in multipart parent response.
struct MultipartHttpResponse {
ApiErrorCode code = HTTP_SUCCESS;
std::string body;
// Splits multipart |response| into |parts|. Each part must be HTTP sub-response
// of drive batch request. |content_type| is a value of Content-Type response
// header. Returns true on success.
bool ParseMultipartResponse(const std::string& content_type,
const std::string& response,
std::vector<MultipartHttpResponse>* parts);
//============================ DriveApiPartialFieldRequest ====================
// This is base class of the Drive API related requests. All Drive API requests
// support partial request (to improve the performance). The function can be
// shared among the Drive API requests.
// See also
class DriveApiPartialFieldRequest : public DriveUrlFetchRequestBase {
explicit DriveApiPartialFieldRequest(RequestSender* sender);
DriveApiPartialFieldRequest(const DriveApiPartialFieldRequest&) = delete;
DriveApiPartialFieldRequest& operator=(const DriveApiPartialFieldRequest&) =
~DriveApiPartialFieldRequest() override;
// Optional parameter.
const std::string& fields() const { return fields_; }
void set_fields(const std::string& fields) { fields_ = fields; }
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
GURL GetURL() const override;
// Derived classes should override GetURLInternal instead of GetURL()
// directly.
virtual GURL GetURLInternal() const = 0;
std::string fields_;
//============================ DriveApiDataRequest ===========================
// The base class of Drive API related requests that receive a JSON response
// representing |DataType|.
template <class DataType>
class DriveApiDataRequest : public DriveApiPartialFieldRequest {
using Callback = base::OnceCallback<void(ApiErrorCode error,
std::unique_ptr<DataType> data)>;
// |callback| is called when the request finishes either by success or by
// failure. On success, a JSON Value object is passed. It must not be null.
DriveApiDataRequest(RequestSender* sender, Callback callback)
: DriveApiPartialFieldRequest(sender), callback_(std::move(callback)) {
DriveApiDataRequest(const DriveApiDataRequest&) = delete;
DriveApiDataRequest& operator=(const DriveApiDataRequest&) = delete;
~DriveApiDataRequest() override {}
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
void ProcessURLFetchResults(
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead* response_head,
base::FilePath response_file,
std::string response_body) override {
ApiErrorCode error = GetErrorCode();
switch (error) {
weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), error));
void RunCallbackOnPrematureFailure(ApiErrorCode error) override {
std::move(callback_).Run(error, std::unique_ptr<DataType>());
// Parses the |json| string by using DataType::CreateFrom.
static std::unique_ptr<DataType> Parse(std::string json) {
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value = ParseJson(json);
return value ? DataType::CreateFrom(*value) : std::unique_ptr<DataType>();
// Receives the parsed result and invokes the callback.
void OnDataParsed(ApiErrorCode error, std::unique_ptr<DataType> value) {
if (!value)
error = PARSE_ERROR;
std::move(callback_).Run(error, std::move(value));
Callback callback_;
// Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
// invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<DriveApiDataRequest> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
//=============================== FilesGetRequest =============================
// This class performs the request for fetching a file.
// This request is mapped to
class FilesGetRequest : public DriveApiDataRequest<FileResource> {
FilesGetRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
FileResourceCallback callback);
FilesGetRequest(const FilesGetRequest&) = delete;
FilesGetRequest& operator=(const FilesGetRequest&) = delete;
~FilesGetRequest() override;
// Required parameter.
const std::string& file_id() const { return file_id_; }
void set_file_id(const std::string& file_id) { file_id_ = file_id; }
// Optional parameter.
const GURL& embed_origin() const { return embed_origin_; }
void set_embed_origin(const GURL& embed_origin) {
embed_origin_ = embed_origin;
// Overridden from DriveApiDataRequest.
GURL GetURLInternal() const override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
std::string file_id_;
GURL embed_origin_;
//============================ FilesInsertRequest =============================
// Enumeration type for specifying visibility of files.
enum FileVisibility {
// This class performs the request for creating a resource.
