blob: 5618d02062989cad4ca543772beb0b2fc79f77e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This class represents contextual information (cookies, cache, etc.)
// that's necessary when processing resource requests.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/network_handle.h"
#include "net/base/request_priority.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_source.h"
#include "net/net_buildflags.h"
#include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request.h"
namespace net {
class CertVerifier;
class ClientSocketFactory;
class CookieStore;
class HostResolver;
class HttpAuthHandlerFactory;
class HttpNetworkSession;
struct HttpNetworkSessionContext;
struct HttpNetworkSessionParams;
class HttpServerProperties;
class HttpTransactionFactory;
class HttpUserAgentSettings;
class NetLog;
class NetworkDelegate;
class NetworkQualityEstimator;
class ProxyDelegate;
class ProxyResolutionService;
class QuicContext;
class SCTAuditingDelegate;
class SSLConfigService;
class TransportSecurityPersister;
class TransportSecurityState;
class URLRequest;
class URLRequestJobFactory;
class URLRequestContextBuilder;
class NetworkErrorLoggingService;
class PersistentReportingAndNelStore;
class ReportingService;
// Class that provides application-specific context for URLRequest
// instances. May only be created by URLRequestContextBuilder.
// Owns most of its member variables, except a few that may be shared
// with other contexts.
class NET_EXPORT URLRequestContext final {
// URLRequestContext must be created by URLRequestContextBuilder.
explicit URLRequestContext(base::PassKey<URLRequestContextBuilder> pass_key);
URLRequestContext(const URLRequestContext&) = delete;
URLRequestContext& operator=(const URLRequestContext&) = delete;
// May return nullptr if this context doesn't have an associated network
// session.
const HttpNetworkSessionParams* GetNetworkSessionParams() const;
// May return nullptr if this context doesn't have an associated network
// session.
const HttpNetworkSessionContext* GetNetworkSessionContext() const;
// TODO( Revisit once build flag switch of lacros-chrome is
// complete.
// This function should not be used in Chromium, please use the version with
// NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag in the future.
// The unannotated method is not available on desktop Linux + Windows. It's
// available on other platforms, since we only audit network annotations on
// Linux & Windows.
std::unique_ptr<URLRequest> CreateRequest(
const GURL& url,
RequestPriority priority,
URLRequest::Delegate* delegate) const;
// `traffic_annotation` is metadata about the network traffic send via this
// URLRequest, see net::DefineNetworkTrafficAnnotation. Note that:
// - net provides the API for tagging requests with an opaque identifier.
// - chrome/browser/privacy/traffic_annotation.proto contains the Chrome
// specific .proto describing the verbose annotation format that Chrome's
// callsites are expected to follow.
// - tools/traffic_annotation/ contains sample and template for annotation and
// tools will be added for verification following
// `is_for_websockets` should be true iff this was created for use by a
// websocket. HTTP/HTTPS requests fail if it's true, and WS/WSS requests fail
// if it's false. This is to protect against broken consumers.
// `net_log_source_id` is used to construct NetLogWithSource using the
// specified Source ID. This method is expected to be used when URLRequest
// wants to take over existing NetLogSource.
std::unique_ptr<URLRequest> CreateRequest(
const GURL& url,
RequestPriority priority,
URLRequest::Delegate* delegate,
NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation,
bool is_for_websockets = false,
const std::optional<net::NetLogSource> net_log_source =
std::nullopt) const;
NetLog* net_log() const { return net_log_; }
HostResolver* host_resolver() const { return host_resolver_.get(); }
CertVerifier* cert_verifier() const { return cert_verifier_.get(); }
// Get the proxy service for this context.
ProxyResolutionService* proxy_resolution_service() const {
return proxy_resolution_service_.get();
ProxyDelegate* proxy_delegate() const { return proxy_delegate_.get(); }
// Get the ssl config service for this context.
SSLConfigService* ssl_config_service() const {
return ssl_config_service_.get();
// Gets the HTTP Authentication Handler Factory for this context.
