blob: ce23ba626232d421feda9812c2127002f8f28e0b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace third_party_dlls {
namespace main_unittest_exe {
enum ExitCode {
kDllLoadSuccess = 0,
kDllLoadFailed = 1,
// Unexpected failures are negative ints:
kBadCommandLine = -1,
kThirdPartyAlreadyInitialized = -2,
kThirdPartyInitFailure = -3,
kMissingArgument = -4,
kBadBlacklistPath = -5,
kBadArgument = -6,
kUnsupportedTestId = -7,
kEmptyLog = -8,
kUnexpectedLog = -9,
kUnexpectedSectionPath = -10,
kBadLogEntrySize = -11,
enum TestId {
kTestOnlyInitialization = 1,
kTestSingleDllLoad = 2,
kTestLogPath = 3,
} // namespace main_unittest_exe
} // namespace third_party_dlls