// This request is mapped to
// See also and
class FilesInsertRequest : public DriveApiDataRequest<FileResource> {
FilesInsertRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
FileResourceCallback callback);
FilesInsertRequest(const FilesInsertRequest&) = delete;
FilesInsertRequest& operator=(const FilesInsertRequest&) = delete;
~FilesInsertRequest() override;
// Optional parameter
void set_visibility(FileVisibility visibility) { visibility_ = visibility; }
// Optional request body.
const base::Time& last_viewed_by_me_date() const {
return last_viewed_by_me_date_;
void set_last_viewed_by_me_date(const base::Time& last_viewed_by_me_date) {
last_viewed_by_me_date_ = last_viewed_by_me_date;
const std::string& mime_type() const { return mime_type_; }
void set_mime_type(const std::string& mime_type) { mime_type_ = mime_type; }
const base::Time& modified_date() const { return modified_date_; }
void set_modified_date(const base::Time& modified_date) {
modified_date_ = modified_date;
const std::vector<std::string>& parents() const { return parents_; }
void add_parent(const std::string& parent) { parents_.push_back(parent); }
const std::string& title() const { return title_; }
void set_title(const std::string& title) { title_ = title; }
const Properties& properties() const { return properties_; }
void set_properties(const Properties& properties) {
properties_ = properties;
// Overridden from GetDataRequest.
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
bool GetContentData(std::string* upload_content_type,
std::string* upload_content) override;
// Overridden from DriveApiDataRequest.
GURL GetURLInternal() const override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
FileVisibility visibility_;
base::Time last_viewed_by_me_date_;
std::string mime_type_;
base::Time modified_date_;
std::vector<std::string> parents_;
std::string title_;
Properties properties_;
//============================== FilesPatchRequest ============================
// This class performs the request for patching file metadata.
// This request is mapped to
class FilesPatchRequest : public DriveApiDataRequest<FileResource> {
FilesPatchRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
FileResourceCallback callback);
FilesPatchRequest(const FilesPatchRequest&) = delete;
FilesPatchRequest& operator=(const FilesPatchRequest&) = delete;
~FilesPatchRequest() override;
// Required parameter.
const std::string& file_id() const { return file_id_; }
void set_file_id(const std::string& file_id) { file_id_ = file_id; }
// Optional parameter.
bool set_modified_date() const { return set_modified_date_; }
void set_set_modified_date(bool set_modified_date) {
set_modified_date_ = set_modified_date;
bool update_viewed_date() const { return update_viewed_date_; }
void set_update_viewed_date(bool update_viewed_date) {
update_viewed_date_ = update_viewed_date;
// Optional request body.
// Note: "Files: patch" accepts any "Files resource" data, but this class
// only supports limited members of it for now. We can extend it upon
// requirments.
const std::string& title() const { return title_; }
void set_title(const std::string& title) { title_ = title; }
const base::Time& modified_date() const { return modified_date_; }
void set_modified_date(const base::Time& modified_date) {
modified_date_ = modified_date;
const base::Time& last_viewed_by_me_date() const {
return last_viewed_by_me_date_;
void set_last_viewed_by_me_date(const base::Time& last_viewed_by_me_date) {
last_viewed_by_me_date_ = last_viewed_by_me_date;
const std::vector<std::string>& parents() const { return parents_; }
void add_parent(const std::string& parent) { parents_.push_back(parent); }
const Properties& properties() const { return properties_; }
void set_properties(const Properties& properties) {
properties_ = properties;
// Overridden from URLFetchRequestBase.
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
std::vector<std::string> GetExtraRequestHeaders() const override;
bool GetContentData(std::string* upload_content_type,
std::string* upload_content) override;
// Overridden from DriveApiDataRequest.
GURL GetURLInternal() const override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
std::string file_id_;
bool set_modified_date_;
bool update_viewed_date_;
std::string title_;
base::Time modified_date_;
base::Time last_viewed_by_me_date_;
std::vector<std::string> parents_;
Properties properties_;
//============================= FilesCopyRequest ==============================
// This class performs the request for copying a resource.
// This request is mapped to
class FilesCopyRequest : public DriveApiDataRequest<FileResource> {
// Upon completion, |callback| will be called. |callback| must not be null.
FilesCopyRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
FileResourceCallback callback);
FilesCopyRequest(const FilesCopyRequest&) = delete;
FilesCopyRequest& operator=(const FilesCopyRequest&) = delete;
~FilesCopyRequest() override;
// Required parameter.
const std::string& file_id() const { return file_id_; }
void set_file_id(const std::string& file_id) { file_id_ = file_id; }
// Optional parameter
void set_visibility(FileVisibility visibility) { visibility_ = visibility; }
// Optional request body.
const std::vector<std::string>& parents() const { return parents_; }
void add_parent(const std::string& parent) { parents_.push_back(parent); }
const base::Time& modified_date() const { return modified_date_; }
void set_modified_date(const base::Time& modified_date) {
modified_date_ = modified_date;
const std::string& title() const { return title_; }
void set_title(const std::string& title) { title_ = title; }
// Overridden from URLFetchRequestBase.
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
bool GetContentData(std::string* upload_content_type,
std::string* upload_content) override;
// Overridden from DriveApiDataRequest.
GURL GetURLInternal() const override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
std::string file_id_;
FileVisibility visibility_;
base::Time modified_date_;
std::vector<std::string> parents_;
std::string title_;
//========================== TeamDriveListRequest =============================
// This class performs the request for fetching TeamDrive list.
// The result may contain only first part of the result. The remaining result
// should be able to be fetched by another request using this class, by
// setting the next_page_token from previous call, to page_token.
// This request is mapped to
class TeamDriveListRequest : public DriveApiDataRequest<TeamDriveList> {
TeamDriveListRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
TeamDriveListCallback callback);
TeamDriveListRequest(const TeamDriveListRequest&) = delete;
TeamDriveListRequest& operator=(const TeamDriveListRequest&) = delete;
~TeamDriveListRequest() override;
// Optional parameter
int max_results() const { return max_results_; }
void set_max_results(int max_results) { max_results_ = max_results; }
const std::string& page_token() const { return page_token_; }
void set_page_token(const std::string& page_token) {
page_token_ = page_token;
// Overridden from DriveApiDataRequest.
GURL GetURLInternal() const override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
int max_results_;
std::string page_token_;
//========================== StartPageTokenRequest =============================
// This class performs the request for fetching the start page token.
// |team_drive_id_| may be empty, in which case the start page token will be
// returned for the users changes.
// This request is mapped to
class StartPageTokenRequest : public DriveApiDataRequest<StartPageToken> {
StartPageTokenRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
StartPageTokenCallback callback);
StartPageTokenRequest(const StartPageTokenRequest&) = delete;
StartPageTokenRequest& operator=(const StartPageTokenRequest&) = delete;
~StartPageTokenRequest() override;
// Optional parameter
const std::string& team_drive_id() const { return team_drive_id_; }
void set_team_drive_id(const std::string& team_drive_id) {
team_drive_id_ = team_drive_id;
// Overridden from DriveApiDataRequest.
GURL GetURLInternal() const override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
std::string team_drive_id_;
//============================= FilesListRequest =============================
// This class performs the request for fetching FileList.
// The result may contain only first part of the result. The remaining result
// should be able to be fetched by ContinueGetFileListRequest defined below,
// or by FilesListRequest with setting page token.
// This request is mapped to
class FilesListRequest : public DriveApiDataRequest<FileList> {
FilesListRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
FileListCallback callback);
FilesListRequest(const FilesListRequest&) = delete;
FilesListRequest& operator=(const FilesListRequest&) = delete;
~FilesListRequest() override;
// Optional parameter
int max_results() const { return max_results_; }
void set_max_results(int max_results) { max_results_ = max_results; }
const std::string& page_token() const { return page_token_; }
void set_page_token(const std::string& page_token) {
page_token_ = page_token;
FilesListCorpora corpora() const { return corpora_; }
void set_corpora(FilesListCorpora corpora) { corpora_ = corpora; }
const std::string& team_drive_id() const { return team_drive_id_; }
void set_team_drive_id(const std::string& team_drive_id) {
team_drive_id_ = team_drive_id;
const std::string& q() const { return q_; }
void set_q(const std::string& q) { q_ = q; }
// Overridden from DriveApiDataRequest.
