Chromium Updater Design Document

This is the design document for Chromium Updater.


Chromium updater is an program that keeps itself and other programs up to date by downloading new versions of software over the Internet. The updater is an open-source drop-in replacement for Google Update/Omaha and can be customized by 3rd party embedders for updating non-Google client software.

The updater is responsible for:

  • Installing applications.
  • Silently keeping those applications (and itself) up-to-date.
  • Providing those applications with services to manage their installation.
  • Providing update servers with anonymous telemetry about those applications.
  • Detecting the uninstallation of those applications, and automatically removing itself when all other applications have been uninstalled.

The updater is written for Windows, macOS, and Linux. The behavior of the updater is mostly platform-independent. However, platform-specific modules exist to translate cross-platform concepts (such as IPC interfaces) to platform-specific technologies (such as COM). Additionally, some updater behavior related to installs and uninstalls are tailored to platform conventions.

The updater is layered atop //components/update_client, which implements a cross-platform mechanism to interact with an Omaha server for the purpose of updating CRXs. //components/update_client is also used by the component and extension updaters in Chrome.

To keep applications up-to-date, the updater periodically polls an Omaha server, communicating the state of installed applications, and receiving update instructions. It applies updates the server instructs it to, and then reports the results of the operation back to Omaha servers.

Updater Design

Once installed, the updater operates as a collection of processes that are launched on-demand and orchestrate their operations over IPC. The server process hosts an engine that conducts most of the work of updating software, and it is driven by client processes that issue commands to it and potentially display UI to the user.

Updater process architecture diagram

The updater may be installed per-user or system-wide. If installed per-user, the updater may lack permissions to update applications owned by other users, whereas a system- wide updater can update applications owned by any entity on the system. In multi-user systems, it is efficient for software such as the browser to be installed system-wide, owned by root (or the system user) and run by individual users, but this requires the updater to maintain root privileges in order to update it. Therefore, in a system-wide installation, the server process runs as root (or at high integrity). One system-wide installation of the updater and any number of per-user installations of the updater can coexist and operate independently on the same system.

Different versions of the updater can coexist even within the same installation of the updater, but only one such instance is active. Inactive versions of the updater periodically attempt to qualify themselves by running self-tests and (if they pass) take over as the active updater; or uninstall themselves as out of date once a newer version of the updater has activated.

The functionality of the server process is split into two interfaces:

  • UpdateService, which is served only by the active instance and may be called by any client. When an instance activates, it replaces IPC registrations so that UpdateService routes to it.
  • UpdateServiceInternal, which is served by all instances but may only be called by updater clients of the same version.

Where necessary, the updater acquires a single cross-process lock to prevent races between activations and ongoing update operations.

Installing the Updater

Instances of the updater are installed in one of the following ways:

  • A user runs an installer for the updater with the intent of installing an application. The updater will install itself, and then use itself to install the application. (This is the primary flow on Windows.)
  • An application installs the updater as part of its own installation, first-run experience, or repair/recovery. (This is the primary flow on macOS.)
  • The updater downloads an update for itself and installs it.

The updater installer calls GetVersion to discover the active version. If it gets no response or the response indicates the installed updater is a lower version, it installs the updater. If it had gotten no GetVersion response at all, it immediately wakes it.

Each updater instance is unpacked into a version-specific subdirectory of the main updater installation path. If the installer discovers it is about to install into a versioned directory that already exists, it deletes everything except the Crashpad/ subtree (if any) in that directory before unpacking the new installation. This clears out any “broken” prior installation while preserving crash reports and updater-specific crash-reporting opt-in flags.

Updater States

Updater state flowchart

Only one instance per installation is Active at any time. Only the active instance is allowed to update applications or modify any of the updater's state. The state of the updater (including the list of applications registered for updates, the time of the last update check, and more) is stored in a “global prefs” file. Access to the global prefs file is protected by a global (cross-process) lock.

Each instance of the updater also has its own separate local prefs file. Local prefs store information specific to the instance that owns them.


