blob: ab24d673a7acd67a585ae934d47590e188f5f293 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "services/device/public/mojom/hid.mojom-forward.h"
namespace device {
// Feature used to configure entries in the HID blocklist which can be deployed
// using a server configuration.
// Dynamic additions to the HID blocklist.
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kWebHidBlocklistAdditions;
class HidBlocklist final {
enum ReportType {
kReportTypeAny = 0,
struct Entry {
bool has_vendor_id;
uint16_t vendor_id;
bool has_product_id;
uint16_t product_id;
bool has_usage_page;
uint16_t usage_page;
bool has_usage;
uint16_t usage;
bool has_report_id;
uint8_t report_id;
ReportType report_type;
HidBlocklist(const HidBlocklist&) = delete;
HidBlocklist& operator=(const HidBlocklist&) = delete;
// Returns a singleton instance of the blocklist.
static HidBlocklist& Get();
// Returns true if a device is blocked given the |vendor_id| and |product_id|.
bool IsVendorProductBlocked(uint16_t vendor_id, uint16_t product_id);
// Returns true if |vendor_id| and |product_id| are blocked by an |entry|.
static bool IsVendorProductBlockedByEntry(const HidBlocklist::Entry& entry,
uint16_t vendor_id,
uint16_t product_id);
// Given the |vendor_id|, |product_id|, and |collections| for a HID device,
// returns a vector of protected report IDs for reports of type |report_type|.
std::vector<uint8_t> GetProtectedReportIds(
ReportType report_type,
uint16_t vendor_id,
uint16_t product_id,
const std::vector<mojom::HidCollectionInfoPtr>& collections);
// Returns the number of dynamic blocklist entries.
size_t GetDynamicEntryCountForTest() const { return dynamic_entries_.size(); }
// Reloads the blocklist for testing purposes.
void ResetToDefaultValuesForTest();
// Friend NoDestructor to permit access to the private constructor.
friend class base::NoDestructor<HidBlocklist>;
// Populates the blocklist with values set via a Finch experiment which allows
// the set of blocked devices to be updated without shipping new executable
// versions.
// The variation string must be a comma-separated list of blocklist rules,
// where each rule is composed of six properties of the form:
// vendor_id:product_id:usage_page:usage:report_id:report_type
// Each property may be empty, indicating that the rule should match any value
// for that property. When vendor_id, product_id, usage_page, or usage are
// specified, they must be a 16-bit integer written as exactly 4 hexadecimal
// digits. When report_id is specified, it must be an 8-bit integer written as
// exactly 2 hexadecimal digits. When report_type is specified, it must be a
// single character I, O, or F.
// Invalid entries in the comma-separated list will be ignored.
// Example:
// "::f1d0:::, 1234:5678::::, abcd:0001:::01:I"
void PopulateWithServerProvidedValues();
std::vector<Entry> dynamic_entries_;
} // namespace device