blob: df2ffafea09327d3dbd60b8e7d88cdb5eafb76a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "services/device/public/cpp/hid/hid_item_state_table.h"
#include "services/device/public/cpp/hid/hid_report_descriptor_item.h"
#include "services/device/public/mojom/hid.mojom.h"
namespace device {
class HidReportItem {
const HidItemStateTable&);
static std::unique_ptr<HidReportItem> Create(HidReportDescriptorItem::Tag tag,
uint32_t short_data,
const HidItemStateTable& state) {
return std::make_unique<HidReportItem>(tag, short_data, state);
HidReportDescriptorItem::Tag GetTag() const { return tag_; }
const HidReportDescriptorItem::ReportInfo& GetReportInfo() const {
return report_info_;
// Returns the report ID of the report this item is part of.
uint8_t GetReportId() const { return report_id_; }
// Returns true if this item defines a usage range (minimum and maximum), or
// false if it defines a list of usages.
bool IsRange() const { return is_range_; }
// Returns true if the report item is an absolute type, or false if it is a
// relative type.
bool IsAbsolute() const { return !report_info_.absolute_or_relative; }
// Returns true if the report item is an array type. (e.g., keyboard scan
// codes)
bool IsArray() const { return !report_info_.array_or_variable; }
// If |is_range| is false, Usages returns the list of usages associated with
// this item.
const std::vector<uint32_t>& GetUsages() const { return local_.usages; }
// If |is_range| is true, UsageMinimum and UsageMaximum return the minimum and
// maximum for the range of usages associated with this item.
uint16_t GetUsageMinimum() const { return local_.usage_minimum; }
uint16_t GetUsageMaximum() const { return local_.usage_maximum; }
// If |has_strings| is true, StringMinimum and StringMaximum return the
// minimum and maximum string indices associated with this item.
uint16_t GetStringMinimum() const { return local_.string_minimum; }
uint16_t GetStringMaximum() const { return local_.string_maximum; }
// If |has_designators| is true, DesignatorMinimum and DesignatorMaximum
// return the minimum and maximum designator indices associated with this
// item.
uint16_t GetDesignatorMinimum() const { return local_.designator_minimum; }
uint16_t GetDesignatorMaximum() const { return local_.designator_maximum; }
// Returns true if the item supports reporting a value outside the logical
// range as a null value.
bool HasNull() const { return report_info_.null; }
// Returns the width of each field defined by this item, in bits.
uint32_t GetReportSize() const { return global_.report_size; }
// Returns the number of fields defined by this item.
uint32_t GetReportCount() const { return global_.report_count; }
// Returns a 32-bit value representing a unit definition for the current item,
// or 0 if the item is not assigned a unit.
uint32_t GetUnit() const { return global_.unit; }
// Returns a value representing the exponent applied to the assigned unit.
uint32_t GetUnitExponent() const { return global_.unit_exponent; }
// Returns signed values representing the minimum and maximum values for this
// item.
int32_t GetLogicalMinimum() const { return global_.logical_minimum; }
int32_t GetLogicalMaximum() const { return global_.logical_maximum; }
// Returns signed values representing the minimum and maximum values for this
// item in the declared units, for scaling purposes.
int32_t GetPhysicalMinimum() const { return global_.physical_minimum; }
int32_t GetPhysicalMaximum() const { return global_.physical_maximum; }
mojom::HidReportItemPtr ToMojo() const;
// The tag of the main item that generated this report item. Must be
// kItemInput, kItemOutput, or kItemFeature.
HidReportDescriptorItem::Tag tag_;
// Data associated with the main item that generated this report item.
HidReportDescriptorItem::ReportInfo report_info_;
// The report ID associated with this report, or 0 if none.
uint8_t report_id_;
// A copy of the local and global item state when this report item was
// encountered.
HidItemStateTable::HidLocalItemState local_;
HidItemStateTable::HidGlobalItemState global_;
// If true, the usages for this item are defined by |local.usage_minimum| and
// |local.usage_maximum|. If false, the usages are defomed by |local.usages|.
bool is_range_;
} // namespace device