Instances are installed in the Unqualified state. Unqualified instances of the updater perform a self-test before activating. Each instance registers a “qualification app” with itself (using local prefs) and checks the Internet for updates to that application. The Internet responds with an update, which the updater downloads and applies. If this all succeeds, the updater transitions to the Qualified state and exits.

The qualification app installer is a no-op installer that simply exits with no error, but could be customized in the future to do additional checks.

The updater also performs other basic health checks during qualification, which are detailed in the platform-specific sections.

Qualification is skipped (along with any other pre-active states) if there is no active instance of the updater, or if this instance of the updater is active.


When an instance transitions to the active state, it acquires the updater's lock on the global prefs file, writes and flushes the “swapping” bit to that prefs file, and then replaces any non-side-by-side elements of the installation (such as COM or launchd registrations, Omaha 3 or Keystone shims, and more) with its own. Then, it clears the “swapping” bit, flushes the prefs file again, and starts listening for instructions on the RPC channels. The swapping bit ensures that the an updater will recover and restart activation if the program is interrupted mid-activation.

After activating, the server resets its own qualification state to “unqualified”. If somehow the active version of the updater decreases (most likely due to unexpected user intervention), the instance will have to qualify itself again before reactivating.


When a newer instance of the updater activates, formerly active instances will discover that they have been replaced when they start up. These instances uninstall themselves.


Read and write access to the global prefs file is controlled by a lock. The lock must also be held while the updater performs any non-side-by-side operation (such as installing an update for a registered application). The lock is per- process. The updater uses a polling strategy to acquire the lock, sleeping for a short time between polls.

Installing Applications

Applications are installed by the active updater instance primarily by downloading application-specific installer executables from the Internet and running them. The updater passes the installer certain arguments or environment variables depending on the instructions received from the Internet and reads the installer's exit code as an indicator of success or failure. On some platforms, more sophisticated APIs to communicate installer progress or error codes are available.

Fetching the application installer from the Internet ensures that the user gets the latest version of the application. But in some cases it is better to install applications without a dependency on the Internet. Therefore, some applications offer “offline” installers. These offline installers are wrapped in an updater installer. They install the updater, place the application installer on the disk in a secure location, and then act as a client and instruct the updater server to run the application installer.

During the installation process, the updater displays a UI that communicates the installation progress to the user. The language of the UI is based on the system's primary langague.

In some scenarios, the application has already been installed on the system by another mechanism, but needs to register itself with the updater. The updater exposes a registration API that allow applications to register themselves as present on the system with the updater.

Regardless of how the application is installed or registered, at the end of the process the updater knows the application's identity, current version, brand code (if any), and has a means to check whether the application has been uninstalled (an existence checker).

Updating Applications

Each instance of the updater has its own timed scheduler that invokes the updater to check for updates. The scheduler creates a --wake client every hour, which invokes the RunPeriodicTasks RPC on the corresponding server.

If the server is inactive, it qualifies, activates, or uninstalls, as described above. If the server is active, it checks that registered applications are still installed, updates enterprise policies, and potentially checks for updates. The updater will not check for updates if the last check was less than five hours ago. (This period can be altered by enterprise policy and is subject to some randomization to avoid synchronized load on the Internet.)


To keep the updater simple, the decision about whether to apply an update or not is made remotely. Updaters contact Internet servers and provide them with information about the registered applications, operating system, hardware capabilities, and more, and trust the server's response about whether to apply an update, using the Omaha Protocol.

Applications may signal the updater when they are actively used using a platform-specific “Actives API”. Updaters will transmit to the server whether or not each application has been actively used since the previous communication in order to enable the server to compute aggregate and anonymous counts of the population of users.

Updaters also report the outcome of any installations or updates, including error codes, download attempts, and timing to the server. Servers may use this information to detect problems with updates, cease serving bad installers, or balance load among multiple download sources.

Some telemetry is guarded behind usage-stats opt-in. If the user has opted-in to transmitting crash reports and usage stats for any software registered with the updater, the updater will transmit its own usage stats and crash reports as well.

Uninstalling Applications

The updater detects the uninstallation of applications by using existence checkers registered with the updater at installation or registration. When an application is uninstalled, the updater transmits an uninstall ping to the Internet recording the uninstallation.