GURL GetURLInternal() const override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
int max_results_;
std::string page_token_;
FilesListCorpora corpora_;
std::string team_drive_id_;
std::string q_;
//========================= FilesListNextPageRequest ==========================
// There are two ways to obtain next pages of "Files: list" result (if paged).
// 1) Set pageToken and all params used for the initial request.
// 2) Use URL in the nextLink field in the previous response.
// This class implements 2)'s request.
class FilesListNextPageRequest : public DriveApiDataRequest<FileList> {
FilesListNextPageRequest(RequestSender* sender, FileListCallback callback);
FilesListNextPageRequest(const FilesListNextPageRequest&) = delete;
FilesListNextPageRequest& operator=(const FilesListNextPageRequest&) = delete;
~FilesListNextPageRequest() override;
const GURL& next_link() const { return next_link_; }
void set_next_link(const GURL& next_link) { next_link_ = next_link; }
// Overridden from DriveApiDataRequest.
GURL GetURLInternal() const override;
GURL next_link_;
//============================= FilesDeleteRequest =============================
// This class performs the request for deleting a resource.
// This request is mapped to
class FilesDeleteRequest : public EntryActionRequest {
FilesDeleteRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
EntryActionCallback callback);
FilesDeleteRequest(const FilesDeleteRequest&) = delete;
FilesDeleteRequest& operator=(const FilesDeleteRequest&) = delete;
~FilesDeleteRequest() override;
// Required parameter.
const std::string& file_id() const { return file_id_; }
void set_file_id(const std::string& file_id) { file_id_ = file_id; }
void set_etag(const std::string& etag) { etag_ = etag; }
// Overridden from UrlFetchRequestBase.
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
GURL GetURL() const override;
std::vector<std::string> GetExtraRequestHeaders() const override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
std::string file_id_;
std::string etag_;
//============================= FilesTrashRequest ==============================
// This class performs the request for trashing a resource.
// This request is mapped to
class FilesTrashRequest : public DriveApiDataRequest<FileResource> {
FilesTrashRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
FileResourceCallback callback);
FilesTrashRequest(const FilesTrashRequest&) = delete;
FilesTrashRequest& operator=(const FilesTrashRequest&) = delete;
~FilesTrashRequest() override;
// Required parameter.
const std::string& file_id() const { return file_id_; }
void set_file_id(const std::string& file_id) { file_id_ = file_id; }
// Overridden from UrlFetchRequestBase.
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
// Overridden from DriveApiDataRequest.
GURL GetURLInternal() const override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
std::string file_id_;
//============================== AboutGetRequest =============================
// This class performs the request for fetching About data.
// This request is mapped to
class AboutGetRequest : public DriveApiDataRequest<AboutResource> {
AboutGetRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
AboutResourceCallback callback);
AboutGetRequest(const AboutGetRequest&) = delete;
AboutGetRequest& operator=(const AboutGetRequest&) = delete;
~AboutGetRequest() override;
// Overridden from DriveApiDataRequest.
GURL GetURLInternal() const override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
//============================ ChangesListRequest ============================
// This class performs the request for fetching ChangeList.
// The result may contain only first part of the result. The remaining result
// should be able to be fetched by ContinueGetFileListRequest defined below.
// or by ChangesListRequest with setting page token.
// This request is mapped to
class ChangesListRequest : public DriveApiDataRequest<ChangeList> {
ChangesListRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
ChangeListCallback callback);
ChangesListRequest(const ChangesListRequest&) = delete;
ChangesListRequest& operator=(const ChangesListRequest&) = delete;
~ChangesListRequest() override;
// Optional parameter
bool include_deleted() const { return include_deleted_; }
void set_include_deleted(bool include_deleted) {
include_deleted_ = include_deleted;
int max_results() const { return max_results_; }
void set_max_results(int max_results) { max_results_ = max_results; }
const std::string& page_token() const { return page_token_; }
void set_page_token(const std::string& page_token) {
page_token_ = page_token;
int64_t start_change_id() const { return start_change_id_; }
void set_start_change_id(int64_t start_change_id) {
start_change_id_ = start_change_id;
const std::string& team_drive_id() const { return team_drive_id_; }
void set_team_drive_id(const std::string& team_drive_id) {
team_drive_id_ = team_drive_id;
// Overridden from DriveApiDataRequest.
