blob: 1467f252275335f1088af327941b2284b997f76b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/views/focus/focus_manager.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ui/base/accelerators/accelerator.h"
#include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
#include "ui/views/focus/focus_search.h"
#include "ui/views/focus/view_storage.h"
#include "ui/views/focus/widget_focus_manager.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/root_view.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace views {
FocusManager::FocusManager(Widget* widget)
: widget_(widget),
accelerator_manager_(new ui::AcceleratorManager),
#if defined(USE_X11)
is_changing_focus_(false) {
stored_focused_view_storage_id_ =
FocusManager::~FocusManager() {
bool FocusManager::OnKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event) {
const int key_code = event.key_code();
#if defined(USE_X11)
// TODO(ben): beng believes that this should be done in
// RootWindowHosLinux for aura/linux.
// Always reset |should_handle_menu_key_release_| unless we are handling a
// VKEY_MENU key release event. It ensures that VKEY_MENU accelerator can only
// be activated when handling a VKEY_MENU key release event which is preceded
// by an un-handled VKEY_MENU key press event.
if (key_code != ui::VKEY_MENU || event.type() != ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED)
should_handle_menu_key_release_ = false;
if (event.type() == ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED) {
// VKEY_MENU is triggered by key release event.
// FocusManager::OnKeyEvent() returns false when the key has been consumed.
if (key_code == ui::VKEY_MENU) {
should_handle_menu_key_release_ = true;
return false;
// Pass through to the reset of OnKeyEvent.
} else if (key_code == ui::VKEY_MENU && should_handle_menu_key_release_ &&
(event.flags() & ~ui::EF_ALT_DOWN) == 0) {
// Trigger VKEY_MENU when only this key is pressed and released, and both
// press and release events are not handled by others.
ui::Accelerator accelerator(ui::VKEY_MENU, false, false, false);
return ProcessAccelerator(accelerator);
} else {
return false;
if (event.type() != ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED)
return false;
ui::Accelerator accelerator(event.key_code(),
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// If the focused view wants to process the key event as is, let it be.
// This is not used for linux/aura.
if (focused_view_ && focused_view_->SkipDefaultKeyEventProcessing(event) &&
return true;
// Intercept Tab related messages for focus traversal.
// Note that we don't do focus traversal if the root window is not part of the
// active window hierarchy as this would mean we have no focused view and
// would focus the first focusable view.
#if defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(USE_AURA)
HWND top_window = widget_->GetNativeView();
HWND active_window = ::GetActiveWindow();
if ((active_window == top_window || ::IsChild(active_window, top_window)) &&
IsTabTraversalKeyEvent(event)) {
return false;
if (IsTabTraversalKeyEvent(event)) {
return false;
// Intercept arrow key messages to switch between grouped views.
if (focused_view_ && focused_view_->GetGroup() != -1 &&
(key_code == ui::VKEY_UP || key_code == ui::VKEY_DOWN ||
key_code == ui::VKEY_LEFT || key_code == ui::VKEY_RIGHT)) {
bool next = (key_code == ui::VKEY_RIGHT || key_code == ui::VKEY_DOWN);
View::Views views;
focused_view_->parent()->GetViewsInGroup(focused_view_->GetGroup(), &views);
View::Views::const_iterator i(
std::find(views.begin(), views.end(), focused_view_));
DCHECK(i != views.end());
int index = static_cast<int>(i - views.begin());
index += next ? 1 : -1;
if (index < 0) {
index = static_cast<int>(views.size()) - 1;
} else if (index >= static_cast<int>(views.size())) {
index = 0;
SetFocusedViewWithReason(views[index], kReasonFocusTraversal);
return false;
// Process keyboard accelerators.
// If the key combination matches an accelerator, the accelerator is
// triggered, otherwise the key event is processed as usual.
if (ProcessAccelerator(accelerator)) {
// If a shortcut was activated for this keydown message, do not propagate
// the event further.
return false;
return true;
void FocusManager::ValidateFocusedView() {
if (focused_view_) {
if (!ContainsView(focused_view_))
// Tests whether a view is valid, whether it still belongs to the window
// hierarchy of the FocusManager.
bool FocusManager::ContainsView(View* view) {
Widget* widget = view->GetWidget();
return widget ? widget->GetFocusManager() == this : false;
void FocusManager::AdvanceFocus(bool reverse) {
View* v = GetNextFocusableView(focused_view_, reverse, false);
// Note: Do not skip this next block when v == focused_view_. If the user
// tabs past the last focusable element in a webpage, we'll get here, and if
// the TabContentsContainerView is the only focusable view (possible in
// fullscreen mode), we need to run this block in order to cycle around to the
// first element on the page.
if (v) {
SetFocusedViewWithReason(v, kReasonFocusTraversal);
void FocusManager::ClearNativeFocus() {
// Keep the top root window focused so we get keyboard events.