When all managed applications are uninstalled, the updater will uninstall itself, leaving behind only a log file. Applications may trigger immediate uninstallation of the updater by running an updater --wake client.

Additionally, the updater can be uninstalled by hand using --uninstall, even if registered applications are still present.

Advanced Topics

Recovering the Updater

To avoid a single point of failure in the update system, some applications have a backup updater build into the application that is capable of reinstalling the updater. Google Chrome contains a “Recovery Component” that is capable of downloading and reinstalling a new version of the updater if a problem with the updater is detected or if the version of Chrome becomes too old.

For system-wide installations, recovery must be performed at high integrity. Google Chrome installs an elevator service for this purpose.


In addition to unit testing individual sections of code, the updater provides integration tests that install and manipulate the updater on the system running the test.

Testing is possible by programmatically controlling certain parameters of the updater. These parameters are hardcoded in the production builds but they can be modified in test builds. For this reason, the updater build scripts define two separate set of targets. One target produces binaries suitable to releasing. The other target produces test binaries, which are suffixed by _test. The test binaries link the test hooks code, which slightly alters the behavior of the updater to facilitate testing it.

Some tests require two versions of the updater. For this reason, an older version of the updater is checked into //third_party/updater. Updaters for each architecture and platform, Google-branded and Chromium-branded, are available there. These versions of the updater are sourced from Chromium or Google's official build output, brought in through CIPD and 3pp.

The updater has its own console page, which describes the set of continuous integration builders.


The updater is built by Chrome's official builders and uploaded to the unsigned builds bucket along with Chrome. It is versioned along with Chrome. The primary build output is, which contains the updater executables, the signing scripts, and other updater-related artifacts.

Google's signing infrastructure unpacks the and operates on it to generate signed executables, which are then released through Omaha similar to Chrome.

TODO( Decide on and document branching & versioning.

TODO( Document A/B release qualification process.


TODO( Document tagger.

Windows-Specific Notes


Updater Installer Types

Windows updater installers come in two types:

  • Online Installers
  • Offline Installers
Online Installers

An online installer installs the updater and then acts as a client process that commands the server process to install the application the user desired.

Online installers are composed of three parts: a tag, a metainstaller, and an updater resource. The metainstaller is a lightweight executable that uncompresses its updater resource into a safe temporary directory and then launches the updater's setup client process (--install). It passes along the tag, an unsigned (and untrusted) piece of data that is embedded in the executable which communicates the installation parameters for the software the user is trying to install.

Online installers are typically run by the end user after being downloaded from the Internet. When the installer is executed, the OS launches it at medium integrity.

However, depending on the tag, the updater and application may need to be installed system-wide. To achieve this, the metainstaller must re-launch itself at high integrity. This will result in an UAC prompt on Windows.

The metainstaller determines whether to relaunch before unpacking the updater resources, since unpacking to a user-writable temp directory is not secure for a system-wide installation.

The metainstaller appends the --expect-elevated switch to the relaunch command line, to allow the relaunched process to exit with an error if it is not running at the correct integrity level.

Offline Installers

Offline install performs the installation with no update check or file download against the server in the process. All data is read from the files in the specified directory instead.

An example offline install command line on Windows platform:

updater.exe /handoff "&appguid={8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}&appname=MyApp&needsadmin=True&installdataindex =verboselog"
            /installsource offline
            /sessionid "{E85204C6-6F2F-40BF-9E6C-4952208BB977}"
            /offlinedir "C:\Users\chrome-bot\AppData\Local\ForgedPath"]

DOS style command line switches are also supported for backward compatibility.