GURL GetURLInternal() const override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
bool include_deleted_;
int max_results_;
std::string page_token_;
int64_t start_change_id_;
std::string team_drive_id_;
//======================== ChangesListNextPageRequest =========================
// There are two ways to obtain next pages of "Changes: list" result (if paged).
// 1) Set pageToken and all params used for the initial request.
// 2) Use URL in the nextLink field in the previous response.
// This class implements 2)'s request.
class ChangesListNextPageRequest : public DriveApiDataRequest<ChangeList> {
ChangesListNextPageRequest(RequestSender* sender,
ChangeListCallback callback);
ChangesListNextPageRequest(const ChangesListNextPageRequest&) = delete;
ChangesListNextPageRequest& operator=(const ChangesListNextPageRequest&) =
~ChangesListNextPageRequest() override;
const GURL& next_link() const { return next_link_; }
void set_next_link(const GURL& next_link) { next_link_ = next_link; }
// Overridden from DriveApiDataRequest.
GURL GetURLInternal() const override;
GURL next_link_;
//========================== ChildrenInsertRequest ============================
// This class performs the request for inserting a resource to a directory.
// This request is mapped to
class ChildrenInsertRequest : public EntryActionRequest {
ChildrenInsertRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
EntryActionCallback callback);
ChildrenInsertRequest(const ChildrenInsertRequest&) = delete;
ChildrenInsertRequest& operator=(const ChildrenInsertRequest&) = delete;
~ChildrenInsertRequest() override;
// Required parameter.
const std::string& folder_id() const { return folder_id_; }
void set_folder_id(const std::string& folder_id) { folder_id_ = folder_id; }
// Required body.
const std::string& id() const { return id_; }
void set_id(const std::string& id) { id_ = id; }
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
GURL GetURL() const override;
bool GetContentData(std::string* upload_content_type,
std::string* upload_content) override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
std::string folder_id_;
std::string id_;
//========================== ChildrenDeleteRequest ============================
// This class performs the request for removing a resource from a directory.
// This request is mapped to
class ChildrenDeleteRequest : public EntryActionRequest {
// |callback| must not be null.
ChildrenDeleteRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
EntryActionCallback callback);
ChildrenDeleteRequest(const ChildrenDeleteRequest&) = delete;
ChildrenDeleteRequest& operator=(const ChildrenDeleteRequest&) = delete;
~ChildrenDeleteRequest() override;
// Required parameter.
const std::string& child_id() const { return child_id_; }
void set_child_id(const std::string& child_id) { child_id_ = child_id; }
const std::string& folder_id() const { return folder_id_; }
void set_folder_id(const std::string& folder_id) { folder_id_ = folder_id; }
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
GURL GetURL() const override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
std::string child_id_;
std::string folder_id_;
//======================= InitiateUploadNewFileRequest =======================
// This class performs the request for initiating the upload of a new file.
class InitiateUploadNewFileRequest : public InitiateUploadRequestBase {
// |parent_resource_id| should be the resource id of the parent directory.
// |title| should be set.
// See also the comments of InitiateUploadRequestBase for more details
// about the other parameters.
InitiateUploadNewFileRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
const std::string& content_type,
int64_t content_length,
const std::string& parent_resource_id,
const std::string& title,
InitiateUploadCallback callback);
InitiateUploadNewFileRequest(const InitiateUploadNewFileRequest&) = delete;
InitiateUploadNewFileRequest& operator=(const InitiateUploadNewFileRequest&) =
~InitiateUploadNewFileRequest() override;
// Optional parameters.
