blob: bddd437bb19f32cec1ee4ab19ffe90490d63b00d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "printing/buildflags/buildflags.h"
#include "printing/mojom/print.mojom.h"
#include "printing/page_range.h"
#include "printing/page_setup.h"
#include "printing/print_job_constants.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include <map>
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/local_printer.mojom.h"
namespace printing {
inline constexpr char kMacSystemPrintDialogDataDestinationType[] =
inline constexpr char kMacSystemPrintDialogDataDestinationFormat[] =
inline constexpr char kMacSystemPrintDialogDataDestinationLocation[] =
inline constexpr char kMacSystemPrintDialogDataPageFormat[] = "page_format";
inline constexpr char kMacSystemPrintDialogDataPrintSettings[] =
inline constexpr char kLinuxSystemPrintDialogDataPrinter[] = "printer_name";
inline constexpr char kLinuxSystemPrintDialogDataPrintSettings[] =
inline constexpr char kLinuxSystemPrintDialogDataPageSetup[] = "page_setup";
// Convert from `color_mode` into a `color_model`. An invalid `color_mode`
// will give a result of `mojom::ColorModel::kUnknownColorModel`.
mojom::ColorModel ColorModeToColorModel(int color_mode);
// Returns true if `color_model` is color and false if it is B&W. Callers
// are not supposed to pass in `mojom::ColorModel::kUnknownColorModel`, but
// if they do then the result will be std::nullopt.
std::optional<bool> IsColorModelSelected(mojom::ColorModel color_model);
// Get the color model setting name and value for the `color_model`.
void GetColorModelForModel(mojom::ColorModel color_model,
std::string* color_setting_name,
std::string* color_value);
// Convert from `color_model` to a print-color-mode value from PWG 5100.13.
std::string GetIppColorModelForModel(mojom::ColorModel color_model);
// Media properties requested by the user. Default instance represents
// default media selection.
struct RequestedMedia {
bool operator==(const RequestedMedia& other) const;
bool IsDefault() const {
return size_microns.IsEmpty() && vendor_id.empty();
// Size of the media, in microns.
gfx::Size size_microns;
// Platform specific id to map it back to the particular media.
std::string vendor_id;
using AdvancedSettings = std::map<std::string, base::Value>;
PrintSettings(const PrintSettings&);
PrintSettings& operator=(const PrintSettings&);
bool operator==(const PrintSettings& other) const;
// Reinitialize the settings to the default values.
void Clear();
void SetCustomMargins(const PageMargins& requested_margins_in_points);
const PageMargins& requested_custom_margins_in_points() const {
return requested_custom_margins_in_points_;
void set_margin_type(mojom::MarginType margin_type) {
margin_type_ = margin_type;
mojom::MarginType margin_type() const { return margin_type_; }
// Updates the orientation and flip the page if needed.
void SetOrientation(bool landscape);
bool landscape() const { return landscape_; }
// Updates user requested media.
void set_requested_media(const RequestedMedia& media) {
requested_media_ = media;
// Media properties requested by the user. Translated into device media by the
// platform specific layers.
const RequestedMedia& requested_media() const { return requested_media_; }
// Set printer printable area in in device units.
// Some platforms already provide flipped area. Set `landscape_needs_flip`
// to false on those platforms to avoid double flipping.
// This method assumes correct DPI is already set.
void SetPrinterPrintableArea(const gfx::Size& physical_size_device_units,
const gfx::Rect& printable_area_device_units,
bool landscape_needs_flip);
// Update the printer printable area for the current media using the
// provided area in microns.
void UpdatePrinterPrintableArea(const gfx::Rect& printable_area_um);
const PageSetup& page_setup_device_units() const {
return page_setup_device_units_;
// `set_page_setup_device_units()` intended to be used only for mojom
// validation.
