| // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "google_apis/drive/drive_api_url_generator.h" |
| |
| #include "base/check_op.h" |
| #include "base/command_line.h" |
| #include "base/notreached.h" |
| #include "base/strings/escape.h" |
| #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" |
| #include "google_apis/google_api_keys.h" |
| #include "net/base/url_util.h" |
| |
| namespace google_apis { |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| // Hard coded URLs for communication with a google drive server. |
| // TODO(yamaguchi): Make a utility function to compose some of these URLs by a |
| // version and a resource name. |
| const char kDriveV2AboutUrl[] = "drive/v2/about"; |
| const char kDriveV2ChangelistUrl[] = "drive/v2/changes"; |
| const char kDriveV2StartPageTokenUrl[] = "drive/v2/changes/startPageToken"; |
| const char kDriveV2FilesUrl[] = "drive/v2/files"; |
| const char kDriveV2FileUrlPrefix[] = "drive/v2/files/"; |
| const char kDriveV2ChildrenUrlFormat[] = "drive/v2/files/%s/children"; |
| const char kDriveV2ChildrenUrlForRemovalFormat[] = |
| "drive/v2/files/%s/children/%s"; |
| const char kDriveV2FileCopyUrlFormat[] = "drive/v2/files/%s/copy"; |
| const char kDriveV2FileDeleteUrlFormat[] = "drive/v2/files/%s"; |
| const char kDriveV2FileTrashUrlFormat[] = "drive/v2/files/%s/trash"; |
| const char kDriveV2UploadNewFileUrl[] = "upload/drive/v2/files"; |
| const char kDriveV2UploadExistingFileUrlPrefix[] = "upload/drive/v2/files/"; |
| const char kDriveV2BatchUploadUrl[] = "upload/drive"; |
| const char kDriveV2PermissionsUrlFormat[] = "drive/v2/files/%s/permissions"; |
| const char kDriveV2DownloadUrlFormat[] = "drive/v2/files/%s?alt=media"; |
| const char kDriveV2ThumbnailUrlFormat[] = "d/%s=w%d-h%d%s"; |
| const char kDriveV2TeamDrivesUrl[] = "drive/v2/teamdrives"; |
| |
| const char kIncludeTeamDriveItems[] = "includeTeamDriveItems"; |
| const char kSupportsTeamDrives[] = "supportsTeamDrives"; |
| const char kCorpora[] = "corpora"; |
| const char kCorporaAllTeamDrives[] = "default,allTeamDrives"; |
| const char kCorporaDefault[] = "default"; |
| const char kCorporaTeamDrive[] = "teamDrive"; |
| const char kTeamDriveId[] = "teamDriveId"; |
| |
| GURL AddResumableUploadParam(const GURL& url) { |
| return net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "uploadType", "resumable"); |
| } |
| |
| GURL AddMultipartUploadParam(const GURL& url) { |
| return net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "uploadType", "multipart"); |
| } |
| |
| const char* GetCorporaString(FilesListCorpora corpora) { |
| switch (corpora) { |
| case FilesListCorpora::DEFAULT: |
| return kCorporaDefault; |
| case FilesListCorpora::TEAM_DRIVE: |
| return kCorporaTeamDrive; |
| case FilesListCorpora::ALL_TEAM_DRIVES: |
| return kCorporaAllTeamDrives; |
| } |
| return kCorporaDefault; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| DriveApiUrlGenerator::DriveApiUrlGenerator(const GURL& base_url, |
| const GURL& base_thumbnail_url) |
| : base_url_(base_url), base_thumbnail_url_(base_thumbnail_url) { |
| // Do nothing. |
| } |
| |
| DriveApiUrlGenerator::DriveApiUrlGenerator(const DriveApiUrlGenerator& src) = |
| default; |
| |
| DriveApiUrlGenerator::~DriveApiUrlGenerator() { |
| // Do nothing. |
| } |
| |
| const char DriveApiUrlGenerator::kBaseThumbnailUrlForProduction[] = |
| "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com"; |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetAboutGetUrl() const { |
| return base_url_.Resolve(kDriveV2AboutUrl); |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetFilesGetUrl(const std::string& file_id, |
| const GURL& embed_origin) const { |
| GURL url = |
| base_url_.Resolve(kDriveV2FileUrlPrefix + base::EscapePath(file_id)); |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| |
| if (!embed_origin.is_empty()) { |
| // Construct a valid serialized embed origin from an url, according to |
| // WD-html5-20110525. Such string has to be built manually, since |
| // GURL::spec() always adds the trailing slash. Moreover, ports are |
| // currently not supported. |
| DCHECK(!embed_origin.has_port()); |
| DCHECK(!embed_origin.has_path() || embed_origin.path() == "/"); |
| const std::string serialized_embed_origin = |
| embed_origin.scheme() + "://" + embed_origin.host(); |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter( |
| url, "embedOrigin", serialized_embed_origin); |
| } |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetFilesInsertUrl( |
| const std::string& visibility) const { |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(kDriveV2FilesUrl); |
| |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| if (!visibility.empty()) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "visibility", visibility); |
| |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetFilesPatchUrl(const std::string& file_id, |
| bool set_modified_date, |
| bool update_viewed_date) const { |
| GURL url = |
| base_url_.Resolve(kDriveV2FileUrlPrefix + base::EscapePath(file_id)); |
| |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| // setModifiedDate is "false" by default. |
| if (set_modified_date) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "setModifiedDate", "true"); |
| |
| // updateViewedDate is "true" by default. |
| if (!update_viewed_date) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "updateViewedDate", "false"); |
| |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetFilesCopyUrl( |
| const std::string& file_id, |
| const std::string& visibility) const { |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(base::StringPrintf( |
| kDriveV2FileCopyUrlFormat, base::EscapePath(file_id).c_str())); |
| |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| if (!visibility.empty()) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "visibility", visibility); |
| |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetFilesListUrl(int max_results, |
| const std::string& page_token, |
| FilesListCorpora corpora, |
| const std::string& team_drive_id, |
| const std::string& q) const { |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(kDriveV2FilesUrl); |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kIncludeTeamDriveItems, "true"); |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kCorpora, |
| GetCorporaString(corpora)); |
| if (!team_drive_id.empty()) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kTeamDriveId, team_drive_id); |
| // maxResults is 100 by default. |