Manifest file

The offline install process looks for OfflineManifest.gup in the offline directory, and falls back to <app-id>.gup if needed. The .gup file contains the update check response in XML format. An example of the XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response protocol="3.0">
  <app appid="{CDABE316-39CD-43BA-8440-6D1E0547AEE6}" status="ok">
    <updatecheck status="ok">
        <url codebase=""/>
      <manifest version="">
          <package hash="abcdef" hash_sha256="sha256hash_foobar"
           name="my_installer.exe" required="true" size="12345678"/>
          <action event="install" needsadmin="false" run="my_installer.exe"
          <action event="postinstall" onsuccess="exitsilentlyonlaunchcmd"/>
    <!-- "system_level" is not included in any of the definitions. needsadmin
          controls this. -->
    <data index="verboselog" name="install" status="ok">
        "distribution": {
          "verbose_logging": true

The manifest file is parsed to extract the installer command. The above manifest leads to installation command:

C:\Users\chrome-bot\AppData\Local\ForgedPath\my_installer.exe --baz

The example handoff install command line also specifies installdataindex=verboselog, and the manifest has a matching install data. That means the install data is extracted and passed to the app installer. See installdataindex below for details.

Dynamic Install Parameters

Steps to create a tagged metainstaller

A tagged EXE metainstaller can be created using the signing tool and the metainstaller tagging tool tag.exe.

Here are the steps to create a tagged metainstaller for the following tag: "appguid=FOO_BAR_APP_ID&appname=SomeName&needsadmin=prefers"

The source file is the untagged metainstaller out\Default\UpdaterSetup.exe, and the final tagged file will be out\Default\Tagged_UpdaterSetup.signed.exe.

  • One-time step: from an elevated powershell prompt:
New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName id@domain.tld -Type CodeSigning
 -CertStoreLocation cert:\CurrentUser\My
  • Note: all the steps below are run from a medium cmd prompt.
  • One-time step: python3 -m pip install pypiwin32
  • One-time step: set PYTHONPATH=C:\src\chromium\src\chrome\tools\build\win
python3 C:\src\chromium\src\chrome\updater\win\signing\ --in_file
 --out_file C:\src\chromium\src\out\Default\UpdaterSetup.signed.exe
 --lzma_7z "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
 --signtool c:\windows_sdk_10\files\bin\10.0.22000.0\x64\signtool.exe
 --identity id@domain.tld
 --tagging_exe C:\src\chromium\src\out\Default\tag.exe

For MSI installers (development in progress), the tagging is done using the same tag.exe tool: *


needsadmin is one of the install parameters that can be specified for first installs via the metainstaller tag. needsadmin is used to indicate whether the application needs admin rights to install.

For example, here is a command line for the Updater on Windows that includes:

UpdaterSetup.exe --install --tag="appguid=YourAppID&needsadmin=False"

In this case, the updater client understands that the application installer needs to install the application on a per-user basis for the current user.

needsadmin has the following supported values:

  • true: the application supports being installed systemwide and once installed, is available to all users on the system.
  • false: the application supports only user installs.
  • prefers: the application installation is first attempted systemwide. If the user refuses the UAC prompt however, the application is then only installed for the current user. The application installer needs to be able to support the installation as system, or per-user, or both modes.

When UpdaterSetup encounters needsadmin, it does the following, based on the needsadmin value:

  • true: runs the application installer as system, with any elevation prompts that may be required to run as system first.
  • false: runs the application installer as the current user.
  • prefers: attempts to run the application installation as system first. If elevation fails however, runs the application installer as the current user.

installdataindex is one of the install parameters that can be specified for first installs on the command line or via the metainstaller tag.

For example, here is a typical command line for the Updater on Windows:

UpdaterSetup.exe /install "appguid=YourAppID&appname=YourAppName&needsadmin=False&lang=en&installdataindex =verboselog"

In this case, the updater client sends the installdataindex of verboselog to the update server.

This involves:

  • Parsing the tag into individual tag components, including install_data_index.
  • Creating a CrxComponent with the install_data_index and providing it to the update_client.
  • update_client sends the install_data_index to the update server.

This is how a JSON request from update_client may look like:


The server retrieves the data corresponding to installdataindex=verboselog and returns it back to update_client.

This is how a JSON response from the update server may look like:

      "arguments":"--arg1 --arg2",

update_client provides this response data back to the Updater.

The updater client writes this data to a temporary file in the same directory as the application installer. This is for security reasons, since writing the data to the temp directory could potentially allow a man-in-the-middle attack.

The updater client provides the temporary file as a parameter to the application installer.