View* FocusManager::GetNextFocusableView(View* original_starting_view,
bool reverse,
bool dont_loop) {
FocusTraversable* focus_traversable = NULL;
// Let's revalidate the focused view.
View* starting_view = NULL;
if (original_starting_view) {
// Search up the containment hierarchy to see if a view is acting as
// a pane, and wants to implement its own focus traversable to keep
// the focus trapped within that pane.
View* pane_search = original_starting_view;
while (pane_search) {
focus_traversable = pane_search->GetPaneFocusTraversable();
if (focus_traversable) {
starting_view = original_starting_view;
pane_search = pane_search->parent();
if (!focus_traversable) {
if (!reverse) {
// If the starting view has a focus traversable, use it.
// This is the case with NativeWidgetWins for example.
focus_traversable = original_starting_view->GetFocusTraversable();
// Otherwise default to the root view.
if (!focus_traversable) {
focus_traversable =
starting_view = original_starting_view;
} else {
// When you are going back, starting view's FocusTraversable
// should not be used.
focus_traversable =
starting_view = original_starting_view;
} else {
focus_traversable = widget_->GetFocusTraversable();
// Traverse the FocusTraversable tree down to find the focusable view.
View* v = FindFocusableView(focus_traversable, starting_view, reverse);
if (v) {
return v;
} else {
// Let's go up in the FocusTraversable tree.
FocusTraversable* parent_focus_traversable =
starting_view = focus_traversable->GetFocusTraversableParentView();
while (parent_focus_traversable) {
FocusTraversable* new_focus_traversable = NULL;
View* new_starting_view = NULL;
// When we are going backward, the parent view might gain the next focus.
bool check_starting_view = reverse;
v = parent_focus_traversable->GetFocusSearch()->FindNextFocusableView(
starting_view, reverse, FocusSearch::UP,
check_starting_view, &new_focus_traversable, &new_starting_view);
if (new_focus_traversable) {
// There is a FocusTraversable, traverse it down.
v = FindFocusableView(new_focus_traversable, NULL, reverse);
if (v)
return v;
starting_view = focus_traversable->GetFocusTraversableParentView();
parent_focus_traversable =
// If we get here, we have reached the end of the focus hierarchy, let's
// loop. Make sure there was at least a view to start with, to prevent
// infinitely looping in empty windows.
if (!dont_loop && original_starting_view) {
// Easy, just clear the selection and press tab again.
// By calling with NULL as the starting view, we'll start from the
// top_root_view.
return GetNextFocusableView(NULL, reverse, true);
return NULL;
void FocusManager::SetFocusedViewWithReason(
View* view, FocusChangeReason reason) {
if (focused_view_ == view)
AutoReset<bool> auto_changing_focus(&is_changing_focus_, true);
// Update the reason for the focus change (since this is checked by
// some listeners), then notify all listeners.
focus_change_reason_ = reason;
FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(FocusChangeListener, focus_change_listeners_,
OnWillChangeFocus(focused_view_, view));
View* old_focused_view = focused_view_;
focused_view_ = view;
if (old_focused_view)
if (focused_view_)
FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(FocusChangeListener, focus_change_listeners_,
OnDidChangeFocus(old_focused_view, focused_view_));
void FocusManager::ClearFocus() {
void FocusManager::StoreFocusedView() {
#if defined(USE_X11)
// Forget menu key state when the window lost focus.
should_handle_menu_key_release_ = false;
ViewStorage* view_storage = ViewStorage::GetInstance();
if (!view_storage) {
// This should never happen but bug 981648 seems to indicate it could.
