blob: 82ae758b19748f0accfeb112fc2d97dc4d744bdc [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="mock_timer.js"></script>
* Controller for mocking behavior or timer-based callbacks.
* @type {!MockTimer}
var mockTimer;
* Number of callbacks fired during simulated button press.
* @type {number}
var buttonHeldCount;
* Repeating button. The button automatically refires is long-pressed.
* @type {!Element}
var button;
* Inital delay before the first refire during a button press.
* @type {number}
var repeatDelay;
* Interval between refires during a button press.
* @type {number}
var repeatInterval;
/** Prepare running the tests. */
function setUp() {
mockTimer = new MockTimer();
button = new cr.ui.RepeatingButton();
repeatDelay = button.repeatDelay;
repeatInterval = button.repeatInterval;
function(e) {
* Post-test cleanup.
function tearDown() {
* Simulates a mouse or touch event to the repeating button.
* @param {string} type The type of event.
function mockEvent(type) {
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(button, type);
* Simulates a sequence of events.
* @param {!Array<string>} events List of event types.
* @param {!Array<number>} timeIncrements List of time increments between
* events.
* @param {number} expectedValue Expected result.
function mockEventSequence(events, timeIncrements, expectedValue) {
assertEquals(events.length, timeIncrements.length);
buttonHeldCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
assertEquals(expectedValue, buttonHeldCount);
// Ensure that the button stops repeated firing at the end of the event
// sequence.
assertEquals(expectedValue, buttonHeldCount);
* Simulates a tap or touch and hold gesture.
* @param {number} time Duration of the hold.
* @param {number} expectedValue Expected result.
function mockTouchHold(time, expectedValue) {
mockEventSequence(['touchstart', 'touchend'], [time, 0], expectedValue);
* Simulates a mouse click or mouse press and hold.
* @param {number} time Duration of the hold.
* @param {number} expectedValue Expected result.
function mockMouseHold(time, expectedValue) {
mockEventSequence(['mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseclick'],
[time, 0, 0],
* Simulates a mouse press and drag off of the button.
* @param {number} time1 Duration that the mouse button is pressed and the
* mouse is over the button.
* @param {number} time2 Duration that the mouse button is pressed but the
* mouse is outside the boundary of the button.
* @param {number} expectedValue Expected result.
function mockMouseOut(time1, time2, expectedValue) {
mockEventSequence(['mousedown', 'mouseout', 'mouseup'],
[time1, time2, 0],
* Runs a series of tests with increasing button hold time.
* @param {!Function} fn Testing function.
* @param {number=} opt_secondaryDelay Optional additional delay used in
* tests that simulate a secondary delay after the initial button press
* and hold time.
function runButtonTests(fn, opt_secondaryDelay) {
var holdTime = repeatDelay - repeatInterval / 2;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++, holdTime += repeatInterval) {
// One or two time delays followed by the expected click count.
var args = [holdTime, i + 1];
if (opt_secondaryDelay)
args.splice(1, 0, opt_secondaryDelay);
fn.apply(this, args);
* Simulates a short tap on the button.
function testTap() {
mockTouchHold(repeatDelay / 2, 1);
* Simulates a long press of the button.
function testTouchHold() {
* Simulates a quick mouse click of the button.
function testClick() {
mockMouseHold(repeatDelay / 2, 1);
* Simulates a mouse press and hold on the button.
function testMousePressHold() {
* Simulates draging the mouse off of the button while pressed.
function testMouseOut() {
runButtonTests(mockMouseOut, repeatDelay);
* Repeat tests with new delay and interval times.
function testUpdateDelayTimes() {
var oldDelay = repeatDelay;
var oldInterval = repeatInterval;
repeatDelay = button.repeatDelay = 2 * repeatDelay;
repeatInterval = button.repeatInterval = 2 * repeatInterval;
repeatDelay = button.repeatDelay = oldDelay;
repeatInterval = button.repeatInterval = oldInterval;
* Runs mouse and touch hold tests with a repeat interval that is longer
* than the initial repeat delay.
function testLongRepeat() {
var oldInterval = repeatInterval;
repeatInterval = button.repeatInterval = 3 * button.repeatDelay;
repeatInterval = button.repeatInterval = oldInterval;