void set_page_setup_device_units(const PageSetup& page_setup_device_units) {
page_setup_device_units_ = page_setup_device_units;
void set_device_name(const std::u16string& device_name) {
device_name_ = device_name;
const std::u16string& device_name() const { return device_name_; }
void set_borderless(bool borderless) { borderless_ = borderless; }
bool borderless() const { return borderless_; }
void set_media_type(const std::string& media_type) {
media_type_ = media_type;
const std::string& media_type() const { return media_type_; }
void set_dpi(int dpi) { dpi_ = gfx::Size(dpi, dpi); }
void set_dpi_xy(int dpi_horizontal, int dpi_vertical) {
dpi_ = gfx::Size(dpi_horizontal, dpi_vertical);
int dpi() const { return std::max(dpi_.width(), dpi_.height()); }
int dpi_horizontal() const { return dpi_.width(); }
int dpi_vertical() const { return dpi_.height(); }
const gfx::Size& dpi_size() const { return dpi_; }
void set_scale_factor(double scale_factor) { scale_factor_ = scale_factor; }
double scale_factor() const { return scale_factor_; }
void set_rasterize_pdf(bool rasterize_pdf) { rasterize_pdf_ = rasterize_pdf; }
bool rasterize_pdf() const { return rasterize_pdf_; }
void set_rasterize_pdf_dpi(int32_t dpi) { rasterize_pdf_dpi_ = dpi; }
int32_t rasterize_pdf_dpi() const { return rasterize_pdf_dpi_; }
int device_units_per_inch() const {
return kMacDeviceUnitsPerInch;
return dpi();
const gfx::Size& device_units_per_inch_size() const {
static constexpr gfx::Size kSize{kMacDeviceUnitsPerInch,
return kSize;
return dpi_size();
void set_ranges(const PageRanges& ranges) { ranges_ = ranges; }
const PageRanges& ranges() const { return ranges_; }
void set_selection_only(bool selection_only) {
selection_only_ = selection_only;
bool selection_only() const { return selection_only_; }
void set_should_print_backgrounds(bool should_print_backgrounds) {
should_print_backgrounds_ = should_print_backgrounds;
bool should_print_backgrounds() const { return should_print_backgrounds_; }
void set_display_header_footer(bool display_header_footer) {
display_header_footer_ = display_header_footer;
bool display_header_footer() const { return display_header_footer_; }
void set_title(const std::u16string& title) { title_ = title; }
const std::u16string& title() const { return title_; }
void set_url(const std::u16string& url) { url_ = url; }
const std::u16string& url() const { return url_; }
void set_collate(bool collate) { collate_ = collate; }
bool collate() const { return collate_; }
void set_color(mojom::ColorModel color) { color_ = color; }
mojom::ColorModel color() const { return color_; }
void set_copies(int copies) { copies_ = copies; }
int copies() const { return copies_; }
void set_duplex_mode(mojom::DuplexMode duplex_mode) {
duplex_mode_ = duplex_mode;
mojom::DuplexMode duplex_mode() const { return duplex_mode_; }
void set_printer_language_type(mojom::PrinterLanguageType type) {
printer_language_type_ = type;
mojom::PrinterLanguageType printer_language_type() const {
return printer_language_type_;
bool printer_language_is_textonly() const {
return printer_language_type_ == mojom::PrinterLanguageType::kTextOnly;
bool printer_language_is_xps() const {
return printer_language_type_ == mojom::PrinterLanguageType::kXps;
bool printer_language_is_ps2() const {
return printer_language_type_ ==
bool printer_language_is_ps3() const {
return printer_language_type_ ==
void set_is_modifiable(bool is_modifiable) { is_modifiable_ = is_modifiable; }
bool is_modifiable() const { return is_modifiable_; }
int pages_per_sheet() const { return pages_per_sheet_; }
void set_pages_per_sheet(int pages_per_sheet) {
pages_per_sheet_ = pages_per_sheet;
AdvancedSettings& advanced_settings() { return advanced_settings_; }
const AdvancedSettings& advanced_settings() const {
return advanced_settings_;
void set_send_user_info(bool send_user_info) {
send_user_info_ = send_user_info;
bool send_user_info() const { return send_user_info_; }
void set_username(const std::string& username) { username_ = username; }
const std::string& username() const { return username_; }
void set_oauth_token(const std::string& oauth_token) {
oauth_token_ = oauth_token;
const std::string& oauth_token() const { return oauth_token_; }
void set_pin_value(const std::string& pin_value) { pin_value_ = pin_value; }
const std::string& pin_value() const { return pin_value_; }
void set_client_infos(std::vector<mojom::IppClientInfo> client_infos) {
client_infos_ = std::move(client_infos);
const std::vector<mojom::IppClientInfo>& client_infos() const {
return client_infos_;
void set_printer_manually_selected(bool printer_manually_selected) {
printer_manually_selected_ = printer_manually_selected;
bool printer_manually_selected() const { return printer_manually_selected_; }
void set_printer_status_reason(
crosapi::mojom::StatusReason::Reason printer_status_reason) {
printer_status_reason_ = printer_status_reason;
std::optional<crosapi::mojom::StatusReason::Reason> printer_status_reason()
const {
return printer_status_reason_;
void set_system_print_dialog_data(base::Value::Dict data) {
system_print_dialog_data_ = std::move(data);
const base::Value::Dict& system_print_dialog_data() const {
return system_print_dialog_data_;
// Cookie generator. It is used to initialize `PrintedDocument` with its
// associated `PrintSettings`, to be sure that each generated `PrintedPage`
// is correctly associated with its corresponding `PrintedDocument`.