Let's say, as shown above, that the update server responds with these example file contents:


The updater client will now create a temporary file, say c:\my path\temporaryfile.dat (assuming the application installer is running from c:\my path\YesExe.exe), with the following file contents:


and then provide the file as a parameter to the application installer:

"c:\my path\YesExe.exe" --installerdata="c:\my path\temporaryfile.dat"
  • Notice above that the temp file contents are prefixed with an UTF-8 Byte Order Mark of EF BB BF.
  • For MSI installers, a property will passed to the installer: INSTALLERDATA="pathtofile".
  • For exe-based installers, as shown above, a command line parameter will be passed to the installer: --installerdata="pathtofile".
  • For Mac installers, an environment variable will be set: INSTALLERDATA="pathtofile".
  • Ownership of the temp file is the responsibility of the application installer. The updater will not delete this file.
  • This installerdata is not persisted anywhere else, and it is not sent as a part of pings to the update server.


On Windows, the global prefs lock is implemented as a kernel mutex.

Application Commands

The Application Command feature allows installed Updater-managed applications to pre-register and then later run command lines. This provides applications in a system-wide installation a mechanism to silently elevate functionality. The command lines can also include replaceable parameters substituted at runtime.

For legacy reasons:

  • the interface is called IAppCommandWeb because it was meant to be used from an ActiveX control on a webpage at one point, and
  • it is derived from IDispatch for the same reason, to be used from script.

For more information, please see the functional spec.

Existence Checking

On Windows, programs create a key at (HKLM|HKCU)\\Software\\Company\\Update\\Clients\\AppID during installation. They remove this key when their uninstallers are run. If the key has been removed, the updater considers the application to have been uninstalled.

Periodic Task Scheduling

Windows utilizes the Task Scheduler and the Windows Task Scheduler API to create a scheduler.

Legacy State

TODO( Document usage of O3 registry on Windows.

COM on Windows

The COM client and server code are implemented in terms of the Windows Runtime C++ (WRL) library provided by Windows SDK.

For system installs, the updater installs a COM service. The COM service is started by the SCM when CoCreate is called on one of several CLSIDs that the service supports. This is used as:

  • The Server for the UI when installing Machine applications.
  • The On-Demand COM Server for Machine applications.
  • COM Server for launching processes at System Integrity, as an Elevator. See process launcher and application commands in the functional spec.

COM interface versioning

The COM interfaces are declared in updater_idl.template, updater_internal_idl.template, and updater_legacy_idl.template.

  • updater_idl.template:

    • contains the interfaces for the currently active updater version.
    • the interface IDs are uuid5-generated and are distinct based on branding.
  • updater_internal_idl.template:

    • contains the side-by-side interfaces which allow each updater COM client to talk to the same version COM server.
    • the interface IDs are uuid5-generated and are distinct based on branding and version.
  • updater_legacy_idl.template:

    • contains legacy interfaces for the currently active updater version.
    • the interface IDs are hardcoded and based on branding.

The interface ID generation and substitution can be seen in the build file.

The uuid5-generation and substitutions are done via midl.gni using the values provided via the dynamic_guids property.

dynamic_guids can contain hardcoded values, for instance, in the case of updater_internal_idl.template. Or it can contain uuid5:-prefixed values, in which case the IDs are uuid5-generated.

More information on how uuid5-generation works can be found here.

COM Marshaling

Typelib marshaling is used to marshal the updater interfaces. Each interface is registered with the typelib marshaler {00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} as the proxy/stub.

The type libraries are stored in three distinct typelibs within updater.exe with resource index 1, 2, 3 respectively for the active, side-by-side, and legacy interfaces respectively. The typelib registrations in the registry are made accordingly with the complete path to updater.exe suffixed with the typelib resource index.

For instance, the typelib registration for the active interfaces would be of the form C:\Path\To\updater.exe\1.

Side-by-side user/system interface registration

The updater has marshaling and registration logic to make different (but binary-identical) COM interfaces for user and system respectively to work seamlessly.

The distinct interface IDs are suffixed with User and System respectively. Most of the codebase uses the interface without the User or System suffix, except for the code that does the marshaling.

