blob: bd1cda1fd0c577261838c2228682476b47b9cdf3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_android) {
# Pull in enable_chrome_android_internal.
config("gpu_implementation") {
defines = [ "GPU_IMPLEMENTATION" ]
configs = [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]
config("gpu_gles2_implementation") {
configs = [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]
config("gpu_util_implementation") {
configs = [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]
config("raster_implementation") {
configs = [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]
config("webgpu_implementation") {
configs = [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]
component("gpu") {
public_deps = [
component("gles2") {
public_deps = [
component("raster") {
public_deps = [ "//gpu/command_buffer/client:raster_sources" ]
component("mailbox") {
defines = [ "IS_GPU_MAILBOX_IMPL" ]
public_deps = [ "//gpu/command_buffer/common:mailbox_sources" ]
component("webgpu") {
public_deps = [ "//gpu/command_buffer/client:webgpu_sources" ]
if (!use_static_angle) {
shared_library("command_buffer_gles2") {
sources = [
# TODO(hendrikw): Move egl out of gles2_conform_support.
deps = [
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]
defines = [
if (is_android) {
configs -= [ "//build/config/android:hide_all_but_jni_onload" ]
if (current_os == "win") {
defines += [ "EGLAPI=__declspec(dllexport)" ]
} else {
defines += [ "EGLAPI=__attribute__((visibility(\"default\")))" ]
test("command_buffer_gles2_tests") {
sources = [
deps = [
defines = [
if (current_os == "win") {
defines += [ "EGLAPI=__declspec(dllimport)" ]
} else {
defines += [ "EGLAPI=" ]
libs = []
if (is_android) {
libs += [ "android" ]
deps += [ "//ui/android:ui_java" ]
if ((is_linux || is_chromeos) && !is_component_build) {
configs += [ "//build/config/gcc:rpath_for_built_shared_libraries" ]
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [ "//ui/base:features" ]
} # if (!use_static_angle)
static_library("test_support") {
testonly = true
sources = [
public_deps = [
deps = [
if (use_static_angle) {
deps += [ "//third_party/angle:translator" ]
} else {
deps += [ "//third_party/angle:translator_gl_d3d_only" ]
if (!is_android && !is_fuchsia && !is_chromeos_ash && !is_ios) {
proto_library("gl_lpm_fuzzer_proto") {
sources = [ "command_buffer/tests/lpm/gl_lpm_fuzzer.proto" ]
use_protobuf_full = true
deps = [ "//third_party/protobuf:protobuf_full" ]
static_library("gl_lpm_shader_to_string") {
sources = [
deps = [
test("gl_lpm_shader_to_string_unittest") {
sources = [ "command_buffer/tests/lpm/" ]
deps = [
fuzzer_test("gl_lpm_fuzzer") {
sources = [
defines = [ "GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES" ]
if (is_mac) {
frameworks = [ "IOSurface.framework" ]
deps = [
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]
test("gl_tests") {
use_xvfb = use_xvfb_in_this_config
sources = [
if (use_egl) {
sources += [ "command_buffer/service/shared_image/" ]
if (is_android) {
sources += [ "command_buffer/tests/" ]
# Simply loading the Vulkan driver leaks
if (use_dawn && !is_lsan) {
sources += [
defines = [ "GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES" ]
deps = [
if (use_static_angle) {
deps += [ "//third_party/angle:translator" ]
} else {
deps += [ "//third_party/angle:translator_gl_d3d_only" ]
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]
sources += [ "command_buffer/service/shared_image/" ]
if (enable_vulkan) {
deps += [ "//gpu/vulkan/init:init" ]
libs = []
if (is_android) {
libs += [ "android" ]
deps += [ "//ui/android:ui_java" ]
sources += [ "command_buffer/service/shared_image/" ]
} else if (is_apple) {
frameworks = [ "IOSurface.framework" ]
sources += [ "command_buffer/service/shared_image/" ]
} else if (is_win) {
deps += [
sources += [
} else if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
# Simply loading the Vulkan driver leaks
# CFI error in third_party/vulkan_memory_allocator
if (enable_vulkan && !is_lsan && !is_cfi) {
sources += [ "command_buffer/service/shared_image/" ]
# Simply loading the Vulkan driver leaks
if (is_linux && !is_lsan) {
sources += [ "command_buffer/service/shared_image/" ]
if (use_dawn || skia_use_dawn) {
deps += [
sources += [
data_deps = [ "//testing/buildbot/filters:gl_tests_filters" ]
if (is_android && enable_chrome_android_internal) {
data_deps += [ "//clank/build/bot/filters:gl_tests_filters" ]
if (is_chromeos) {
deps += [ "//ui/gfx/linux:gbm" ]