// The factory is only valid for the lifetime of this URLRequestContext
HttpAuthHandlerFactory* http_auth_handler_factory() const {
return http_auth_handler_factory_.get();
// Gets the http transaction factory for this context.
HttpTransactionFactory* http_transaction_factory() const {
return http_transaction_factory_.get();
NetworkDelegate* network_delegate() const { return network_delegate_.get(); }
HttpServerProperties* http_server_properties() const {
return http_server_properties_.get();
// Gets the cookie store for this context (may be null, in which case
// cookies are not stored).
CookieStore* cookie_store() const { return cookie_store_.get(); }
TransportSecurityState* transport_security_state() const {
return transport_security_state_.get();
SCTAuditingDelegate* sct_auditing_delegate() const {
return sct_auditing_delegate_.get();
const URLRequestJobFactory* job_factory() const { return job_factory_; }
QuicContext* quic_context() const { return quic_context_.get(); }
// Gets the URLRequest objects that hold a reference to this
// URLRequestContext.
std::set<raw_ptr<const URLRequest, SetExperimental>>* url_requests() const {
return url_requests_.get();
// CHECKs that no URLRequests using this context remain. Subclasses should
// additionally call AssertNoURLRequests() within their own destructor,
// prior to implicit destruction of subclass-owned state.
void AssertNoURLRequests() const;
// Get the underlying |HttpUserAgentSettings| implementation that provides
// the HTTP Accept-Language and User-Agent header values.
const HttpUserAgentSettings* http_user_agent_settings() const {
return http_user_agent_settings_.get();
// Gets the NetworkQualityEstimator associated with this context.
// May return nullptr.
NetworkQualityEstimator* network_quality_estimator() const {
return network_quality_estimator_.get();
ReportingService* reporting_service() const {
return reporting_service_.get();
NetworkErrorLoggingService* network_error_logging_service() const {
return network_error_logging_service_.get();
bool enable_brotli() const { return enable_brotli_; }
bool enable_zstd() const { return enable_zstd_; }
// Returns current value of the |check_cleartext_permitted| flag.
bool check_cleartext_permitted() const { return check_cleartext_permitted_; }
bool require_network_anonymization_key() const {
return require_network_anonymization_key_;
// If != handles::kInvalidNetworkHandle, the network which this
// context has been bound to.
handles::NetworkHandle bound_network() const { return bound_network_; }
void AssertCalledOnValidThread() {
// DEPRECATED: Do not use this even in tests. This is for a legacy use.
void SetJobFactoryForTesting(const URLRequestJobFactory* job_factory) {
job_factory_ = job_factory;
const std::optional<std::string>& cookie_deprecation_label() const {
return cookie_deprecation_label_;
void set_cookie_deprecation_label(const std::optional<std::string>& label) {
cookie_deprecation_label_ = label;
friend class URLRequestContextBuilder;
HttpNetworkSession* http_network_session() const {
return http_network_session_.get();
void set_net_log(NetLog* net_log);
void set_host_resolver(std::unique_ptr<HostResolver> host_resolver);
void set_cert_verifier(std::unique_ptr<CertVerifier> cert_verifier);
void set_proxy_resolution_service(
std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolutionService> proxy_resolution_service);
void set_proxy_delegate(std::unique_ptr<ProxyDelegate> proxy_delegate);
void set_ssl_config_service(std::unique_ptr<SSLConfigService> service);
void set_http_auth_handler_factory(
std::unique_ptr<HttpAuthHandlerFactory> factory);
void set_http_network_session(
std::unique_ptr<HttpNetworkSession> http_network_session);
void set_http_transaction_factory(
std::unique_ptr<HttpTransactionFactory> factory);
void set_network_delegate(std::unique_ptr<NetworkDelegate> network_delegate);
void set_http_server_properties(
std::unique_ptr<HttpServerProperties> http_server_properties);
void set_cookie_store(std::unique_ptr<CookieStore> cookie_store);