The interfaces with User and System suffixes have (and always need to have) the exact same vtable and parameter layout as the interfaces without the suffixes, which is what makes it possible for the marshaling framework to think that it is marshaling the distinct User or System interfaces, while the majority of the codebase thinks it is working with the non-suffixed interfaces.

The User interfaces are only registered for the user case in HKCU, while the corresponding System interfaces are only registered for the system case in HKLM.

This isolates the installs from causing side-effects, and makes user and system installs fully SxS.

Without this change, marshaling can load the typelib from HKCU for a system install with UAC off, because when COM looks up registration, entries in HKCU take priority over HKLM entries when UAC is off.

When introducing a new interface, or making an existing interface to be SxS, the following steps need to be followed:

  • Decorate interfaces with distinct user and system identities with BEGIN_INTERFACE and END_INTERFACE in the .template IDL file.

BEGIN_INTERFACE takes the placeholder guid, the interface that needs distinct identities, as well as any other items that need to be distinct for user and system respectively.

Here is an example:

    "uuid": {
    "tokensToSuffix": ["ICompleteStatus"]
interface ICompleteStatus : IUnknown {
  [propget] HRESULT statusCode([out, retval] LONG*);
  [propget] HRESULT statusMessage([out, retval] BSTR*);

The example IDL above will produce the following output via the build:

interface ICompleteStatus : IUnknown {
  [propget] HRESULT statusCode([out, retval] LONG*);
  [propget] HRESULT statusMessage([out, retval] BSTR*);
interface ICompleteStatusUser : IUnknown {
  [propget] HRESULT statusCode([out, retval] LONG*);
  [propget] HRESULT statusMessage([out, retval] BSTR*);
interface ICompleteStatusSystem : IUnknown {
  [propget] HRESULT statusCode([out, retval] LONG*);
  [propget] HRESULT statusMessage([out, retval] BSTR*);
  • List the interfaces with User and System suffixes that are binary-identical to the non-suffixed interface, to the .template IDL file's library section and files.
  • Code changes:
    • Derive the COM class that implements interface Interface from DynamicIIDsImpl<Interface, iid_user, iid_system>. iid_user and iid_system are the ids of the interface Interface for user and system installs respectively.

      Example: class UpdaterInternalImpl derives from DynamicIIDsImpl<IUpdaterInternal, __uuidof(IUpdaterInternalUser), __uuidof(IUpdaterInternalSystem)>

    • Use the distinct User or System IID when querying for the non-suffixed interface.


          Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<Interface> server_interface;
          REFIID iid = scope_ == UpdaterScope::kSystem ? iid_system : iid_user;
          hr = server.CopyTo(iid, IID_PPV_ARGS_Helper(&server_interface));
    • Register either the User or the System interface (but not both) with COM in setup. The non-suffixed interface is not registered with COM at all.

COM Security

The legacy COM classes in updater_legacy_idl.template such as on-demand, application commands, and process launcher, allow non-admin callers because the interfaces expose functionality that non-admin callers need to use. These interfaces therefore only provide restricted functionality.

The new COM classes in updater_internal_idl.template and updater_idl.template require the callers to be admin (enforced in RuntimeClassInitialize()). This is because the corresponding interfaces allow for unrestricted functionality, such as installing any app that the updater supports. For non-admins, COM creation will fail with E_ACCESSDENIED.

COM System Service

The updater installs an internal SxS system service for the new version alongside the existing internal service for the current version. This internal service is named in the following format:

{ProductName}{InternalService/Service}{UpdaterVersion}. For instance: ChromiumUpdaterInternalService92.0.0.1.

The internal service supports the SxS COM interfaces, but not the common COM interfaces. The latter interfaces are hosted only by the active version in a service that is named in the format ChromiumUpdaterService91.0.0.1.

Once the new version is deemed operational, it will install the new active service, ChromiumUpdaterService92.0.0.1, and this service will take over the common COM interfaces. The old version will now uninstall itself, including its internal and active services.

Service installation uses the InstallServiceWorkItem for installing and rolling back the service.


On Windows, the updater uses WinHTTP to implement the network.

macOS-Specific Notes


On macOS, the updater is most commonly bundled within an application's .app bundle and installed on the first run of the application.


