blob: e171ab34d409c9a04a15c26dac0600eaeca3ab27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/component_export.h"
namespace crypto {
class AppleKeychain;
namespace os_crypt {
// An interface for the utility that logs statistics on the encryption key on
// Mac.
// This class is used on Mac and iOS, but does nothing on iOS. The object for
// the Mac class has to be created on the main thread.
class EncryptionKeyCreationUtil {
// The action that is taken by KeychainPassword::GetPassword method.
// This enum is used for reporting metrics.
enum class GetKeyAction {
// Key was found in the Keychain and the preference that it was created in
// the past is set.
kKeyFound = 0,
// Key was found in the Keychain, but the preference that it was created in
// the past was not set.
kKeyFoundFirstTime = 1,
kOverwritingPrevented_OBSOLETE = 2,
// Key was added to the Keychain and the preference is set.
kNewKeyAddedToKeychain = 3,
// Some other error occurred during lookup.
kKeychainLookupFailed = 4,
// The preference was set but a new key was added to the Keychain.
kKeyPotentiallyOverwritten = 5,
// The preference was set but a new key was not created due to an error.
kKeyOverwriteFailed = 6,
// A new key should be created but an error occured.
kNewKeyAddError = 7,
kMaxValue = kNewKeyAddError,
// Result of FindGenericPassword. This enum is used for reporting metrics.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class FindPasswordResult {
kOtherError = 0,
kFound = 1,
kNotFound = 2,
kMaxValue = kNotFound,
virtual ~EncryptionKeyCreationUtil() = default;
// This method is called when the encryption key is successfully retrieved
// from the Keychain. If this is called for the very first time, it
// asynchronously updates the preference on the main thread that the key was
// created. This method doesn't need to be called on the main thread.
virtual void OnKeyWasFound() = 0;
// Called when the encryption key was not in the Keychain just before a new
// key is stored. This method doesn't need to be called on the main thread.
virtual void OnKeyNotFound(const crypto::AppleKeychain& keychain) = 0;
// Called when the encryption key was not in the Keychain. |new_key_stored|
// is true iff a new key was stored successfully. This method doesn't need to
// be called on the main thread.
virtual void OnKeyStored(bool new_key_stored) = 0;
// This method is called when the Keychain returns error other than
// errSecItemNotFound (e.g., user is not authorized to use Keychain, or
// Keychain is unavailable for some other reasons).
virtual void OnKeychainLookupFailed(int error) = 0;
} // namespace os_crypt