blob: e33ac26bf62f2bd3562e3445155760540a80e3f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <windows.h>
#include "chrome_elf/third_party_dlls/main_unittest_exe.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/scoped_native_library.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/test/test_reg_util_win.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_util.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/product_install_details.h"
#include "chrome_elf/nt_registry/nt_registry.h"
#include "chrome_elf/third_party_dlls/main.h"
#include "chrome_elf/third_party_dlls/packed_list_file.h"
#include "chrome_elf/third_party_dlls/public_api.h"
using namespace third_party_dlls::main_unittest_exe;
namespace {
// Function object which invokes LocalFree on its parameter, which must be
// a pointer. To be used with std::unique_ptr and CommandLineToArgvW().
struct LocalFreeDeleter {
inline void operator()(wchar_t** ptr) const { ::LocalFree(ptr); }
// Attempt to load a given DLL.
ExitCode LoadDll(std::wstring name) {
base::FilePath dll_path(name);
base::ScopedNativeLibrary dll(dll_path);
if (!dll.is_valid())
return kDllLoadFailed;
return kDllLoadSuccess;
// Utility function to protect the local registry.
void RegRedirect(registry_util::RegistryOverrideManager* rom) {
base::string16 temp;
rom->OverrideRegistry(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, &temp);
nt::SetTestingOverride(nt::HKCU, temp);
// Compare an argument path with a module-load log path.
// - |arg_path| is a UTF-16 drive path.
// - |log.section_path| is UTF-8, and will be a device path, so convert to drive
// letter before comparing.
bool MatchPath(const wchar_t* arg_path, const third_party_dlls::LogEntry& log) {
base::FilePath drive_path;
if (!base::DevicePathToDriveLetterPath(
base::FilePath(base::UTF8ToUTF16(log.path)), &drive_path)) {
return false;
if (drive_path.value().compare(arg_path) != 0)
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
// Good ol' main.
// - Init third_party_dlls, which will apply a hook to NtMapViewOfSection.
// - Attempt to load a specific DLL.
// Arguments:
// #1: path to test blacklist file (mandatory).
// #2: test identifier (mandatory).
// #3: path to dll (test-identifier dependent).
// Returns:
// - Negative values in case of unexpected error.
// - 0 for successful DLL load.
// - 1 for failed DLL load.
int main() {
// NOTE: The arguments must be treated as unicode for these tests.
int argument_count = 0;
std::unique_ptr<wchar_t* [], LocalFreeDeleter> argv(
::CommandLineToArgvW(::GetCommandLineW(), &argument_count));
if (!argv)
return kBadCommandLine;
if (third_party_dlls::IsThirdPartyInitialized())
return kThirdPartyAlreadyInitialized;
// Get the required arguments, path to blacklist file and test id to run.
if (argument_count < 3)
return kMissingArgument;
const wchar_t* blacklist_path = argv[1];
if (!blacklist_path || ::wcslen(blacklist_path) == 0) {
return kBadBlacklistPath;
const wchar_t* arg2 = argv[2];
int test_id = ::_wtoi(arg2);
if (!test_id)
return kUnsupportedTestId;
// Override blacklist path before initializing.
// Enable a registry test net before initializing.
registry_util::RegistryOverrideManager rom;
if (!third_party_dlls::Init())
return kThirdPartyInitFailure;
// Switch on test id.
switch (test_id) {
// Just initialization.
case kTestOnlyInitialization:
// Single DLL load.
case kTestSingleDllLoad:
// Single DLL load with log path scrutiny.
case kTestLogPath: {
if (argument_count < 4)
return kMissingArgument;
const wchar_t* dll_name = argv[3];
if (!dll_name || ::wcslen(dll_name) == 0)
return kBadArgument;
ExitCode code = LoadDll(dll_name);
// Get logging. Ensure the log is as expected.
uint32_t bytes = 0;
DrainLog(nullptr, 0, &bytes);
if (!bytes)
return kEmptyLog;
auto buffer = std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[bytes]);
bytes = DrainLog(&buffer[0], bytes, nullptr);
third_party_dlls::LogEntry* entry =
if (!bytes || bytes < third_party_dlls::GetLogEntrySize(entry->path_len))
return kBadLogEntrySize;
if ((code == kDllLoadFailed &&
entry->type != third_party_dlls::kBlocked) ||
(code == kDllLoadSuccess &&
entry->type != third_party_dlls::kAllowed)) {
return kUnexpectedLog;
if (test_id == kTestLogPath && !MatchPath(dll_name, *entry))
return kUnexpectedSectionPath;
return code;
// Unsupported argument.
return kUnsupportedTestId;
return 0;