blob: 13fbe39eef6616f7a0e6f2fc5e1b9d21b0312ed9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "tools/aggregation_service/aggregation_service_tool_network_initializer.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace content {
class TestAggregationService;
} // namespace content
namespace url {
class Origin;
} // namespace url
namespace aggregation_service {
struct UrlKeyFile {
UrlKeyFile(GURL url, std::string key_file);
UrlKeyFile(const UrlKeyFile& other);
UrlKeyFile& operator=(const UrlKeyFile& other);
GURL url;
std::string key_file;
// This class is a wrapper for aggregation service tool.
class AggregationServiceTool {
// Sets whether to disable the AggregatableReport's payload(s) being encrypted
// after serialization.
void SetDisablePayloadEncryption(bool should_disable);
// Sets public keys to storage from the url-filename pairs and returns
// whether it's successful.
bool SetPublicKeys(const std::vector<UrlKeyFile>& key_files);
// Construct an aggregatable report from the specified information and returns
// a `base::Value::Dict` for its JSON representation. Empty
// `base::Value::Dict` will be returned in case of error.
base::Value::Dict AssembleReport(std::string operation_str,
std::string bucket_str,
std::string value_str,
std::string aggregation_mode_str,
url::Origin reporting_origin,
std::vector<GURL> processing_urls,
bool is_debug_mode_enabled,
base::Value::Dict additional_fields,
std::string api_version,
std::string api_identifier);
// Sends the contents of the aggregatable report to the specified reporting
// url `url` and returns whether it's successful.
bool SendReport(const base::Value& contents, const GURL& url);
// Writes the contents of the aggregatable report to the specified file
// `filename` and returns whether it's successful.
bool WriteReportToFile(const base::Value& contents,
const base::FilePath& filename);
bool SetPublicKeysFromFile(const GURL& url,
const std::string& json_file_path);
ToolNetworkInitializer network_initializer_;
std::unique_ptr<content::TestAggregationService> agg_service_;
} // namespace aggregation_service