On macOS, the global prefs lock is implemented using bootstrap_check_in(), interpreting ownership of receive rights on a Mach service name as ownership of a lock.

Existence Checking

On POSIX, the most common means of uninstalling a program is to delete the program's application bundle from disk. When a program registers itself with the updater, it provides the path to the application bundle. If the bundle has been removed (or is owned by root and the updater is a user-scope updater), the updater considers it uninstalled and ceases attempting to update it.

Periodic Task Scheduling

On Mac, the scheduler is implemented via LaunchAgents (for user-level installs) and LaunchDaemons (for system-level installs). The scheduled task is defined by the org.chromium.ChromiumUpdater.wake.plist, which contains a Label corresponding to the name of the plist, program arguments, which contains the path to the executable and the arguments it'll run with, and a StartInterval, which denotes interval for when launchctl should invoke the program. An example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

macOS 13 notifies the user each time a new task is created. Since it is not useful to notify the user each time the updater sets up a new version of itself, the scheduled task is not side-by-side on macOS 13. The task is replaced during each activation of each new instance, and calls --wake-all for the active version of the updater. --wakeall will then --wake every version of the updater that is present in the base install directory.

Legacy State

TODO( Document usage of Keystone tickets on macOS.


On macOS, the updater uses mojo for IPC.

Mojo does not orchestrate process launches and connections. When using mojo, the updater first attempts to connect to an existing process, and if this fails, launches the server process and then repeatedly retries to connect. During activation of a new instance of the updater, the updater creates a hard link to a simple launcher program outside the versioned directories. This program is used to launch UpdateService servers.

The launcher program's ability to launch an updater process is checked during qualification. The program accepts a --test argument, that, when passed, launches the updater executable with --test rather than --server. (An unqualified updater must not launch the non-side-by-side server process.)

In the system case, the launcher program is a setuid executable owned by root. This enables low-privilege clients to start a highly-privileged server to run updates for system-scope applications.

Since Mojo‘s NamedPlatformChannel is not reusable for multiple connections, the updater relies on NamedMojoIpcServer’s utilities to bootstrap mojo connections using multiple connections on a mach port, and for messages to that port to contain a reply port.

The updater project provides a helper tool to the browser to promote an installation of the browser from user-scope to system-scope. This process entails the browser showing UI to the user on the About Page to prompt the user to promote. When the user accepts, the browser will then ask the user to elevate to allow root privileges so that a system-level updater can be installed. Inside of the browser, there exists a Privileged Helper tool executable. This is installed from the browser if promotion is selected via SMJobBless. When the Privileged Helper tool is installed, the browser can make an XPC connection to it and invoke a call to start the system-level updater installation process.


On macOS, the updater uses NSURLSession to implement the network.

Linux-Specific Notes


The global preferences lock is implemented using a pthread mutex in shared memory. Qualifying updaters will attempt to open a POSIX shared memory object with a name known at compile time (e.g. /ChromiumUpdater.lock), creating the object if it does not exist. The mutex will be configured with the PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST attribute to ensure that it remains recoverable if the process holding the lock exits abnormally.

Due to the nature of the shm_unlink system call, it is impossible for any updater process to determine if it is safe to destroy the shared memory object. Consider the following sequence of updater processes A, B, and C

  1. A: Shared memory foo does not exist. Create the shared memory object.
  2. A: Creates and acquires the mutex lock in shared memory.
  3. B: Shared memory foo exists. Open the existing shared memory object.
  4. A: Release the mutex lock and shm_unlink “foo”. Note: Process B can still use the shared memory until it closes it. Future attempts to open foo will fail with ENOENT. foo can be recreated.
  5. C: Shared memory foo does not exist. Create the shared memory object.
  6. B: Acquire the mutex lock in shared memory.
  7. C: Creates and acquires the mutex lock in shared memory.

In the sequence above, unlinking the shared memory created a situation in which processes B and C are able to hold the lock simultaneously. Thus, by design, the updater uses a leaky mutex in shared memory. The leak occurs once per system per updater branding and is around 40 bytes.

