blob: 04485f95ddddbf8b39d13c12b5153957d833da9e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "printing/mojom/print.mojom.h"
#include "printing/print_settings.h"
#include "printing/printing_context.h"
namespace printing {
class TestPrintingContextDelegate : public PrintingContext::Delegate {
TestPrintingContextDelegate(const TestPrintingContextDelegate&) = delete;
TestPrintingContextDelegate& operator=(const TestPrintingContextDelegate&) =
~TestPrintingContextDelegate() override;
// PrintingContext::Delegate overrides:
gfx::NativeView GetParentView() override;
std::string GetAppLocale() override;
// Note that TestPrintingContext uses a PrintBackend internally, so tests that
// want to avoid using a real PrintingContext will also want to use
// PrintBackend::SetPrintBackendForTesting() to avoid using a real PrintBackend.
class TestPrintingContext : public PrintingContext {
using OnNewDocumentCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
bool destination_is_preview,
const PrintSettings&)>;
TestPrintingContext(Delegate* delegate, ProcessBehavior process_behavior);
TestPrintingContext(const TestPrintingContext&) = delete;
TestPrintingContext& operator=(const TestPrintingContext&) = delete;
~TestPrintingContext() override;
// Methods for test setup:
// Provide settings that will be used as the current settings for the
// indicated device.
void SetDeviceSettings(const std::string& device_name,
std::unique_ptr<PrintSettings> settings);
// Provide the job ID which should be used once a new document is created.
// Only applicable for process behaviors that can make system calls.
void SetNewDocumentJobId(int job_id);
// Provide the settings which should be applied to mimic a user's choices
// during AskUserForSettings().
void SetUserSettings(const PrintSettings& settings);
// Enables tests to fail with an access-denied error.
void SetNewDocumentBlockedByPermissions() {
new_document_blocked_by_permissions_ = true;
void SetOnRenderPageBlockedByPermissions() {
render_page_blocked_by_permissions_ = true;
void SetOnRenderPageFailsForPage(uint32_t page_number) {
render_page_fail_for_page_number_ = page_number;
void SetOnRenderDocumentBlockedByPermissions() {
render_document_blocked_by_permissions_ = true;
void SetDocumentDoneBlockedByPermissions() {
document_done_blocked_by_permissions_ = true;
// Enables tests to fail with a failed error.
void SetNewDocumentFails() { new_document_fails_ = true; }
void SetUpdatePrinterSettingsFails() {
update_printer_settings_fails_ = true;
void SetUseDefaultSettingsFails() { use_default_settings_fails_ = true; }
// Enables tests to fail with a canceled error.
void SetNewDocumentCancels() { new_document_cancels_ = true; }
void SetAskUserForSettingsCanceled() { ask_user_for_settings_cancel_ = true; }
void SetOnNewDocumentCallback(OnNewDocumentCallback callback) {
on_new_document_callback_ = std::move(callback);
// PrintingContext overrides:
void AskUserForSettings(int max_pages,
bool has_selection,
bool is_scripted,
PrintSettingsCallback callback) override;
mojom::ResultCode UseDefaultSettings() override;
gfx::Size GetPdfPaperSizeDeviceUnits() override;
mojom::ResultCode UpdatePrinterSettings(
const PrinterSettings& printer_settings) override;
mojom::ResultCode NewDocument(const std::u16string& document_name) override;
mojom::ResultCode RenderPage(const PrintedPage& page,
const PageSetup& page_setup) override;
mojom::ResultCode PrintDocument(const MetafilePlayer& metafile,
const PrintSettings& settings,
uint32_t num_pages) override;
mojom::ResultCode DocumentDone() override;
void Cancel() override;
void ReleaseContext() override;
NativeDrawingContext context() const override;
mojom::ResultCode InitWithSettingsForTest(
std::unique_ptr<PrintSettings> settings) override;
mojom::ResultCode AskUserForSettingsImpl(int max_pages,
bool has_selection,
bool is_scripted);
// Simulation of platform drivers' default settings.
base::flat_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<PrintSettings>> device_settings_;
// Settings to apply to mimic a user's choices in `AskUserForSettings()`.
std::optional<PrintSettings> user_settings_;
// Platform implementations of `PrintingContext` apply PrintSettings to the
// respective device contexts. Once the upper printing layers call
// `TakeAndResetSettings()`, the values in `settings_` no longer reflect
// what the printer driver's device context are set for.
// Simulate this by capturing what the settings are whenever `settings_` is
// applied to a device context.
PrintSettings applied_settings_;
// When printing a new document, Preview app is a special macOS destination.
// This member is used to track when this was indicated as the destination to
// use in `UpdatePrinterSettings()`.
bool destination_is_preview_ = false;
bool update_printer_settings_fails_ = false;
bool use_default_settings_fails_ = false;
bool ask_user_for_settings_cancel_ = false;
bool new_document_cancels_ = false;
bool new_document_fails_ = false;
bool new_document_blocked_by_permissions_ = false;
bool render_page_blocked_by_permissions_ = false;
std::optional<uint32_t> render_page_fail_for_page_number_;
bool render_document_blocked_by_permissions_ = false;
bool document_done_blocked_by_permissions_ = false;
// Called every time `NewDocument()` is called. Provides a copy of the
// effective device context settings.
OnNewDocumentCallback on_new_document_callback_;
// The job ID to assign once `NewDocument()` is called, if the process
// behavior allows for system calls to be made.
std::optional<int> new_document_job_id_;
} // namespace printing