const base::Time& modified_date() const { return modified_date_; }
void set_modified_date(const base::Time& modified_date) {
modified_date_ = modified_date;
const base::Time& last_viewed_by_me_date() const {
return last_viewed_by_me_date_;
void set_last_viewed_by_me_date(const base::Time& last_viewed_by_me_date) {
last_viewed_by_me_date_ = last_viewed_by_me_date;
const Properties& properties() const { return properties_; }
void set_properties(const Properties& properties) {
properties_ = properties;
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
GURL GetURL() const override;
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
bool GetContentData(std::string* upload_content_type,
std::string* upload_content) override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
const std::string parent_resource_id_;
const std::string title_;
base::Time modified_date_;
base::Time last_viewed_by_me_date_;
Properties properties_;
//==================== InitiateUploadExistingFileRequest =====================
// This class performs the request for initiating the upload of an existing
// file.
class InitiateUploadExistingFileRequest : public InitiateUploadRequestBase {
// |upload_url| should be the upload_url() of the file
// (resumable-create-media URL)
// |etag| should be set if it is available to detect the upload confliction.
// See also the comments of InitiateUploadRequestBase for more details
// about the other parameters.
InitiateUploadExistingFileRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
const std::string& content_type,
int64_t content_length,
const std::string& resource_id,
const std::string& etag,
InitiateUploadCallback callback);
InitiateUploadExistingFileRequest(const InitiateUploadExistingFileRequest&) =
InitiateUploadExistingFileRequest& operator=(
const InitiateUploadExistingFileRequest&) = delete;
~InitiateUploadExistingFileRequest() override;
// Optional parameters.
const std::string& parent_resource_id() const { return parent_resource_id_; }
void set_parent_resource_id(const std::string& parent_resource_id) {
parent_resource_id_ = parent_resource_id;
const std::string& title() const { return title_; }
void set_title(const std::string& title) { title_ = title; }
const base::Time& modified_date() const { return modified_date_; }
void set_modified_date(const base::Time& modified_date) {
modified_date_ = modified_date;
const base::Time& last_viewed_by_me_date() const {
return last_viewed_by_me_date_;
void set_last_viewed_by_me_date(const base::Time& last_viewed_by_me_date) {
last_viewed_by_me_date_ = last_viewed_by_me_date;
const Properties& properties() const { return properties_; }
void set_properties(const Properties& properties) {
properties_ = properties;
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
GURL GetURL() const override;
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
std::vector<std::string> GetExtraRequestHeaders() const override;
bool GetContentData(std::string* upload_content_type,
std::string* upload_content) override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
const std::string resource_id_;
const std::string etag_;
std::string parent_resource_id_;
std::string title_;
base::Time modified_date_;
base::Time last_viewed_by_me_date_;
Properties properties_;
// Callback used for ResumeUpload() and GetUploadStatus().
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(const UploadRangeResponse& response,
std::unique_ptr<FileResource> new_resource)>
//============================ ResumeUploadRequest ===========================
// Performs the request for resuming the upload of a file.
class ResumeUploadRequest : public ResumeUploadRequestBase {
// See also ResumeUploadRequestBase's comment for parameters meaning.
// |callback| must not be null. |progress_callback| may be null.
ResumeUploadRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const GURL& upload_location,
int64_t start_position,
int64_t end_position,
int64_t content_length,
const std::string& content_type,
const base::FilePath& local_file_path,
UploadRangeCallback callback,
ProgressCallback progress_callback);
ResumeUploadRequest(const ResumeUploadRequest&) = delete;
ResumeUploadRequest& operator=(const ResumeUploadRequest&) = delete;
~ResumeUploadRequest() override;
// UploadRangeRequestBase overrides.
void OnRangeRequestComplete(const UploadRangeResponse& response,
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value) override;
UploadRangeCallback callback_;
//========================== GetUploadStatusRequest ==========================
// Performs the request to fetch the current upload status of a file.
class GetUploadStatusRequest : public GetUploadStatusRequestBase {
// See also GetUploadStatusRequestBase's comment for parameters meaning.
// |callback| must not be null.
GetUploadStatusRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const GURL& upload_url,
int64_t content_length,
UploadRangeCallback callback);
GetUploadStatusRequest(const GetUploadStatusRequest&) = delete;
GetUploadStatusRequest& operator=(const GetUploadStatusRequest&) = delete;
~GetUploadStatusRequest() override;
// UploadRangeRequestBase overrides.
void OnRangeRequestComplete(const UploadRangeResponse& response,
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value) override;
UploadRangeCallback callback_;
//======================= MultipartUploadNewFileDelegate =======================
// This class performs the request for initiating the upload of a new file.
class MultipartUploadNewFileDelegate : public MultipartUploadRequestBase {
// |parent_resource_id| should be the resource id of the parent directory.
// |title| should be set.
// See also the comments of MultipartUploadRequestBase for more details
// about the other parameters.
MultipartUploadNewFileDelegate(base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner,
const std::string& title,
const std::string& parent_resource_id,
const std::string& content_type,
int64_t content_length,
const base::Time& modified_date,
const base::Time& last_viewed_by_me_date,
const base::FilePath& local_file_path,
const Properties& properties,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
FileResourceCallback callback,
ProgressCallback progress_callback);
MultipartUploadNewFileDelegate(const MultipartUploadNewFileDelegate&) =
MultipartUploadNewFileDelegate& operator=(
const MultipartUploadNewFileDelegate&) = delete;
~MultipartUploadNewFileDelegate() override;
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
GURL GetURL() const override;
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
const bool has_modified_date_;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
//====================== MultipartUploadExistingFileDelegate ===================
// This class performs the request for initiating the upload of a new file.
class MultipartUploadExistingFileDelegate : public MultipartUploadRequestBase {
// |parent_resource_id| should be the resource id of the parent directory.
// |title| should be set.
// See also the comments of MultipartUploadRequestBase for more details
// about the other parameters.
MultipartUploadExistingFileDelegate(base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner,
const std::string& title,
const std::string& resource_id,
const std::string& parent_resource_id,
const std::string& content_type,
int64_t content_length,
const base::Time& modified_date,
const base::Time& last_viewed_by_me_date,
const base::FilePath& local_file_path,
const std::string& etag,
const Properties& properties,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
FileResourceCallback callback,
ProgressCallback progress_callback);
const MultipartUploadExistingFileDelegate&) = delete;
MultipartUploadExistingFileDelegate& operator=(
const MultipartUploadExistingFileDelegate&) = delete;
~MultipartUploadExistingFileDelegate() override;
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
std::vector<std::string> GetExtraRequestHeaders() const override;
GURL GetURL() const override;
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
const std::string resource_id_;
const std::string etag_;
const bool has_modified_date_;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
//========================== DownloadFileRequest ==========================
// This class performs the request for downloading of a specified file.
class DownloadFileRequest : public DownloadFileRequestBase {
// See also DownloadFileRequestBase's comment for parameters meaning.
DownloadFileRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
const std::string& resource_id,
const base::FilePath& output_file_path,
DownloadActionCallback download_action_callback,
const GetContentCallback& get_content_callback,
ProgressCallback progress_callback);
DownloadFileRequest(const DownloadFileRequest&) = delete;
DownloadFileRequest& operator=(const DownloadFileRequest&) = delete;
~DownloadFileRequest() override;
//========================== PermissionsInsertRequest ==========================
// Enumeration type for specifying type of permissions.
enum PermissionType {
// Enumeration type for specifying the role of permissions.
enum PermissionRole {
// This class performs the request for adding permission on a specified file.
class PermissionsInsertRequest : public EntryActionRequest {
// See
PermissionsInsertRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator,
EntryActionCallback callback);
PermissionsInsertRequest(const PermissionsInsertRequest&) = delete;
PermissionsInsertRequest& operator=(const PermissionsInsertRequest&) = delete;
~PermissionsInsertRequest() override;
void set_id(const std::string& id) { id_ = id; }
void set_type(PermissionType type) { type_ = type; }
void set_role(PermissionRole role) { role_ = role; }
void set_value(const std::string& value) { value_ = value; }
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
GURL GetURL() const override;
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
bool GetContentData(std::string* upload_content_type,
std::string* upload_content) override;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
std::string id_;
PermissionType type_;
PermissionRole role_;
std::string value_;
//======================= SingleBatchableDelegateRequest =======================
// Request that is operated by single BatchableDelegate.