Persistent Storage

The updater is installed to subdirectories of /opt/ for system-scope installations and ~/.local for user-scope. Subdirectory naming is determined by updater branding. E.g. an unbranded user-scope updater will be installed to ~/.local/Chromium/ChromiumUpdater. The installation directory will contain subdirectories for each installed updater version and data files.


The updater needs to perform HTTP GET and POST requests for device management and communication with the Omaha servers. Implementations of the network fetcher on Mac and Windows use os-provided HTTP stacks. However no such service exists on Linux. Instead, the updater is dynamically linked against libcurl. Using //net would have been preferable to reduce external dependencies, however using it outside of the browser is infeasible and linking against it would dramatically increase binary size.

Libcurl is widely used, and we expect it to be present on most systems, however we might consider statically linking against libcurl in the future.



Each updater exposes two Mojo IPC interfaces: UpdateService and UpdateServiceInternal. Client processes will create interface proxies, which instantiate mojo::Remote objects. Server processes will create interface stubs, which instantiate mojo::Receiver objects.

Callbacks provided by callers of the proxy will be wrapped by mojo::WrapCallbackWithDefaultInvokeIfNotRun to ensure that client processes don’t become deadlocked if a connection is dropped.

In the UpdateService class definition, some RPC calls expect two callback methods: one to signal completion and another to post state change updates. However, Mojo only allows messages to be replied to once. Instead, a StateChangeObserver Mojo interface has been created with two messages: OnStateChange and OnComplete. The server will respond to such RPC calls with a StateChangeObserver pending receiver. The client can then bind this pending receiver to receive the two callback types.

Client proxies handle the StateChangeObserver as an implementation detail, allowing callers to provide two callback methods. Internally, a StateChangeObserverImpl forwards IPC calls to the native callbacks using mojo::MakeSelfOwnedReceiver. This binds the lifetime of the observer to the lifetime of the receiver. Thus, when the remote is dropped by the server, the observer is free’d in the client.


The Mojo library provides an invitation API for connecting two processes and establishing a Mojo Remote/Receiver pair between them. However, as described in the Mac section above, to allow a server process to continuously post invitations for clients to receive, additional tooling was required.

The NamedMojoIpcServer component provides a helper to allow the server process to handle multiple concurrent IPCs coming through a Mojo NamedPlatformChannel.

On Linux, NamedPlatformChannel is a Unix domain socket. Socket files for IPC are located in the base install directory. Each updater version creates a versioned socket file which will be used for binding the UpdateServiceInternal interface. The active version of the updater obtains exclusive listening rights to an unversioned socket file, which is used for binding the UpdateService interface.

The NamedMojoIpcServer for UpdateService is configured to provision two different implementations depending on the caller’s permissions. If the caller has the same UID as the server, a full implementation is provided. Otherwise, an “untrusted” stub is returned which only allows for certain RPCs (GetVersion, GetAppStates, Update) while returning an error code for all others.

Managing out-of-process services

The client-server architecture of O4 was predicated on os-provided subsystems (e.g. COM, and previously on XPC on macOS) for starting and managing the lifetime of out-of-process services. On Linux there is no universal system for managing daemons. However, systemd is widely used and required by many of the standard distributions (e.g. Debian, Arch Linux, Fedora, Ubuntu (after 16.10), and others cannot run without systemd).

The updater service will be managed by systemd. When an updater is promoted, it installs two systemd “units” to the user or system directory, depending on installation scope. The first is a service definition which registers the non side-by-side launcher (a hard link to a versioned updater executable placed in the base install directory). The second is a socket which can be used to activate the service. The activation socket file is in the same directory as the updater launcher.

Thus, clients will be able to connect to the out-of-process server by 1) attempting to connect to the updater socket and 2) connecting to the activation socket if (1) fails. The advantage of a socket-activated design is that a non-privileged user may connect to the activation socket which requests systemd to start the update service as the appropriate user.

The server will manage its own lifetime by stopping when there are no active tasks and a duration of inactivity is experienced.

The UpdateServiceInternal process can be started by clients by running the launcher executable directly. It is not managed or activated by systemd.