blob: 9d649adeb8a23038b1e881f543b638813668b874 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/device/public/cpp/generic_sensor/orientation_util.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/angle_conversions.h"
namespace device {
bool ComputeQuaternionFromEulerAngles(double alpha,
double beta,
double gamma,
SensorReading* out_reading) {
// Ensure that the angles are within the boundaries specified by the Device
// Orientation API.
if (alpha < 0.0 || alpha >= 360.0 || beta < -180.0 || beta >= 180.0 ||
gamma < -90.0 || gamma >= 90.0) {
return false;
const double half_x_angle = gfx::DegToRad(beta) * 0.5;
const double half_y_angle = gfx::DegToRad(gamma) * 0.5;
const double half_z_angle = gfx::DegToRad(alpha) * 0.5;
const double cos_z = std::cos(half_z_angle);
const double sin_z = std::sin(half_z_angle);
const double cos_y = std::cos(half_y_angle);
const double sin_y = std::sin(half_y_angle);
const double cos_x = std::cos(half_x_angle);
const double sin_x = std::sin(half_x_angle);
out_reading->orientation_quat.x =
sin_x * cos_y * cos_z - cos_x * sin_y * sin_z;
out_reading->orientation_quat.y =
cos_x * sin_y * cos_z + sin_x * cos_y * sin_z;
out_reading->orientation_quat.z =
cos_x * cos_y * sin_z + sin_x * sin_y * cos_z;
out_reading->orientation_quat.w =
cos_x * cos_y * cos_z - sin_x * sin_y * sin_z;
return true;
} // namespace device