void set_transport_security_state(
std::unique_ptr<TransportSecurityState> state);
void set_sct_auditing_delegate(std::unique_ptr<SCTAuditingDelegate> delegate);
void set_job_factory(std::unique_ptr<const URLRequestJobFactory> job_factory);
void set_quic_context(std::unique_ptr<QuicContext> quic_context);
void set_http_user_agent_settings(
std::unique_ptr<const HttpUserAgentSettings> http_user_agent_settings);
void set_network_quality_estimator(
NetworkQualityEstimator* network_quality_estimator);
void set_client_socket_factory(
std::unique_ptr<ClientSocketFactory> client_socket_factory);
void set_persistent_reporting_and_nel_store(
void set_reporting_service(
std::unique_ptr<ReportingService> reporting_service);
void set_network_error_logging_service(
void set_enable_brotli(bool enable_brotli) { enable_brotli_ = enable_brotli; }
void set_enable_zstd(bool enable_zstd) { enable_zstd_ = enable_zstd; }
void set_check_cleartext_permitted(bool check_cleartext_permitted) {
check_cleartext_permitted_ = check_cleartext_permitted;
void set_require_network_anonymization_key(
bool require_network_anonymization_key) {
require_network_anonymization_key_ = require_network_anonymization_key;
void set_bound_network(handles::NetworkHandle network) {
bound_network_ = network;
void set_transport_security_persister(
std::unique_ptr<TransportSecurityPersister> transport_security_persister);
raw_ptr<NetLog> net_log_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<HostResolver> host_resolver_;
std::unique_ptr<CertVerifier> cert_verifier_;
std::unique_ptr<HttpAuthHandlerFactory> http_auth_handler_factory_;
std::unique_ptr<NetworkDelegate> network_delegate_;
// `proxy_resolution_service_` may store a pointer to `proxy_delegate_`, so
// ensure that the latter outlives the former.
std::unique_ptr<ProxyDelegate> proxy_delegate_;
std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolutionService> proxy_resolution_service_;
std::unique_ptr<SSLConfigService> ssl_config_service_;
std::unique_ptr<HttpServerProperties> http_server_properties_;
std::unique_ptr<const HttpUserAgentSettings> http_user_agent_settings_;
std::unique_ptr<CookieStore> cookie_store_;
std::unique_ptr<TransportSecurityState> transport_security_state_;
std::unique_ptr<SCTAuditingDelegate> sct_auditing_delegate_;
std::unique_ptr<QuicContext> quic_context_;
std::unique_ptr<ClientSocketFactory> client_socket_factory_;
// The storage duplication for URLRequestJobFactory is needed because of
// SetJobFactoryForTesting. Once this method is removable, we can only store a
// unique_ptr similarly to the other fields.
std::unique_ptr<const URLRequestJobFactory> job_factory_storage_;
raw_ptr<const URLRequestJobFactory> job_factory_ = nullptr;
// Must precede |reporting_service_| and |network_error_logging_service_|
std::unique_ptr<ReportingService> reporting_service_;
std::unique_ptr<NetworkErrorLoggingService> network_error_logging_service_;
// May be used (but not owned) by the HttpTransactionFactory.
std::unique_ptr<HttpNetworkSession> http_network_session_;
// `http_transaction_factory_` might hold a raw pointer on
// `http_network_session_` so it needs to be declared last.
std::unique_ptr<HttpTransactionFactory> http_transaction_factory_;
raw_ptr<NetworkQualityEstimator> network_quality_estimator_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<TransportSecurityPersister> transport_security_persister_;
std::unique_ptr<std::set<raw_ptr<const URLRequest, SetExperimental>>>
// Enables Brotli Content-Encoding support.
bool enable_brotli_ = false;
// Enables Zstd Content-Encoding support.
bool enable_zstd_ = false;
// Enables checking system policy before allowing a cleartext http or ws
// request. Only used on Android.
bool check_cleartext_permitted_ = false;
// Triggers a DCHECK if a NetworkAnonymizationKey/IsolationInfo is not
// provided to a request when true.
bool require_network_anonymization_key_ = false;
std::optional<std::string> cookie_deprecation_label_;
handles::NetworkHandle bound_network_;
} // namespace net