static int NewCookie();
// Creates an invalid cookie for use in situations where the cookie needs to
// be marked as invalid.
static int NewInvalidCookie();
static constexpr int kMacDeviceUnitsPerInch = 72;
// Multi-page printing. Each `PageRange` describes a from-to page combination.
// This permits printing selected pages only.
PageRanges ranges_;
// Indicates if the user only wants to print the current selection.
bool selection_only_;
// Indicates what kind of margins should be applied to the printable area.
mojom::MarginType margin_type_;
// Strings to be printed as headers and footers if requested by the user.
std::u16string title_;
std::u16string url_;
// True if the user wants headers and footers to be displayed.
bool display_header_footer_;
// True if the user wants to print CSS backgrounds.
bool should_print_backgrounds_;
// True if the user wants to print with collate.
bool collate_;
// Color model type for the printer to use.
mojom::ColorModel color_;
// Number of copies user wants to print.
int copies_;
// Duplex type user wants to use.
mojom::DuplexMode duplex_mode_;
// Printer device name as opened by the OS.
std::u16string device_name_;
// Platform-specific print settings captured from a system print dialog.
// The settings are captured in the browser process for transmission to
// the Print Backend service for OOP printing.
base::Value::Dict system_print_dialog_data_;
// Media requested by the user.
RequestedMedia requested_media_;
// Page setup in device units.
PageSetup page_setup_device_units_;
// Whether the user has requested borderless (zero margin) printing.
bool borderless_;
// Media type requested by the user.
std::string media_type_;
// Printer's device effective dots per inch in both axes. The two values will
// generally be identical. However, on Windows, there are a few rare printers
// that support resolutions with different DPI in different dimensions.
gfx::Size dpi_;
// Scale factor
double scale_factor_;
// True if PDF should be printed as a raster PDF
bool rasterize_pdf_;
// The DPI which overrides the calculated value normally used when
// rasterizing a PDF. A non-positive value would be an invalid choice of a
// DPI and indicates no override.
int32_t rasterize_pdf_dpi_;
// Is the orientation landscape or portrait.
bool landscape_;
mojom::PrinterLanguageType printer_language_type_;
bool is_modifiable_;
// If margin type is custom, this is what was requested.
PageMargins requested_custom_margins_in_points_;
// Number of pages per sheet.
int pages_per_sheet_;
// Advanced settings.
AdvancedSettings advanced_settings_;
// Whether to send user info.
bool send_user_info_;
// Username if it's required by the printer.
std::string username_;
// OAuth access token if it's required by the printer.
std::string oauth_token_;
// PIN code entered by the user.
std::string pin_value_;
// Value of the 'client-info' that will be sent to the printer.
// Should only be set for printers that support 'client-info'.
std::vector<mojom::IppClientInfo> client_infos_;
// True if the user selects to print to a different printer than the original
// destination shown when Print Preview opens.
bool printer_manually_selected_;
// The printer status reason shown for the selected printer at the time print
// is requested. Only local CrOS printers set printer statuses.
std::optional<crosapi::mojom::StatusReason::Reason> printer_status_reason_;
} // namespace printing