| if (max_results != 100) { |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "maxResults", |
| base::NumberToString(max_results)); |
| } |
| |
| if (!page_token.empty()) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "pageToken", page_token); |
| |
| if (!q.empty()) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "q", q); |
| |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetFilesDeleteUrl(const std::string& file_id) const { |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(base::StringPrintf( |
| kDriveV2FileDeleteUrlFormat, base::EscapePath(file_id).c_str())); |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetFilesTrashUrl(const std::string& file_id) const { |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(base::StringPrintf( |
| kDriveV2FileTrashUrlFormat, base::EscapePath(file_id).c_str())); |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetChangesListUrl( |
| bool include_deleted, |
| int max_results, |
| const std::string& page_token, |
| int64_t start_change_id, |
| const std::string& team_drive_id) const { |
| DCHECK_GE(start_change_id, 0); |
| |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(kDriveV2ChangelistUrl); |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kIncludeTeamDriveItems, "true"); |
| if (!team_drive_id.empty()) { |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kTeamDriveId, team_drive_id); |
| } |
| // includeDeleted is "true" by default. |
| if (!include_deleted) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "includeDeleted", "false"); |
| |
| // maxResults is "100" by default. |
| if (max_results != 100) { |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "maxResults", |
| base::NumberToString(max_results)); |
| } |
| |
| if (!page_token.empty()) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "pageToken", page_token); |
| |
| if (start_change_id > 0) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter( |
| url, "startChangeId", base::NumberToString(start_change_id)); |
| |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetChildrenInsertUrl( |
| const std::string& file_id) const { |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(base::StringPrintf( |
| kDriveV2ChildrenUrlFormat, base::EscapePath(file_id).c_str())); |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetChildrenDeleteUrl( |
| const std::string& child_id, const std::string& folder_id) const { |
| return base_url_.Resolve(base::StringPrintf( |
| kDriveV2ChildrenUrlForRemovalFormat, base::EscapePath(folder_id).c_str(), |
| base::EscapePath(child_id).c_str())); |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetInitiateUploadNewFileUrl( |
| bool set_modified_date) const { |
| GURL url = AddResumableUploadParam( |
| base_url_.Resolve(kDriveV2UploadNewFileUrl)); |
| |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| // setModifiedDate is "false" by default. |
| if (set_modified_date) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "setModifiedDate", "true"); |
| |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetInitiateUploadExistingFileUrl( |
| const std::string& resource_id, |
| bool set_modified_date) const { |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(kDriveV2UploadExistingFileUrlPrefix + |
| base::EscapePath(resource_id)); |
| url = AddResumableUploadParam(url); |
| |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| // setModifiedDate is "false" by default. |
| if (set_modified_date) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "setModifiedDate", "true"); |
| |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetMultipartUploadNewFileUrl( |
| bool set_modified_date) const { |
| GURL url = AddMultipartUploadParam( |
| base_url_.Resolve(kDriveV2UploadNewFileUrl)); |
| |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| // setModifiedDate is "false" by default. |
| if (set_modified_date) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "setModifiedDate", "true"); |
| |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetMultipartUploadExistingFileUrl( |
| const std::string& resource_id, |
| bool set_modified_date) const { |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(kDriveV2UploadExistingFileUrlPrefix + |
| base::EscapePath(resource_id)); |
| url = AddMultipartUploadParam(url); |
| |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| // setModifiedDate is "false" by default. |
| if (set_modified_date) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "setModifiedDate", "true"); |
| |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GenerateDownloadFileUrl( |
| const std::string& resource_id) const { |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(base::StringPrintf( |
| kDriveV2DownloadUrlFormat, base::EscapePath(resource_id).c_str())); |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetPermissionsInsertUrl( |
| const std::string& resource_id) const { |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(base::StringPrintf( |
| kDriveV2PermissionsUrlFormat, base::EscapePath(resource_id).c_str())); |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetThumbnailUrl(const std::string& resource_id, |
| int width, |
| int height, |
| bool crop) const { |
| return base_thumbnail_url_.Resolve(base::StringPrintf( |
| kDriveV2ThumbnailUrlFormat, base::EscapePath(resource_id).c_str(), width, |
| height, crop ? "-c" : "")); |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetBatchUploadUrl() const { |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(kDriveV2BatchUploadUrl); |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetTeamDriveListUrl( |
| int max_results, |
| const std::string& page_token) const { |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(kDriveV2TeamDrivesUrl); |
| |
| // maxResults is 10 by default. |
| if (max_results != 10) { |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "maxResults", |
| base::NumberToString(max_results)); |
| } |
| if (!page_token.empty()) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, "pageToken", page_token); |
| |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| GURL DriveApiUrlGenerator::GetStartPageTokenUrl( |
| const std::string& team_drive) const { |
| GURL url = base_url_.Resolve(kDriveV2StartPageTokenUrl); |
| |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kSupportsTeamDrives, "true"); |
| |
| if (!team_drive.empty()) |
| url = net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(url, kTeamDriveId, team_drive); |
| |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace google_apis |