// TODO(jcivelli): when a TabContents containing a popup is closed, the focus
// is stored twice causing an assert. We should find a better alternative than
// removing the view from the storage explicitly.
if (!focused_view_)
view_storage->StoreView(stored_focused_view_storage_id_, focused_view_);
View* v = focused_view_;
// Temporarily disable notification. ClearFocus() will set the focus to the
// main browser window. This extra focus bounce which happens during
// deactivation can confuse registered WidgetFocusListeners, as the focus
// is not changing due to a user-initiated event.
AutoNativeNotificationDisabler local_notification_disabler;
if (v)
v->SchedulePaint(); // Remove focus border.
void FocusManager::RestoreFocusedView() {
#if defined(USE_X11)
ViewStorage* view_storage = ViewStorage::GetInstance();
if (!view_storage) {
// This should never happen but bug 981648 seems to indicate it could.
View* view = view_storage->RetrieveView(stored_focused_view_storage_id_);
if (view) {
if (ContainsView(view)) {
if (!view->IsFocusable() && view->IsAccessibilityFocusable()) {
// RequestFocus would fail, but we want to restore focus to controls
// that had focus in accessibility mode.
SetFocusedViewWithReason(view, kReasonFocusRestore);
} else {
// This usually just sets the focus if this view is focusable, but
// let the view override RequestFocus if necessary.
// If it succeeded, the reason would be incorrect; set it to
// focus restore.
if (focused_view_ == view)
focus_change_reason_ = kReasonFocusRestore;
void FocusManager::ClearStoredFocusedView() {
ViewStorage* view_storage = ViewStorage::GetInstance();
if (!view_storage) {
// This should never happen but bug 981648 seems to indicate it could.
// Find the next (previous if reverse is true) focusable view for the specified
// FocusTraversable, starting at the specified view, traversing down the
// FocusTraversable hierarchy.
View* FocusManager::FindFocusableView(FocusTraversable* focus_traversable,
View* starting_view,
bool reverse) {
FocusTraversable* new_focus_traversable = NULL;
View* new_starting_view = NULL;
View* v = focus_traversable->GetFocusSearch()->FindNextFocusableView(
// Let's go down the FocusTraversable tree as much as we can.
while (new_focus_traversable) {
focus_traversable = new_focus_traversable;
starting_view = new_starting_view;
new_focus_traversable = NULL;
starting_view = NULL;
v = focus_traversable->GetFocusSearch()->FindNextFocusableView(
return v;
void FocusManager::RegisterAccelerator(
const ui::Accelerator& accelerator,
ui::AcceleratorManager::HandlerPriority priority,
ui::AcceleratorTarget* target) {
accelerator_manager_->Register(accelerator, priority, target);
void FocusManager::UnregisterAccelerator(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator,
ui::AcceleratorTarget* target) {
accelerator_manager_->Unregister(accelerator, target);
void FocusManager::UnregisterAccelerators(ui::AcceleratorTarget* target) {
bool FocusManager::ProcessAccelerator(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) {
return accelerator_manager_->Process(accelerator);
void FocusManager::MaybeResetMenuKeyState(const KeyEvent& key) {
#if defined(USE_X11)
// Always reset |should_handle_menu_key_release_| unless we are handling a
// VKEY_MENU key release event. It ensures that VKEY_MENU accelerator can only
// be activated when handling a VKEY_MENU key release event which is preceded
// by an unhandled VKEY_MENU key press event. See also HandleKeyboardEvent().
if (key.key_code() != ui::VKEY_MENU || key.type() != ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED)
should_handle_menu_key_release_ = false;
ui::AcceleratorTarget* FocusManager::GetCurrentTargetForAccelerator(
const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) const {
return accelerator_manager_->GetCurrentTarget(accelerator);
bool FocusManager::HasPriorityHandler(
const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) const {
return accelerator_manager_->HasPriorityHandler(accelerator);
// static
bool FocusManager::IsTabTraversalKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& key_event) {
return key_event.key_code() == ui::VKEY_TAB && !key_event.IsControlDown();
void FocusManager::ViewRemoved(View* removed) {
// If the view being removed contains (or is) the focused view,
// clear the focus. However, it's not safe to call ClearFocus()
// (and in turn ClearNativeFocus()) here because ViewRemoved() can
// be called while the top level widget is being destroyed.
if (focused_view_ && removed && removed->Contains(focused_view_))
void FocusManager::AddFocusChangeListener(FocusChangeListener* listener) {
void FocusManager::RemoveFocusChangeListener(FocusChangeListener* listener) {
} // namespace views