test("gpu_unittests") {
use_xvfb = use_xvfb_in_this_config
sources = [
if (enable_validating_command_decoder) {
sources += [
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
# Image decode acceleration with hardware is only supported in Chrome OS.
# The intention is to run this test in the linux-chromeos build.
sources += [ "ipc/service/" ]
if (is_apple) {
sources += [
if (is_linux || is_chromeos || use_ozone) {
sources += [
if (is_win) {
sources += [
if (is_android) {
sources += [
if (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android) {
sources += [ "command_buffer/service/" ]
if (is_mac) {
sources += [ "ipc/service/" ]
# On official builds angle doesn't build null backend that is required for
# unit tests. We don't check directly for angle_enable_null to avoid
# accidental skipping all the tests if angle logic to build null backend will
# change.
if (!is_official_build) {
sources += [
if (!is_ios) {
# This test depends on the test trace processor which is not currently
# a dependency on iOS. See //base/test:test_support.
sources += [ "ipc/service/" ]
if (use_dawn) {
sources += [
configs += [ "//build/config:precompiled_headers" ]
deps = [
if (use_static_angle) {
deps += [ "//third_party/angle:translator" ]
} else {
deps += [ "//third_party/angle:translator_gl_d3d_only" ]
if (is_android) {
deps += [
if (use_dawn) {
deps += [
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]
if (is_ios) {
bundle_deps =
[ "//testing/buildbot/filters:gpu_unittests_filters_bundle_data" ]
test("gpu_perftests") {
sources = [
deps = [
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [
data_deps = [
# Needed for isolate script to execute.
# This target should not require the Chrome executable to run.
assert_no_deps = [ "//chrome" ]
test("command_buffer_perftests") {
sources = [
deps = [
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [
data_deps = [
# Needed for isolate script to execute.
# This target should not require the Chrome executable to run.
assert_no_deps = [ "//chrome" ]
# We allow validating command decoder fuzzer on linux for better coverage.
if (enable_validating_command_decoder || is_linux) {
fuzzer_test("gpu_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "command_buffer/tests/" ]
deps = [
libfuzzer_options = [ "max_len=16384" ]
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]
fuzzer_test("gpu_angle_passthrough_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "command_buffer/tests/" ]
defines = [
deps = [
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]
libfuzzer_options = [ "max_len=16384" ]
fuzzer_test("gpu_swangle_passthrough_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "command_buffer/tests/" ]
defines = [
deps = [
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]
libfuzzer_options = [ "max_len=16384" ]
if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
fuzzer_test("gpu_raster_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "command_buffer/tests/" ]
deps = [
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]
libfuzzer_options = [ "max_len=16384" ]
fuzzer_test("gpu_raster_passthrough_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "command_buffer/tests/" ]
defines = [
deps = [
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]
libfuzzer_options = [ "max_len=16384" ]
fuzzer_test("gpu_raster_swangle_passthrough_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "command_buffer/tests/" ]
defines = [
deps = [
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]
libfuzzer_options = [ "max_len=16384" ]
# Microbenchmark to measure performance of GLHelper code, for use in
# debugging, profiling, and optimizing.
test("gpu_benchmark") {
sources = [ "command_buffer/tests/" ]
configs += [
if (!is_debug && (is_win || is_android)) {
configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
deps = [
data_deps = [ "//third_party/mesa_headers" ]