class SingleBatchableDelegateRequest : public DriveUrlFetchRequestBase {
SingleBatchableDelegateRequest(RequestSender* sender,
std::unique_ptr<BatchableDelegate> delegate);
SingleBatchableDelegateRequest(const SingleBatchableDelegateRequest&) =
SingleBatchableDelegateRequest& operator=(
const SingleBatchableDelegateRequest&) = delete;
~SingleBatchableDelegateRequest() override;
GURL GetURL() const override;
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
std::vector<std::string> GetExtraRequestHeaders() const override;
void Prepare(PrepareCallback callback) override;
bool GetContentData(std::string* upload_content_type,
std::string* upload_content) override;
void RunCallbackOnPrematureFailure(ApiErrorCode code) override;
void ProcessURLFetchResults(
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead* response_head,
base::FilePath response_file,
std::string response_body) override;
void OnUploadProgress(int64_t current, int64_t total);
std::unique_ptr<BatchableDelegate> delegate_;
// Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
// invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<SingleBatchableDelegateRequest> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
//========================== BatchUploadRequest ==========================
class BatchUploadChildEntry {
explicit BatchUploadChildEntry(BatchableDelegate* request);
BatchUploadChildEntry(const BatchUploadChildEntry&) = delete;
BatchUploadChildEntry& operator=(const BatchUploadChildEntry&) = delete;
std::unique_ptr<BatchableDelegate> request;
bool prepared;
int64_t data_offset;
int64_t data_size;
class BatchUploadRequest : public DriveUrlFetchRequestBase {
BatchUploadRequest(RequestSender* sender,
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator);
BatchUploadRequest(const BatchUploadRequest&) = delete;
BatchUploadRequest& operator=(const BatchUploadRequest&) = delete;
~BatchUploadRequest() override;
// Adds request to the batch request. The instance takes ownership of
// |request|.
void AddRequest(BatchableDelegate* request);
// Completes building batch upload request, and starts to send the request to
// server. Must add at least one request before calling |Commit|.
void Commit();
// Obtains weak pointer of this.
base::WeakPtr<BatchUploadRequest> GetWeakPtrAsBatchUploadRequest();
// Set boundary. Only tests can use this method.
void SetBoundaryForTesting(const std::string& boundary);
// Obtains reference to RequestSender that owns the request.
RequestSender* sender() const { return sender_; }
// Obtains URLGenerator.
const DriveApiUrlGenerator& url_generator() const { return url_generator_; }
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
void Prepare(PrepareCallback callback) override;
void Cancel() override;
GURL GetURL() const override;
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
std::vector<std::string> GetExtraRequestHeaders() const override;
bool GetContentData(std::string* upload_content_type,
std::string* upload_content) override;
void ProcessURLFetchResults(
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead* response_head,
base::FilePath response_file,
std::string response_body) override;
void RunCallbackOnPrematureFailure(ApiErrorCode code) override;
// Called by UrlFetchRequestBase to report upload progress.
void OnUploadProgress(int64_t current, int64_t total);
typedef void* RequestID;
// Obtains corresponding child entry of |request_id|. Returns NULL if the
// entry is not found.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BatchUploadChildEntry>>::iterator GetChildEntry(
RequestID request_id);
// Called after child requests' |Prepare| method.
void OnChildRequestPrepared(RequestID request_id, ApiErrorCode result);
// Complete |Prepare| if possible.
void MayCompletePrepare();
// Process result for each child.
void ProcessURLFetchResultsForChild(RequestID id, const std::string& body);
const raw_ptr<RequestSender> sender_;
const DriveApiUrlGenerator url_generator_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BatchUploadChildEntry>> child_requests_;
PrepareCallback prepare_callback_;
bool committed_;
// Boundary of multipart body.
std::string boundary_;
// Multipart of child requests.
ContentTypeAndData upload_content_;
// Last reported progress value.
int64_t last_progress_value_;
// Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
// invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<BatchUploadRequest> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace drive
} // namespace google_apis